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- This is a guess at the father of these two men.
I have grouped these 3 men (Richard, Samuel Jackson, and Thomas Maze) as sons because they were the only Sorrells in the 1850 Yancey Co. NC Census. We also have DNA proof that descendants of these 3 men are Y-DNA matches. Yancey County was established in 1833 from Buncombe and Burke Counties. It was named for Bartlett YANCEY, speaker, orator, educator and friend of Henry CLAY
There is a badly faded 1780 Rutherford Co., NC tax list with a name which could possibly be William Sorrell. The 1800 Burke Co. census lists a Margaret Sorrells (between 26-45) who is apparently a widow. A Samuel Sorrells is living right beside her.
Since William disappears from the records after the 1784 Surry Co. tax list, Margaret may be his widow. A more thorough search of the Burke Co land records may turn up more Sorrells. The Burke Co. deeds were burned but the state land entry records are intact.
The 1800 Burke Co., NC census lists a Margaret Sorrells (between 26-45) who is apparently a widow. A Samuel Sorrells is also in the Burke Co., 1800 Census.
The Burke Co. deeds were burned but the state land entry records are intact.
1810 United States Federal Census
Name: Wm Soulls [William Sorrels]
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Morganton, Burke, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Household Members Under 16: 3
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 5
North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890
Name: William Sorrals
State: NC
County: Burke County
Township: First Reg. Mr
Year: 1814
Database: NC 1812-1814 Muster Rolls
1820 United States Federal Census about William Sorrels
Name: William Sorrels
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Burke, North Carolina
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 4
Free White Persons - Under 16: 7
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 9
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 9
but cannot find him or any neighbors from the 1820 Census in 1830.
1840 NC Census: Wm Sorrels West of North Fork, Burke, North Carolina 00110001-01010001:
1 male 10-15
1 male 15-20
1 male 50-60
1 female 5-10
1 female 15-20
1 female 50-60
Early Deeds:
Burke Co., NC Deeds: SORRELS Walter 1779 Land Grant # 59
Burke Co., NC Deeds: SORRELL David 1792 Land Grant # 1342
Burke Co., NC Deeds: SORREL Richard 1790 Land Grant # 1452
Burke Co., NC Deeds: SORRELL Margaret 1804 Land Grant # 3543
Burke Co., NC Deeds: SORRELLS Margaret 1803 Land Grant # 3351
Walter Sorrells is listed on the 1790-1810 Burke County census, and a Samuel Sorrells on the 1800 Burke County census. A Samuel Sorrell is listed on the 1786 North Carolina state census in Wilkes County, also a part of Morgan District during the Revolution. Finally, John and John Sorrells, Jr. are listed on the 1790-1810 Rutherford County censuses.
The following excerpt is printed with permission.
"300321-326. BALLEW, RICHARD, Knox County, Kentucky, 20 November 1833. Pension statement. Entered service in 1779 under command of Capt. George Walker and Lt. Peter Russ; later joined Capt. Thomas Kennedy's company. Volunteered under command of Col. Joseph McDowell, Capt.
Harry Highland, and LT. SAMUEL SORRELL in pursuit of Indians and Tories who had killed Davison and McGonigle; participated in Cherokee expedition of 1779; aided Col.Benjamin Cleveland in defeat of Tory Capt. John Murray, during which Cleveland was wounded; under command of Col. Joseph McDowell in Battle of Kings Mountain; Tory John McFall and others hanged; participated in defeat of Tory Major Dunlap at Cave Creek; drafted under command of Gen. Charles McDowell and engaged in
expedition against the Cherokee, 1781, [Calendar of The Tennessee and Kings Mountain Papers of the Draper Collection of Manuscripts, Vol III:301. Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison. 1929].
See a good bibliography for the book which has been published by the Wisconsin Historical Society, indexing the Draper Collection which is on microfilm. Further research there might yield results.
Augusta County, Virginia Court Records, Order Book No. 1, p. 252: 20 Aug. 1747. Church wardens to bind WALTER SORRELL, son of RICHARD SORRELL, to Joseph Tees [Lyman Chalkley. Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County, 1745-1800. Vol. I:30].
Richard and Mary Sorrel, parents of Mary Sorrel, who is bound to Ro.Cunningham, complain of his treatment of her, and she is released from indenture [Ibid. Vol.I:84]. This was on 16 August 1759. Walter Sorals witnessed the will of Joseph Tees in Augusta County on 4 Dec. 1753. The will was proven 17 March 1756 by John and Andrew Campbell, two of the witnesses on 4 Dec. 1753; Walter was not in the 1756 record. Jane Tees, wife, was executrix, with sureties Wm. Henderson and John
Campbell Joseph Tees named his sons, William and Charles, daughter, Mary, daughter Eleanor and her children [Ibid, Vol.III:42].
The Burke County, North Carolina land entries show Walter Sorrells first entered land there on 5 February 1778, but was there sometime prior to that. It is possible he was the same person as the son of Richard Sorrell of the Augusta County court records of 1747 and of 1753 and 1759. It is believed he was the same Walter Sorrells found in the North Carolina Revolutionary War Accounts and Vouchers. Unfortunately, most Burke County records of that time period are not extant, and it was impossible to locate deeds or an estate record of any kind on him in Burke County.
Before 1842, when McDowell was created, that area was also part of Burke
1840 Census Milley Sorells Haywood, North Carolina (see their line-Joseph Lafayette Sorrells)
1840 Census William Sorells Haywood, North Carolina (see their line ")
1840 Mitchal Sorrells Haywood, North Carolina (see their line")
1840 NC Chs Sorrels Rutherford, North Carolina (Richard Sorrell line-VA)
1840 NC Census: Israel Sorrels Rutherford, North Carolina
1840 NC Census: Jas Sorrels Rutherford, North Carolina 200001-010201
2 males 0-5
1 male 30-40
1 female 5-10
2 females 15-20
1 female 20-30
1840 NC Census:
Dempsy Sorrell Moore, North Carolina (South of Chatham) 210001-340001 (printed page 170)
Archibald Sorrell Moore, North Carolina (10101-00001 printed page 174)
Isham Sorrell Moore, North Carolina 02100001-0001001 (male 50-60 years old)(printed page 171)
Quimby Sorrell Moore, North Carolina 12001-22001 (printed page 170 - 2 doors from Dempsy)
1840 NC Census (All below descendants of Edward, Sr.)
Aris Sorrel Chatham, North Carolina
James Sorrel District 9, Edgecombe, North Carolina
Curtis Sorrell Wake, North Carolina
Dempsey Sorrell Crab Tree District, Wake, North Carolina
Elizabeth Sorrell Wake, North Carolina
Ira Sorrell Crab Tree District, Wake, North Carolina
John Sorrell Crab Tree District, Wake, North Carolina
John Sorrell Swift Creek District, Wake, North Carolina
Joseph Sorrell Swift Creek District, Wake, North Carolina
Lynn Sorrell Crab Tree District, Wake, North Carolina
Matthew Sorrell Wake, North Carolina
Matthew Sorrell Swift Creek District, Wake, North Carolina
Micajah Sorrell Swift Creek District, Wake, North Carolina
Micajah Sorrell Swift Creek District, Wake, North Carolina
Needham Sorrell Swift Creek District, Wake, North Carolina
Sally Sorrell Wake, North Carolina
William Sorrell Crab Tree District, Wake, North Carolina
NC Secretary of State, 302 Legislative Office Building, 300 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, N.C. 27611, November 1985. The index in the Land Grant
Office shows: File No. 1452 for RICHARD SORREL, Burke County, 150/100 acres, Grant No. 1342 issued 16 Nov. 1790, Warrant No. (blank),
Entry No. 1764 entered 23 Dec. 1779, Book 77, page 140, location on the head of Little Mulberry Creek.
N.C. No. 1764. Charles McDowell, entry officer of lands in the county of Burke to the surveyor of said county. Greeting. You are hereby required to lay off and survey for RICHARD SORREL a tract of land containing 150 acres lying in the county aforesaid on the head of Mulberry or Michel Willson's forke of the Mulberry and joining lines with said Willson agreeable to their conditional line and running up said forke for complement entered 23 Dec. 1779. Observe the directions of the act of assembly in such cases made and provided for running out lands. Two just and fair plans of such survey you are to return with this warrant to the secretary's office without delay. 28 Feb.A.D. 17.. (year indecipherable). s/ C. McDowell
John Carter (with line marked through name; name could be something other than Carter)150 acres land No. 1764. Transfer this warrant to
RICHARD SORRELS as he hath paid me for said. This shall be your authority for the same. October ye lOth To Mr. William White from your
humble servant. s/John (x) Carter. RICHARD SORRELS warrant 150 acres of land, No. 1764. ____ 4, 1779.
Burke Co. N.C. y 4th day 1779.
Surveyed for RICHARD SORRELL one hundred acres land lying on the head of Little Mulberry, Beginning on a pine in James Nailors line running N 39 chains to a Spanish oak thence W.,38 chains 44 links to a stake thence S 39 chains to a pine in Michell Willsons line thence E 38 chains 44 links with this line to the beginning. Surveyed by W. White, D.S. October y 4th 1779.
William Nortley (surname not clear) C.C.
Dickerson Nailors (chain carriers) Christopher Beekman