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- Taken, by Ann Shaughnessy, from Obituary found in a box at Charlie's
Henry Brolyer, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Marshallcounty, dies at his home north of this place, March 23, 1902. Mr.Brolyer was born in Sandusky, Ohio, February 11, 1836, where he remaineduntil seventeen years of age, when he moved to Wabash, Indiana, andthere, October 27, 1861 married Miss Nancy Jane Hubbard, the now bereftwidow. Nearly two decades ago he settled at what is now the old homenear this place where he has reared a family of eight children, all ofwhom are living. He was an exceedingly strong man in his youth and hishealth had been comparatively good until seven years ago, having receivea fall which fractured his hip, since which time his health has beengradually declining. A few days ago an attack of apoplexy proved toomuch for the broken constitution. The wide circle of relatives mourn theloss, but not alone for the deceased had officiated with God's peoplesince 1858 and is ever to be remembered as a noble, honest, andenergetic man.