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- McDougald (MacDougall) as a surname is widespread in Argyllshire,Scotland. The clan is descended from Dugald, son of Somerled of theIsles (14th century). There have been McDougalds for many centuries onJura, an island of the Hebrides off the coast of Argyll. With the end ofthe clan wars in the mid-seventeenth century, cattle raising became thechief occupation on Jura, but a hundred years later sheep raising tookover, depleting the land and forcing many out of work. Emigration toNorth America and the Caribbean almost depopulated the island. In 1739,the first shipload of Scots from Argyll came to the lower Cape Fear Riverarea in North Carolina. During the next 30 years several groups camefrom Jura with land grants from the English Kings George II and III. Mostof these Scots were loyal to, and fought from, the Crown during theRevolutionary War. By court order in May 1777, many were forced fromtheir homes, going to Nova Scotia, the West Indies, or farther west intoTennessee, Georgia, and Alabama. Some remained in North Carolina, andlater several of these families came to Gibson County, Tennessee, soonafter it was established. Among this group were brothers Alexander andDaniel McDougald, born 1810 and 1811, respectively. They arrived inGibson County along with other relatives between 1825 and 1830, settlingin what became the Gibson Wells and Brazil communities. When ZionPresbyterian Church at Brazil was organized in October, 1831, theirfather, Allen McDougald, Sr., and John Frierson were founding elders.