Notes |
- John Sorrell (Lowery2, John1). John was born in 1854.
John married Mary Ann Moreland in circa 1878.
John died in 1912 in Owen County, KY.
John, age 7, was listed with Lowery Sorrell on the 1860 census of Owen County, KY. He, age 26, appeared as head of household on the 1880 US federal census of Owen County, KY. Listed also: Mary Ann Moreland and Hugh B Sorrell.61
He, age 45, appeared as head of household on the 1900 US federal census of Scott County, KY. Listed also: Mary Ann Moreland, Hugh B Sorrell, James M Sorrell, and John C Sorrell.62
He, age 56, appeared as head of household on the 1910 US federal census of Owen County, KY. Listed also: Mary Ann Moreland, Hugh B Sorrell, James M Sorrell, and John C Sorrell.63
Children of John3 Sorrell and Mary Ann Moreland were as follows:
i. Herbert4 Sorrell. Herbert was born in 1879.
ii. Hugh B Sorrell. Hugh B was born in circa 1880.
Hugh B died in 1968 in Owen County, KY.
Hugh B, age under 1, was listed with John Sorrell on the 1880 census of Owen County, KY. He, age 19, was listed with John Sorrell as his son on the 1900 census of Scott County, KY. He, age 26, was listed with John Sorrell as his son on the 1910 census of Owen County, KY.
iii. James M Sorrell James M was born in circa 1885.
James M married Ida B Tate in 17 Oct 1914 in Frankfort, Franklin County, KY.
iv. John C Sorrell. John C was born in circa 1894.
John C married Leila Brumbach in 1921 in Scott County, KY.
John C died in 1958 in Mercer County, KY.
John C, age 6, was listed with John Sorrell as his son on the 1900 census of Scott County, KY. He, age 16, was listed with John Sorrell as his son on the 1910 census of Owen County, KY.
61. Owen County, KY, Federal Census Film; US National Archives, 8th & Constitution Ave, Washington, DC. 1880 Federal Census. Head of Household:John Sorrell & Mary Ann Moreland.
62. Scott County, KY, Federal Census Film; US National Archives, 8th & Constitution Ave, Washington, DC. 1900 Federal Census. Head of Household: John Sorrell & Mary Ann Moreland.
63. Owen County, KY, Federal Census Film; US National Archives, 8th & Constitution Ave, Washington, DC. 1910 Federal Census. Head of Household: John Sorrell & Mary Ann Moreland.