Notes |
- He lived in Chatham Co., NC.
He operated a ferry across the Potomac River near Pack Horse Road in Frederick County, Virginia. That part of Frederick County is now located in Berkley County, West Virginia.
He was appointed constable in Frederick County on 7-13-1744.
Moses was a Regulator.
From the Frederick County Deed Book 1743-1758….8-20-1752….I, William Loftin, have…constituted and appointed my trusty and well beloved Moses Teague my true and lawful attorney….
11-5-1756—Moses bought 484 acres on the south fork of Deep River in Rowan
County, NC.
2-24-1761—grant to Moses Teague for 100 acres on the Potomac River in
Frederick County, VA (now Berkeley County, WV)
Orange County, VA Deed Books 1741-1743
Moses paid 50 pounds for a tract of land on the western side of the Shenandoah River, part of the 40,000 acres ourchased of Jost Hite from Isaaac and John Van Metre on the south side of Hungoluto River (later the Potomac River), the upper end of an island adjoining William Shepherd’s plantation above the wagon road ford on the north side of the wagon road. (now located in Jefferson County, West Virginia)
From Moses Teague and his first wife, Elizabeth Loftin, through their daughter, Isabella Mary Teague who married James Welborn (Wilborn), comes Teague descendant, Barack Obama. Isabella was born about 1742 in Orange County, Virginia and died about 1821 in Monroe, Kentucky. The line of descent goes this way: 1) John Teague, b. abt. 1630, 2) Edward Teague, b. 1660,
3) William Teague, b. abt. 1693, 4) Moses Teague, b. 1718
5) Isabella Mary Teague Welborn, 6) Ruth Welborn Wilson,
7) Christine Wilson McCurry, 8) Harbin Wilburn McCurry,
9) Thomas Creekmore McCurry, 10) Leona McCurry Payne,
11) Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham, b. abt 1922, d. day before the election
12) Stanley Ann Dunham Obama, 13) Barack Hussein Obama, b. 1961
Actually, Barack Obama’s pedigree reads like a who’s who. He is related to such famous people as Mary Whitaker who married Sonny Bono of the Sonny and Cher fame-- Gordon Hinckley, president of the Mormon Church—both Presidents Bush and Gov. Jeb Bush—Patricia Ramsey, mother of JonBenet Ramsey—Birch Bayh, senator and early presidential candidate—Woodroe Wilson, James Madison, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Gerald Ford—John Glenn, the astronaut—Robert E. Lee—Jefferson Davis, president of the confederacy—Vice-President Dick Cheny--Sir Winston Churchill—Actress Park Overall (I am kin to her through the Parks lineage)—William I “the Lion”, king of the Scots who died 1214—Edward I, king of England who died 1307.
Ironically, Moses Teague was a slave owner, and his 7th-great grandson is one half black.
Moses Teague Sr.
Birth 3 Mar 1718 Cecil County, Maryland, USA
Death 1799 (aged 80–81) Chatham County, North Carolina, USA
Burial Burial Details Unknown
Memorial ID 111921969
Moses was Born: 1718, Cecil County, Maryland Colony
•Marriage (1): Loftin, Elizabeth about 1737 in Frederick County, Virginia, United States
•Marriage (2): Taylor, Rachel after 1757 in Prob. Rowan Co, NC
•Died: 1799, Chatham County, North Carolina, United States
Children of Moses & First wife Elizabeth Teague:
Moses Teague Jr 1741-1793
Isabella Mary Teague 1742 – 1821
Abraham Teague 1745 – 1795
Isaac Teague 1748 – 1824
Jacob Teague 1750 – 1824
William Able Teague 1752 – 1835
Elizabeth Teague Johnston 1755 – 1821
Susannah Teague Marley(John) 1757 – 1777
Children of Moses and second wife Rachael Taylor Teague:
Hannah Teague Horniday 1759–1840
Michael Teague 1761-1786
Logan David Teague 1763– 1838
Charity Teague Ray 1767-1848
Moses Teague Will dated March 31, 1786
Proved, Aug. Court, 1799
Chatham Co., N.C. Record of Wills, Vol. A (1798-1819) Pg. 145
N.C. State Archives film # C.022.80001
March 31st, 1786
In the name of God Amen. I Moses Teague of Chatham County and State of North Carolina being weak and crazy in body but in perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God. And calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all me to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, which is to say first and principally of all I give and recommend my soul to God that gave it and my body I recommend to the Earth to burial in decent and Christian manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named, and as touching such earthly? estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with my life I desire and dispose of the same in the manner and form following. Item. I give and bequeath to my loving wife Rachael Teague one feather bed and furniture and all the pewter there is, one pot one little Chest? and one large. Ditto two cows and Calves one horse, saddle and Bridle which Horse she shall choose. One plow crop? and guns, my negro man Abraham, as long as she lives. And her third of what shall remain of my Estate. I give and bequeath to my son David Teague the land I now live on and after his mothers death my negro man Abraham . I give and bequeath to my children, Moses, Liga (Elijah?), Isabel Willborn?, Abraham Teague, Isaac Teague, Jacob Teague, William Teague, Elizabeth Johnston, Susannah Marley, Hannah Horniday, David Teague, and Charrint/Chaerint? Ray, the rest of my Estate after the afore mentioned legacy to my Wife, Rachael and my son David is taken out to be equally divided amongst them. I whereby utterly disallow and make void all other Wills or Testaments heretofore made by me proclaiming this and this alone to be my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my wife Rachael Teague and David Teague Executors of this my last Will and Testament in witness.
It is believed that Moses and Rachael also had one more son, Welburn Teague,born in Chatham County North Carolina in 1779-?.
Edward Teague-1660
Susannah Teague-1663
John Teague-1630.
Betty Teague-1630.
GGG-Grandson Of Moses Teague and my Great Grandfather.
John Calvin Teague-1841-1914
GGGG-Grandson of Moses Teague and my Grandfather.
Aquilla Preston(Press)Teague- 1879-1968
Family links was added by Jean Hooks
Daughter of the American Revolution Ancestor #: A113207
Service Source: NC REV WAR PAY VOUCHERS, #1091, 5989, 6739, 6796, ROLL #S.115.128
Contributor: Linda (46626647)