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- SORRELL, A. C. - Searching for any information on A.C.(A.Curtis)Sorrell,(b)5/1871 Cleburne Co Al to Dr.John W.Sorrell and Jerusha Treadwell. on 1900 census for Brookside,Jefferson Co AL with name as "Sarrell" with his wife, Ola, and her brother, John S Bobo, in the household. A. C. was the city Marshall for Brookside. They had 2 sons, Albert Hugh (b)12/24/1900 and Henry (b) about 1902. It is said that A.C.died when the boys were small. Ola remarried 1/19/1906 in Jefferson Co Al. A. C. must have died within period 1902 tthrough 1905. Can find no record. Also have found no burial site. Have searched all known cemeteries in Brookside area as well as Cleburne Co., AL area where family members are buried. Unsure of the first name but appears on 1900 census it may be "Alva". Would appreciate any possible information or suggestions.Please contact Billy McDaniel at [posted May 13, 2007]
Have determined that middle name of A.C.Sorrell who married Ola Bobo was Curtis & he went by the name Curtis (aka.Curt or Kurt).Have records to verify. Not certain of the first name but believe it may have been Allen (or Alen;Allin). Ola remarried in 1/1906 in Jefferson Co, AL. Apparently A.C.Sorrell died sometime from 1902 to 1/1906. Still hoping someone out there has some information.
Jefferson County, AL 1900 Federal Census - Precinct 18, Town of Brookside
34B 98 . . 131 148 Sorrell Alva C Head W M May 1871 Age 29 M b Alabama Alabama Alabama occupation: Officer - Marshall . .
34B 99 . . 131 148 Sorrell Ola Wife W F Sept 1879 20 M Alabama Alabama Alabama
34B 100 . . 131 148 Bobo John S Bro-in-law W M Mar 1872 28 M 3 Alabama Alabama Alabama Occupation Flagman Railway
Walker Co., AL: East Dora Cemetery
Sorrells, A. C. 1872 1938
Sorrells, Jean 1928 1973
Sorrells, Sarah Catharine 1841 1928
Sorrells, William H. Jan 09 1892 Sep 14 193
Sorrells, Zener Dec 29 1870 May 10 1926
Cleburne County AL, Archives News.....Newspaper Notices for MAY 1899 May 1899, NEWSPAPER Issue of Saturday, May 13, 1899
MARSHALL SORRELL KILLS DAVRO R. BURGESS - - Trouble Caused by the threatened arrest of C.D. Nichols. Both are well known men; Burgess, a former Deputy U.S. Marshall, and Sorrell a former assistant Deputy U.S. Marshall and current City Marshall of Edwardsville - - - On Thursday evening, about 6 :10 o'clock at Edwardsville, City Marshall A.C. Sorrell shot and instantly killed former U.S. Deputy Marshall Davro R. Burgess. The immediate cause of the trouble was the threatened arrest of C.D. Nichols by
Sorrell to which Burgess objected, but the real cause of the killing was some former misunderstanding between the two. It seems the touble was not unexpected as both men were of courage and determination.
D.R. Burgess was one of the most prominent republicans in the county, having led the fight in this county for W.F. Aldrich in the last congressional campaign. He was, until a few months ago, a Deputy U.S. Marshall, but charges being brought against him, he was suspended; he was not convicted of the charges but was not reinstated, and this, it is said, caused the first disagreement between he and Sorrell. Two weeks ago he was nominated by the anti-conventionists as a candidate for delegate to the constitutional
convention. He leaves a wife and two children, besides a host of relatives. His remains were interred in the cemetery at Edwardsville yesterday afternoon after a funeral service conducted by Rev. W.P. Weston of Heflin.
A.C. Sorrell is a well known citizen of this county. His father Dr. J.W. Sorrell being one of the foremost physicians and citizens of the county. A.C. Sorrell has been in the revenue service for a number of years, and but a few months ago quit the service to accept the marshalship of Edwardsville. He made a good marshall although the lawless element sometimes caused him to use force in the execution of the law. A New Era representative called on him at the jail yesterday and asked him if he had anything to say about the trouble. He said he had nothing to give out but a great deal would be brought at at the trial.
The following is the report of the shooting as obtained from witnesses:
C.D. Nichols was drunk on the street and Marshall Sorrell came up and told him to go home or he would have to be put in in the calaboose. Nichols said "you won't lock me up, I am not very drunk". At this time Burgess came out of Yother and Vaughan's store and remarked to Sorrell, "you can't lock him while I am here, there have been drunker men than him on the streets and you did not
lock them up." Sorrell replied, " I will put up him and anyone who interferes or be caught trying". Burgess got up and said something about Sorrell being a coward,and thief and turned as if to go in the store but turned again his face toward Sorrell and Sorrell shot him, once above the heart, once in the head. One or two shots missed him striking inside the store. Jim Burgess, a brother, head the shooting and started toward Sorrell and Sorrell shot twice at him and retreated toward Merrill and Bridges law office firing as he did so at J. A. Burgess, none of the shots striking him. Sorrell went up into the Solicitor's office where he, a few minutes later,
surrendered to the Sheriff. More trouble was feared but no attempts were made. The preliminary trial will likely be held next week.
A large number of people from Heflin attended the burial of D.R. Burgess at Edwardsville yesterday.
Alva was the son of Dr. John Wesley Sorrell and Jerusha Elizabeth Treadwell,whom the latter was John Augustus Treadwell's oldest sister.
Name: Alva E Sorrell
[Alena C Sarell]
Age: 29
Birth Date: May 1871
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1900: Brookside, Jefferson, Alabama
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Ola Sorrell
Marriage Year: 1900
Years Married: 0
Father's Birthplace: Alabama
Mother's Birthplace: Alabama
Alva E Sorrell 29
Ola Sorrell 20
John S Bobo 28