Notes |
- Chronology
1820 Should be in Alabama. Cannot yet find his father.
1830 Not in his mother's household.
1836-1838 U.S. Army with Cherokee removal (per family record, however, his Service record indicated action in Florida)
Riley was a drummer, promoted to Drum Major. He served two enlistments, under a Capt John Ellis, and a Capt Powell.
* Riley James, Widow, Selena A., received pension #WA 2474 MO, 2 Nov, 1892, for Florida War Service, TN Volunteers.
1840 In 1840 R. James was a delegate from Sevier County Churches to Tennessee Baptist Association
Riley James was a minister at: Alder Branch Baptist Church
This is from Paul Suratt's website:
Sixth Generation! Ch. of Tyre SARRETT & Sus-An'-Ah' MILLER (Cherokee) Chap.
FName LName b. - d. Married From
1. John, 15 SARRETT c1810-1861 m. c1828 1 Delilah RIDENOUR 9Ch. m. 2 *1845 Nancy Ann LANE, 8Ch. See: Crawford Co., AR.
2. Salena A. SARRETT *1815-1893 m. *1841 Rev. Riley JAMES, 7Ch. Spartanburg Co., SC.
3. James D. SARRETT *1819-1864 m. *1841 Mrs Fannie WATERS HAGGARD 5Ch. Cherokee Nation, TN.
4. Son 3rd. SARRETT c1823-18?? Not Traced! a 7y 1830 Census Cherokee Nation, TN.
5. Elizabeth SARRETT c1824-18?? Not Traced! a35y Robertson Co., TN. Cherokee Nation, TN.
6. Martha SARRETT c1829-18?? Not Traced! a21y in 1860 Census Cherokee Nation, TN.
7. George H. SARRETT c1831-1860 m. c1856 TN. Martha M. MORRIS, 1Ch. Cherokee Nation, TN.
1840 Census, Sevier lists: Susan Suratt as 01012-00111001
There is an extra older male and female, based on the above information.
Salena should have been out of the household.
Riley James and Salena were most likely together in this household, as we know he was living in Sevier Co, TN in 1840.
Unless Paul Suratt proves this wrong, in 1840, Riley James was probably in Susan Surratt's household!!
1846 R. James again was a delegate from Sevier County Churches to Tennessee Baptist Association
1850 Sevier Co, TN, Page 431, Dwelling 627 (Census taken in July)
James, Rily 34 KY
Salena 35 SC
Amanda 12 TN
Susan 8 TN
Martha 6 TN
Rachel 4 TN
Thomas 2 TN
Louisa 3/12 TN
Sevier County Abstracts
08-01-1850 State James, Riley Affray
11-29-1850 State James, Riley Affray 194
11-00-1850 State James, Riley Affray (Duplicate)
Graham, Melser James, Riley Convey Apr 11 1848 H 276
Havis, John T. James, Riley Convey Oct 16 1848 H 310
Havis, John T. James, Riley Convey Jan 1 1851 H 487
1851-52 Riley moved from Sevierville to AR, mostly by flatboat.
Aug 1, 1857, Riley James, land deed, Ar 1000-437, Vol 1000 pg 497 Doc 8437 and 8420
Fayetteville se-se 15-15n-29w, 40 Acres each - Two Parcels
1860... Cannot yet find
1860 Riley OWNED PROPERTY. He probably was in Carroll or Washington County.
An 1860 census record has not been found. Family stories indicate Riley was in Arkansas during the Civil War.
1863 Riley and son, Tom, had to go to the army, and were off to Fayetteville to join the Union army. Tom was a private (15 yrs old!) and Riley became Chaplain in the Enrolled Home Guards. He served Companies "A," "B," and "C"
1870 Census
Riley James in Cedar Co, Madison Township, MO in 1870 - 768-108
James, Riley 54 m farmer KY
Serena 55 f keeping house SC
Thomas J 22 m school TN
Elig or za E 20 f at home TN
Julia A 18 f at home TN
George W 11 m at home TN
CRABTREE, Kittie looks like she is 58 can't make out what she does - TN
RAY, Anna 12 f AR
In 1870, according to Family, Riley moved to Bear Creek, Paintersville, MO
1880 Microfilm Micro-copy T9, Roll No. 680. Ledger page 353
Page No. 4 Supervisor's dist 6 Enumeration dist. 353
Riley 64 Kentucky North Carolina Virginia
Salena 55 South Carolina South Carolina North Carolina
Martha 35 Georgia Kentucky South Carolina
George W. 21 Arkansas Kentucky South Carolina
Riley listed his birthplace as Kentucky in the 1850 census. In 1880 he listed his birth place as North Carolina. The 1820 Kentucky Census has no listing of Riley's father, Thomas, that could be identified.
Also, the original birth date for Riley was 1820 as recorded by Uncle Norman. If my arithematic is correct 1880 - 64 = 1816.
The 1850 census lists Riley's age as 34 which indicates he was born in 1816.
Paul Suratt's website states:
It's been reported [REF:#165] that TYRE SARRETT, left the Spartanburg Dist. of SC. some time before 1800-1809 and met, married, had a child before 1809 in Fayette Co., KY. to the to the 19 year old Miss Sus-An-Ah MILLER; (Cherokee Lady)
Since Susanna Miller Suratt, mother of Salena, (Riley James 2nd wife) was a CHEROKEE, that would explain a couple of things.
First, Susanna went to Sevier County after her husband died, (1835-38) taking her children with her. Sevier County was the heart of the Cherokee Nation.
Second, Perhaps Salena was a cousin to Almanel... via the MATERNAL side.......
Milly Ballard James went to Sevier County after her husband Thomas James died. (1826-28) Of all places, why did she choose a location that was away from anywhere she had ever been? Was she perhaps part Cherokee, too?
John James (Riley's unproven Uncle) went from Chattanooga back to Knoxville about 1825-30, about the same time as Milly & Riley removed from Alabama. John might have hooked up with Riley & Milly, etc, who were only a stone's throw away. John's wife, Nancy, was Cherokee. (Marriage date & place would help.) Were these women related?
John James then went to AR about the time of the Cherokee Removal.