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- It is actually quite difficult to determine if Robert's father was this Thomas or others have him as the son of Thomas' father: Robert. Due to the age, I am linking him here.
British Roots of Maryland Families II (pg 207) list the children of Robert Sorrell b abt 1618 and married to Rebecca Woodard as: Robert, Jr. b abt 1644; Thomas b 1647; John, settled in Essex Co., Va and d 1700, m Dorcas White ; and Edward who settled in Essex Co., VA.
A Robert Sorrell was a headright of Benjamin Harrison 1637 (Va. History Mag., Vol 6, p. 160)
A Robert SORRELL came over in "The Blessing" in 1635. He had a wife and one son, James, 1 1/2 years old. His wife was Susan. They came with William Benjamin Harrison and had land grants in Maryland and the families were of much importance. (Letter from Florence Reed Gantt to a cousin: Mr. M. P. SORRELL in Sparta, TN)
He was the third son of Robert SORRELL and he was transported to VA by Benjamin Harrison, who received a grant of land for his passage, grant dated 18 May 1637. (Richmond, VA Archives Department)
18 May 1637 David Vaughan Tr James City Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Va. Land Patents & Grants, 1623 - 1800, By Nugent.. Vol. 1. Benjamin Harrison, 60 Acres, S. of the riv. About 1 ½ mi. up the upper Chippokes Cr. Upon the Ely. Side neare land graunted unto Jerimiah Clements, bounding upon Ely side of a Sw. Over against Sandy point. 500 acres due by order of Ct. 3 Jun 1635 and; also due with 100 acrea for trans. Of 12 pers:. Robert Sorrell, Thomas Essington, Richard James, Richard Court, Hen. Bagly, Humphry Campton, Mathew Hauton, Jjohn Resburye, David Vaughan, Mary ___, Mathew Rayson, Christopher Hargrave. Pat. Bk 1 Part 1, P.420 56
In 1639 brought Seth Briggs. (Richmond VA Archives)
Patent Book 3 274 Cavaliers and Pioneers. Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666, Vol. I:
A Robert and John Sorrell were headrights of Thomas Wright of Lower Norfolk who patented land there in 1647. Francis Fleetwood used three of Thomas Wright's headrights for patenting land in lower Norfolk in 1652, including Robert and John Sorrell (C. P. 166, 274) These traded headrights may have been those of Robert and his young son, John Sorrell, who were returning from England.
The importation recorded by Greer:
John Sorrell, 1652, by Thomas Fleetwood, Lower Norfolk Co., VA;
Robert Sorrell, 1652, by Thomas Fleetwood, Lower Norfolk Co., VA;
John Sorrell, 1647, by Thomas Wright, Lower Norfolk Co., VA;
Robert Sorrell, 1647, by Thomas Wright, Lower Norfolk Co., VA;
Robert Sorrell, 1653, by Richary Carey;
Robert Sorrell, 1651, by Thomas Keeling, Lower Norfolk Co., VA;
William Sorrell of Elizabeth City Co., VA, 1643, by Edward Murfey.
10 Apr, 1651Robert patented 800 acres in James City, VA. The 800 acres "Being an island within Warrany Creek Bounded S. by E. towards land of Edward Cole, N towards land of Edward Cole, N towards Joyner's Neck, S towards the mouth of said creek and E towards the land of Bennett Freeman for the tranportation of two persons. " Vid County Court Booke" (C. P. 212) (L. Gr., b.2, p. 310). The County records have been destroyed, but the two persons may have been himself and wife Rebecca.
1653 He brought Richard Todmen to VA in 1653, also brought Robert Powell and Katherine Mutton and Richard Downing, Nicholas Clenner and Toby Bradley at the same date.
1653 Robert Sorrell patented 700 acres of land in James City, November 20, 1653, "on the Southernmost Branch of Warrany Creek next to Henry Soanes" ( C. P. 240) (L. Gr., b.3, p. 26)
1653 Sorrell, Robert. Publication 20 November 1653. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Note Location: County location not given. Description: 700 acres on the southermost branch of Warreny Creek: beg.g att a south westermost tree of Mr. Soanes’s land. Source: Land Office Patents No. 3, 1652-1655, p. 26 (Reel 2). The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia. Subject - Personal Sorrell, Robert. grantee.
1657 On the 2nd of Sept. 1657 Robert Sorrell purchased William Davis, a servant, from Col. Thomas Swann, for 2,000 lbs. of live pork. Robert, in referring to Davis’ freedom he said: “ William, if thou wilt be ruled by me, I will prescribe to thee one that will plead thy cause and ask thee for nothing," and withal nominated Mr. Morryson. (b. Surry Co., Vol. I,-117)
1662-3 Daniel Parke patented 528 acres of land in James City Co., on the west side of Rickahock path on the cart path that goes from Mr. Sorrell's to Mr. Baker', adjoining Col. Pettus, and part that goes to Chickahominy Gate, adjoining Mr. Sorrell's, the said land was assigned to said Parke by Christopher Harris, and the residue sold and assigned to him by Mr. Robert Sorrell Mch. 23, 1662-3 (L. Gr., b. 5, p 275).
The Land Patents For James City County, Book 6: page 170 Thomas Maples & Wm Hichman, 536 acres, James City Co. on the branches of Warrany Creek to ... to a corner stooping marked white oak standing near Mr. Sorrells path then...
Pg. 586 Theo. Hone, Jr. & Tho Hone 736 the land of Wm. a corner stooping m'rked white oak standing neere Mr. Sorrells pathe thence...
Pg 690 Mr. Henry Harwell, 736 a stooping white oake standing neare Mr. Sorrells path thence...
James City County: Keystone of the Commonwealth: Land near Diascund Creek changed hands frequently, usually because would-be patentees failed to seat the acreage they claimed. Among those who patented-and retained-substanitial quantities of land within the Diascund Creek drainage were Sir John Ayton, Edward Cowles, William Edwards, Robert Sorrell, and the Rev. Thomas Hampton.
Most of those who lived within the Chickahominy River basin were middling planters and yeoman farmers, not members of the planter elite.
Local Cases aired before the general court: The justices ordered William May and Richard Lawrence to investigate a dispute between Robert Sorrell and Thomas Fallard involving some of the late John Newell's property.
Robert Sorrel, Andrew Reader, Gabriel Harper, William Drummond, George Proctor, Thomas Hye, John Pittman, Mathew Collins, Ralph Deane, William Fisher, and surveyor James Minge, who were residents of James City County, brought personal disputes to the General Court during the mid-to-late seventeenth century.
Alexander Kerr of James City County sought to acquire some acreage on Warrany Creek, which he claimed was escheat land that Thomas Green of Gloucester had had surveyed but failed to patent; investigation revealed, howere, that the property Kerr wanted was "overplus"or excess acreage included in a neighboring patent that belonged to Robert Sorrell.
Dec 22, 1669 Robert Sorrell of Chiakhominy in James City County sold to Martin Collins of York County 497 acres purchased of John Hommwood, who purchased it of John Hamlett, who acquired it of Richard Hamlett, who patented the land Dec 22, 1669. (York, Vol. 4, 338)
7 Jan 1681 There is a certificate in the State of VA library that denotes Robert Sorrell and the loss of a horse while in the King's service dated 7 Jan 1681. "Contains the certificate of Robert Sorrell for the loss of his horse which was impressed in the service of the king in 1680. The certificate is signed by George Lyddall, magistrate." (Virginia (Colony), Colonial Papers, Certificate, 1681 Jan. 7. Accession 36138. State government records collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Va. 23219.)
Feb 20,1682 He was one of Berkeley’s adherents and fell “in his Majesty’s service before James City." This was in Bacon’s siege of Jamestown. (Journals of the House of Burgess: The General Court ordered Feb 20,1682, that “Rebecca Sorrel, the widow of Captain Robert Sorrell, who was lately killed in his Majesty’s service, and his estate since plundered and taken away by the Rebels, be allowed out of the public levy 40,000 lbs., tbco., and what of her goods can be found be returned to her.” (J.B. 1682)
The only known child of Capt. Robert and Rebecca was John Sorrell mentioned in the will of John’s son, Thomas Sorrell, dated January 12, 1725. Thomas bequeathed to his son James Sorrell “the land in James City County which my honored father John Sorrell devised to me.”
16 Feb 1689 (29th year of Charles II) It is ordered that Rebecca Sorrell, the widow of Capt. Robert Sorrell who was laterly killed in his Majesty's service, estate plundered, taken away by the rebels, be allowed out of the Publilc levy, four thousand pounds of tobacco & aske, and what of her goods can be found be rturned to her. (Journal of the House of Burgesses)
There MIGHT be another son name William Sorrell of Elizabeth City. Wills and Administrations of Elizabeth City County, Virginia 1688-1800: Inventory of his estate signed by his wife Sarah Sorrell was filed there Dec 18,1689. Division of the estate gives a part to Sarah Sorrell, widow; to John Sorrell at Mr. Needhams; to George Sorrell; to William and Thomas Sorrell at John Naylor’s. John Naylor and Edward Lattimore (Could this be Larrimore?); to Elizabeth Sorrell at Mr. Johnsons; to William and Thomas Sorrell at John Naylor’s. John Naylor and Edward Lattymore ordered to return and account of the estates of the orphans of William Sorrell, September 11, 1693. (O.B. 1689-99. P 9-119-124-129) John Naylor, in his will dated September 29,1694, probated Oct 10, 1694, gives a legacy to Thomas and William Sorrell.
Wills and Administrations of Elizabeth City County, Virginia 1688-1800:
William Sorrell. Administration of the estate to granted to James Holloway. Appraisers appointed, Simon Hollier, William Marshall, William Dunn, and William Copeland. Nov 17, 1725. Order Book 1723-29, pg 136. Appraisal by William Copeland, William Marshall, William Dunn. Mar 15, 1725 Account of estate, audited by Robert Armistead and Charles Jenings. November 22, 1729. Book 1704-30, pg. 30 p 149. (This may be when Sarah died.)
Next Edward Sorrell of James City Co., VA who on June 10, 1703, with his wife Alice, “executrix of the will of Benjamin Goodrich, gent., late of said county, decd. “made a deed to land in James City adjoining Mr. Sorrell and Mr. Hamlette.
Virginia Colonial Abstracts: Book 8, page. 324: John Young, Jas. City Co., 376 acres, beginning at a corner hiccory of Mr. Robert Sorrell and Mathew Collins, thence by the said Collins his line an old corner Spanish oake neare a branch of Warrany, thence East by North...The said 376 acres of land was formerly granted unto James Bray and Thomas Hancock by patent, 18 Apr 1671, and by them deserted, and is since granted to the said John Young by order of the Generall Court, at James City, 25 Oct 1693, and is further due by and for Improtation of 8 psons. 20 Apr 1694 James Pollard, Thomas Graves, Tho. Ffalk, Jane Ffalk, John Jones, Mary Sorrell, Sarah Hannot. Signed E. Andros.
Book 11, page 317: Thomas Green of Gloucester Co., 801 acres, in the Middle Branch of Warrany in Jas. City Co. ...571 acres part of the said land being suprlus land found within the bounds of a patent granted to one Robert Sorrell, 20 Nov. 1653, for 700 acres and the residue being parcel of 700 acres the right whereof is vested in the said green by Diverse Mesine conveyances. 5 Aug 731.
From: Janet's site:
Children: 1. Capt. Robert Sorrell born: 21 May 1618 in Greater Waltham, Essex, England died: 1682 in Jamestown, Virginia m’d 1643 Nov 22 Rebecca Woodward of Great Dunmow, Essex.
(Robert SORRELL Birth: 1615 Writtle, Essex, England Father: Robert SORRELL Mother: Mary EVERARD Robert Misc: Abt. 1601 Waltham, Essex, England Father: Robert SORRELL Mother: Mary EVERARD SORRELL Christening: 11 Jul 1622 Great Waltham, Essex, England Marriage: 22 Nov 1643 Great Dunmow, Essex, England Spouse: Rebecca WOODWARD. From the LDS Church records)
Capt Robert's wife was Rebecca Woodward born: abt 1620 in Great Dunmow, Essex, England.died: Father: John Woodward Mother: Alice Garrold born: April 1594 in Little Yeldham, Essex, England died: Alice father was Peter Garrauld born: 4 August 1558 in Ovington, Essex, England died: wife unknown. Peter father was John Garrauld Mother: Agnes John father was born: abt 1519 in Ovington, Essex, England died: 22 September 1558 Occupation: Butcher Peter siblings were 1. John Garrauld; 2. Elizabeth Garrauld; 3. Henry Garrauld; 4. John Garrauld; 5. Robert Garrauld; 6. Margaret Garrauld; and 7. Peter Garrauld
Capt. Robert and Rebecca child;
1. John Sorrell born: abt 1646 in Essex, England died: 1700 John's wife was Anna Breechin born: died: before 1725 Father: Rev. James Breechin Mother: Sarah Crawford. In Rev James Breechin will John is mention as James. The Thomas mention in Rev. James Breechin will is John and Ann Brechin Sorrell’s son.
Westmoreland County, Virginia Wills, 1654-1800
Rev James Breechin will date 19 October 1721; 6 April 1722.
My late wife Ann; sons William and James land at falls of Potomac; to Mr. John Rele 50 acres; to Dennis Lynsey 100 acres of land; to Thomas Poindexter 300 acres of land; dau Anna and Jane land; to James and Anna Sorrell 1 hogshead tobacco each; Kinsman Thomas Sorrel a mourning ring; wife and Capt. George Turbrville exrs., the latter to have a mourning ring; wife Sarah personal estate.
From "The Rucker Family Genealogy, compiled by Sudie Rucker Wood, Richmond, VA Old Dominion Press, Inc. MCMXXXIII, page 476: The following may be sons of Robert Sorrell:
1. Martin Sorrell
2. John Sorrell
3. Edward Sorrell
1. Martin Sorrell was granted 280 acres of land in James City Co., Williamson Parish, being the plantation whereon he now lives, extending to a branch of Timber Swamp to Col. Duckes, near his house, to a road dividing his land from Mr. Ballard's to Mr. Sorrell's corner, to Richard Hamlett's, to Martin Sorrell's (L. Gr., b. 10, p 249, 1710-19).
2. John Sorrell lived and died in James City Co., VA, two of his sons moved to Westmoreland Co. 1. Thomas Sorrell (The deputy Clerk of Westmoreland) 2. John Sorrell (James City Co., married to Anna Erwin)
3. Edward Sorrell "Deed in James City Co., with wife Alice.
The first county government in America was formed in 1634 at James City, Virginia. Soon the Commonwealth of Virginia boasted eight counties, with many more added throughout Virginia’s colonial history. The colony’s western border was undefined; in theory, at least, Virginia extended to the Pacific Ocean. Likewise, when King Charles II established Carolina in 1663 he granted it a charter covering the region “from the Atlantic to the South Seas.”
Westmoreland Co., VA was formed July 1653 from the northern area of Northumberland. It was named after the county in England. A portion of King George County was added later. The county includes three districts: Cople, Washington and Montross.
The early Sorrell family of Westmoreland is rather well documented. John Boddie's books on early Virginia are a good place to start. Historical Southern Families and Southside Families comes to mind.
Anne Sorrell, daughter of Thomas Sorrell and Elizabeth Ocanny married Samuel Earle. Anne died in 1748. Thomas Sorell of Westmoreland died c1726 and left a will. His father was a John Sorrell and his grandfather was Robert Sorrell.
Robert Sorrell was the original Sorrell of this line in this country and died in Bacon's rebellion in 1682. Robert's marriage record is a bit hazy. He may have married Rebecca Hockaday on 20 Jan 1670. He did have a wife named Rebecca as she was named in Court papers after Robert's death. He also may have married Rebecca Woodward in England. Which Rebecca was the wife, no one seems to definitively know.
Surrey County, v. 1, p 117, 2 of 7 brought, 1657. Robert Sorrell purchased William Davis from Col. Thomas Swann for 2,000 pounds of live pork. In referring to said Davis' freedom he said, "William, if though wilt be ruled by me, I will prescribe one to thee that will plead thy cause and ask thee nothing", and withal nominat4ed Mr. Marryson.
York county, v. 4, p. 338, Dec 22, 1669: Robert Sorrell of Chickahominy in James City county sold to Martin Collins of York County, 497 acres purchased of John Holmwood, who purchased it of John Hamlett who acquired it of Richard Hamlett who patented it.
Land Grants, 1662/3, v. 5, p. 275: To Captain Daniel Parke 528 acres of land in James City County on west side of Rickahock Path on the east path that goes from Mr. Sorrell's to Mr. Baker's adjoining Col. Pettus and part that goes to Chickahominy Gate adjoing Mr. Sorrell. The said land sold and assigned to the said Parke by Chr. Harris, and the residue sold and assigned to him by Mr. Robert Sorrell, March 24, 1662-3.
In the troubled times of Bacon's Rebellion, which did not end with his death in 1676 and in the tobacco ward of 1680-1-2, at some time Robert Sorrell was killed and his estate plundered. On Feb. 20, 1682, the House of Burgesses at Greene Spring, among a number of relief measures for widows of those killed "in his Majesties service before James City", etc. It is ordained that Rebecca Sorrell, the widow of Captain Robert Sorrell.
"Robert emigrated into the James River area of Jamestown in the middle of the 1600s. Thomas, his grandson, who was the father of your Ann, moved from the James into Westmoreland in the Northern neck of Virginia and became the County Clerk and is found all over Westmoreland records in his official capacity. Let me know if I can be of any more help. I am always suspicious of written material such as Boddie but I have done enough personal research on the Westmoreland and James River Sorrell families to believe he pretty much has it right."- Dale Mueller