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- Richard Cox (John [I], William) married, by 8 Jan. 1700/01, Mary Trent, daughter of Henry Trent and his wife Elizabeth Sherman. He held 300 acres in Henrico County, 1704. He left a will, 13 July 1734 - Feb. 1734/35, and his wife left an undated will, proved 2 Feb. 1735/36.
Issue: John, married Elizabeth (–); Henry, left will 26 July 1779 - 1 June 1780, married Judith Redford, who left will 15 Aug. 1785 - 9 April 1789; Mary, married (–) Fore (probably Faure); Elizabeth, married [Strangeman] Hutchins; Richard; Obedience, left will 6 Sept. 1770 - 15 April 1771, married Phelemon Perkins, on whose estate she was granted administration 15 May 1769; Edith, married James Whitloe whose will, now lost, was proved Nov. 1768; Martha, married by 7 Aug. 1727 James Ferguson.
Richard Cox married Mary Trent, daughter of Henry Trent and wife Elizabeth Sherman. He left will dated July 13, 1734, probated Feb. 3, 1734/35, Henrico County, witnesses: Michael Turpin, Benjamin Burton, Sr. and Jr. Will of widow Mary (Trent) Cox is in Henrico County, 1735.