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- There are two Drury Richardsons in 1850 Lincoln County. They are father and son. The father Drury was married to Priscilla Prosser. He was born in 1795. Their son Drury, born in 1831, married Mary Jane Wade. I don't know which Drury you mean having the close bond with James Prosser, but the younger Drury had a sister Frances Richardson.
So, the parents of this Frances Richardson, born in 1835, were the elder Drury Richardson and Priscilla Prosser. I have Frances married to William Epps, but since she is collateral to my line, I do not have any more information on her and this marriage could be wrong, or she could also have married your James Prosser either before or after Epps.
Their ages would be a clue. Certainly her mother being a Prosser would tie the families closely together.With regard to John Richardson, the elder Drury Richardson had a brother John (who thus would have been the uncle of Frances). Both were sons of William Richardson who died in 1805 in Moore County. I have this John Richardson born about 1793 and died about 1830, married to Susannah Dowd. If these dates are even approximately correct, Drury's brother John cannot be either of the John Richardsons in the 1850 census data you quote. However, the proximity of two Richardson families in Subdivision 2 of Lincoln County in 1850 is more than intriguing:
In residence #479, Drury Richardson, 50, farmer, illit. born NC;
wife Priscilla [Prosser], 40, no occ, illit, born NC and the following
children, all born Tenn and "attend school":
Drury, 19, farmer;
Frances (female), 15;
James, 14;
Jackson, 12;
Joel, 8.
[So, Frances Richardson was born about 1835.]
In residence #480, William [The elder Drury's son and the younger's brother], 26, farmer;
Nancy [Raney], 25, no occ, illiterate;
Thomas, 1; all born Tenn.
[This Thomas is my maternal grandfather.]
While it is conceivable that the 41-year-old John A. Richardson in residence #596 could be the brother of the 50-year-old Drury Richardson in residence #479 and my dates for John are wrong, it seems unlikely. It can be conjectured that the 84-year-old John Richardson in that same residence is the father of the 41-year-old. If that is the case, then this is another line, because the father of my Drury and John is William Richardson (1763-1805).
In any case, your position that the information you found regarding a John A. Richardson confuses the one in Lincoln County with James A. Richardson in Jasper County, Texas is very likely to be correct.As to whether Frances, the wife of James Prosser is the daughter of one Drury Richardson and the sister of the other probably depends on what age James Prosser was. What does the 1850 census say about that?