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- He is on the Tax list of Southampton Co., VA:
1798 1 Male, 2 Slaves, 3 Horses
A Randall Reese receives 229 acres from Joseph (grandfather's) estate
1799 2 Slaves, 3 Horses
1800 Personal Property and Land
1801 Personal Property and Land
1802 Sally is Taxed
His estate is settled in Southampton Co., VA in 1814
Son, Anslem and wife, Sally are the administrators on his estate.
Children are receiving land in 1817 from Sally's estate.
Chancery Court suit in Southampton Co., VA November 1828 Court, heirs of Sally Reese, deceased, formerly Sally Harris, daughter of Joel Harris are named:
Harris Reese
Redmond Reese
John Reese
Howell Reese
Charity Reese
Arthur Adams and Betsey his wife
Sally and Norfleet Ivy
Infant children of heirs of Polly Ivey, deceased who was Polly Reese, by George Ivy.
*(Anselum, died in 1824 leaving no issue)
THE SOUTHSIDE VIRGINIAN, Vol. II, Jan, 1984. p. 69.
Unrecorded Southhampton Deeds.
D.7 March 1807. Arthur Adams and w. Elizabeth to Thomas Applewhite 72 pounds 15 shillings. 97 acres adj. Sally Reese, Jno. Grizzard, John Adams, Rivers Reese, dec. witn. Charles B. Nicolson, Hamlin Harris, Henry Barrow. Docket: May 1807 by 2 wit. and cont'd. Attached to above deed is another between same parties and on same date. &72 pounds 15 shillings 24 a being his wife's portion of land of Randolph Reese, dec. Same witn.