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- John George Waggoner and Sarah (Sally) Ingle, daughter of Paulser Ingle, had children:
1) Caterine Waggoner who married David Yount
2) Stokley Waggoner, b. c. 1812, m. Susan (Waggoner)Issue:
1) Sarah, age 2, 1850 Census
2) Henry, age 8/12David Waggoner, a nephew of John George Waggoner and Sarah Ingle had children:
1)Elizabeth who m. Richard Smith
2) John Waggoner m. Sophia (Waggonr)?
3) Manerva Waggoner m. John R. Ferguson
4) Abbegail Waggoner, m. William Campbell
5) Sarah Ann Waggoner, m. John F. SmithJohn F. Smith was a brother to Richard Smith, who m. ElizabethWaggoner.
Sarah and Elizabeth were sisters. Sisters m. brothers. David Waggoner and Sarah Ingle, dau. of Paulser Ingle, moved from Lincoln Co, TN, to MO, about 1831.
The question here is the name Wansley. We find a Wamsley who married into the Paulser Ingle family who was later found in Mississippi - Floyd H. Lawson
The following from Neil O'Hara:Floyd: Thanks for your Help. quite a quick response. I have quite a bit more data on her family which is listed below. I sure would appreciate something similar on Paulser Ingle and his children. I have found a few references suggesting that Paulser came to America to fight for England ,apparently you don't agree. I assume you have a copy of his military record, great. This is my wife's family Sarah Ingle is her gggrandmother. The line goes thru her son John Waggoner and his wife Sophia Langdon. Best Regards Neil O'Hara 217 Lamont Ct Vallejo CA 94591
Descendants of Sarah "Sally" Ingle" Generation No. 1
SARAH "SALLY" Ingle Daughter of Paulser and Mrs Ingle was born Abt. 1790 in South Carolina, and died Abt. 1833 in Callaway County Missouri. She married(1) JOHN GEORGE WAGGONER Abt. 1812 in Tennessee, son of JACOB WAGGONER and CATHERINE YOUNTS. He was born October 20, 1784 in Rowan County North Carolina, and died 1815 in Lincoln County Tennessee.
She married (2) DAVID WAGGONER Abt. 1816 in Lincoln County Tennessee, son of JOHN WAGGONER and ANNA LOPP. He was born 1793 in Rowan County North Carolina, and died April 04, 1868 in Callaway County Missouri.
Inventory of George Waggoner deceased recorded August 27 1815,Lincoln County Tennessee. Estate settled March 13, 1816. Amount in possession of Sarah Waggoner , widow of George Waggoner deceased recorded 13 March 1816. Waggoner's were among the first settlers on Mulberry Creek, Lincoln County Tennessee, about 1810.
Lincoln County Deed Book "G" page 448 Jacob Waggoner says that he purchased of Edy, Sussanah and Jane their shares of 244 acres of land formerly the property of George Waggoner deceased, which they claimed as his heirs in law, and that other heirs of Said George Waggoner deceased ,that is Mathias, Catherine and Stokeley Waggoner had notice if his application to the court.
Children of SARAH INGLE and JOHN George WAGGONER are:
STOKELEY D.3 WAGGONER, b. Abt. 1813, Lincoln County Tennessee;d. Bef. December 03, 1864, Callaway County Missouri; m. SUSAN ........WAGGONER; b.1824.
CATHERINE "CATY" WAGGONER, b. Abt. 1815, Lincoln County Tennessee; d.January 25, 1846, Callaway County Missouri; m. DAVID YOUNT,December 12,1833, Callaway County Missouri; b. 1807; d. May 06, 1842, Callaway County Missouri.:
ELIZABETH "ELIZA" WAGGONER, b. March 17, 1817, Lincoln County Tennessee; d.May 14, 1858, Callaway County Missouri; m. RICHARD SMITH, March15, 1835,Callaway County, Missouri; b. Abt. 1812. Elizabeth and her sister Sarah married brothers, Richard and John F. Smith. Marriage record says Richard Smith of Cooper County M JOHN WAGGONER, b. 1821, Lincoln County Tennessee; d. Abt. 1881, Hoehne Las Amimas County Colorado; m. SOPHIA LANGDON, Abt. 1846, Callaway County Missouri; b. 1828, Tennessee; d. Abt. 1879, Hoehne Las Amimas County Colorado.
MINERVA WAGGONER, b. 1823, Callaway County Missouri; d. March07, 1890,Callaway County Missouri,obituary Callaway Weekly Gazette; m.JOHN R.FERGUSON; b. Abt. 1830; d. June 03, 1904, Callaway County Missouri, obituary Callaway Weekly Gazette.
ABIGAIL WAGGONER, b. 1830, Lincoln County Tennessee; m. WILLIAM T. CHAPPEL, March 08, 1853, Callaway County, Missouri; b. Abt.1827.Marriage Book B Callaway County
MOSARAH A WAGGONER, b. 1832, Callaway County Missouri; d. March05, 1908,Callaway County Missouri,obituary Callaway Weekly Gazette.; m.JOHN F SMITH,September 10, 1847, Callaway County, Missouri; b. Abt. 1830. Hesays he isfrom Cooper County MO
Notes on David Waggoner>From "Waggoner Yount Odyssey " He moved to Lincoln CountyTennessee with his parents and grew up there.He moved to Callaway County Missouri about 1831.1840 U S Census of Cedar township Calloway County Missouri. David Wagner Calloway Co. 202 Cootesan. Dan Wagner Calloway Co. 202 Cootesan Looks like David and Dan were farming in the same area of Missouri. Mathias Waggoner also lived near them in Calloway County Missouri in 1840.
Thefamily also included Jacob Waggoner's son of David and Daniel's brother,John, who diedin 1828. Jacob moved to Stokes County Missouri by 1850In 1850 Census David , John, Stokely and Mathias Waggoner live next to one another, list numbers 963, 965 and 966, Person 964 lives on David'sproperty. Stokley is the son of George Waggoner and Sarah Ingle Waggoner,David's step son and Nephew. Mathias is 41 years of age, he is the son of George Waggoner and Alice Williams.The Oldham Sisters said that their grandfather John Waggoner went to Anderson County Texas with or to be with his uncle Dan Waggoner.Following up on this lead I found Dan Waggoner listed in the 1850 Anderson CountyTexas Census. Living with his family, his children were born in Missouri and Mary Waggoner, age 76, lived with them. logically she is his mother, born in North Carolina.
David's Death date is the Probate date. Bond for $14,000 was made on behalf of his estate. Margery A Waggoner, his widow, was Administrator. Also in the same file were papers for G.H.Trigg as Administrator. Lega lheirs were Margery A Waggoner,-widow, Sarah Trigg, Abigail Chappell, John Waggoner, Elizabeth Smith, and Manerva Ferguson. Callaway County History written 1884 mentions the Waggoner family of Cedar Township. It says" the eldest was a Jacob of Rowan County NC who married a miss Yount.
Their son George who married Alice Williams of NC and these two had Edward, Susan and Martha. Then Alice died George remarried Sarah Ingle and had Catherine and Stokeley. The family moved to Cedartownship between1828 and 1831."
A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri by William S Bryan and Robert Rose, Published by Genealogical Publishing CO, in 1977 says. "Wagoner--Jacob Wagoner, of Roan County NC married a miss Zount,and they had a son George, who married Alice Williams of North Carolina, and settled in Tennessee. They had Edward, Susan, Jane and Martha.
Mr Wagoner was married again after the death of his first wife, to Sarah Ingle. by whom he had Catherine and Stockeley. All of this family settled in CallawayCounty from1828 to 1831."More Complications on David's family . According to Lewis Vaughn" John Waggoner Jr. (David's brother) died in 1828 leaving a young family , his widow died about six years later. When David moved to Missouri, about 1831,he took his nephew Jacob , John's son, with him. In the 1840 Callaway Census Young Jacob was listed with his uncle Daniel and his grandmotherMary. However at some point David was appointed his guardian, for he was discharged from his guardianship 7 May 1844. Shortly before on 21 March 1844, in Cole County Missouri Jacob Waggoner married ElizabethYount.