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- There is no proof that Ellen C. was a Benge. From my notes: The children of Rev. Richard Benge are listed in THE LEWIS FAMILY OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. It states that Richard Benge had 12 children. Ellen C. is not listed as his child. For now, she is listed in his family until there is proof that she is not a Benge. Jane Benge's obit stated that she had 12 children of which 8 were alive in 1848. Ellen stated to the census taker that she was born in North Carolina. Susan and siblings were born in Tennessee. I do not think Susan and Ellen were sisters. Susan Benge Sorrels' obit painted John Sorrels a failure as a husband.
This is a transcribed copy of a letter that I ordered from the State of Alabama Department of Archives and History. It is from the William Terrell Lewis Papers filed in the manuscript collections:
"A V Gates 1878
Pleasant Grove
Panola Co Miss Ju 18th, 1878
No 1
Pleasant Grove Panola Miss.
Mr. William Terrell
Dear Cousin,
I received your most kind and affectionate card and I can say an unexpected one, for I did not know that I had any relation by that name. Rest assured that nothing will give me more pleasure than that of giving you all the information that I can to the matter. Though I know nothing at present about any but the descendants of Richard Benge and his wife Jane Hinshaw. His wife died in 1853 in or near Senatobia Tate County Miss. and he died at this place 3 miles north of Pleasant Grove Panola co. Miss in 1861 and their children were
1 Rebecca,
2 Mary,
3 Adeline,
4 Susan,
5 Thomas,
6 William,
7 Alfred,
8 Richard Jr.,
9 Baxter,
10 Presly,
11 Joel,
Martin Lewis.
Rebecca md Abel Embrey had two children & Embrey died & she md again Married a man by the name of Wm Vestal and they are yet living or was about six months ago in Texas I dissremember their P. O. and Mary which is my mother married John Gates were then living in Tennessee. Moved to this state at an early period of their lives and finally settled at this place where we a portion of the family now live. Mother to six children. Pa being deceased for eight years. There are ten living children.
Names are Susan,
John Jr.,
Ben, &
your humble servant. A. V.
3 that are dead.
Susan Benge married John Sorrels.
Richard Benge's children William Thomas married Anna Starret William married Sal Luster Alfred md Polly Hays. Richard (md) Jane Hall Martin md Jane Strong James Md Drucilla Lavach Joel md Martha Sorrels.
Presley and Baxter md in Arkansas an I disremember who. Jim benge was a Captain in the last war and died in Richmond Virginia. There is five of the children of Richard Benge and Jane Hinshaw living  Rebecca, Mary Martin, Joel & Baxter, or at least Rebecca& Baxter was the last account:  Joel's P. O. Longtown Panola Cou. Miss.  address Rev Martin Lewis Benge  Olive Branch Hernando DeSota Cou Miss. M V Gates Pleasant Grove Miss  Martin is a Cumberland Presbyterian Preacher 7 and he has a son Richard W Benge a Cumberland Preach address him Athens Alabama.
I will close for this time as I can be better prepared to give information nextime and will give a full History if you desire it. That is I will as far as I know. Hoping to hear from you soon and hoping that you will state more fully your object so that I will know what shape to make a statement. Please inform me of your age occupation and (unreadable)
I am a farmer tending my mothers farm and business generally. I am in my twenty third year.
I remain as, ever.
 A. V. Gates
write your relationship to me.
Write soon