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- Obituary - Provided by Lila Brolyer Williams
Nancy Jane Hubbard, daughter of Samuel and Nancy Jane GlydewellHubbard, was born in Fayette County, Indiana, Dec. 12, 1941 and died inAxtell, Kans., Aug. 26, 1935.
When a small child she, with her father and step-mother, came toWabash county, Ind., at which place she was united in marriage with HenryBrolyer Oct. 27, 1861. The family came to Kansas in Sept. 1884 whichplace has since been her home.
She united with Christian Church in early girlhood and has been veryloyal to the church of her choice the rest of her life, being a chartermember of the church at Mina when it was organized.
Her husband and two children preceded her in death, her husband inMarch 1902, Charles S Brolyer in Feb. 1922, and Ella, Mrs. R.H. Bryan, inNov. 1915. The surviving children are Nannie, Mrs. John Carney, O.G.Brolyer of Dunning, Neb.; Laura, Mrs. James Shaughnessy; E.D. Brolyer ofMarysville; Rose, Mrs. Venzel Kabriel; and E.H. Brolyer of Alta Vista,Kansas. Also one half brother, Cell Hubbard of Roann, Ind., a number ofgrandchildren, and great, great grandchildren.
She, having made her home with her children for a number of years,will be greatly missed by those to whom she was near and dear. She hadlived to the great age of 93 years, 8 months and 3 days. Dear mother,may your rest be sweet and your slumbers peaceful.
The services were conducted by the Rev. C.W. Hilderbrant of theChristian Church of Marysville, assisted by Rev. A Ramirez of thePresbyterian Church of Axtell. Pallbearers were her grandsons. She waslaid to rest by the side of her husband in Fairland Cemetery.
The out of town relatives attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.Ora Newcomer, Marion, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Brolyer and daughter,Alta Vista, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Brolyer, Marysville; Mr. and Mrs.Earl Blakesley and Mr. and Mrs. Vance Kabriel, Summerfield; Mr. and Mrs.Athur Fenton, Wheaton; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stueve, Beattie; and Mr. andMrs. Eber Swanson, Rantoul, Kansas.
Card of Thanks
We hearby desire to express our thanks and appreciation to thefriends and neighbors for the kindness shown us in our recentbereavement, the death of beloved mother, the late Mrs. Nancy JaneBrolyer. We especially wish to thank those who contributed the flowers,for the singing and the words of comfort. Your kindness will ever beremembered.
The Children