Notes |
- Marriage Record: Miss. Annie E Hancock J M Sorrell 4 Nov 1883 Crawford Co., MO
J. M. Sorrell of Cuba, Crawford Co., Mo. over 18
Miss Annie E. Hancock of Cuba, Crawford Co., Mo. under 18
Parents of said Annie E. Hancock having given their assent to said marriage license 2 November 1883
married on 4 November 1883 by I. M. Belvins, JP at Crawford Co., Mo.
Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925
Name: J M Sorrell
Census Date: 1 Mar 1885
Residence County: Reno
Residence State: Kansas
Locality: Grove
Birth Location: Missouri
Family Number: 18
Marital Status: Married
Gender: Male
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1860
Race: White
Line: 18
Roll: KS1885_112
Household Member(s):
Name Age
J M Sorrell 25
H E Sorrell 18
E Sorrell 3m
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Howard S Horrell [Howard S Worrell]
Age: 10
Birth Date: Jun 1888
Birthplace: Kansas
Home in 1900: Richland, Ozark, Missouri
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: James Horrell
Father's Birthplace: Missouri
Mother's Name: Anna E Horrell
Mother's Birthplace: Missouri
James Horrell 40
Anna E Horrell 34
Howard S Horrell 10
Cordela B Horrell 2
1910 United States Federal Census
Name: James M Sorrells
Age in 1910: 50
Birth Year: 1860
Birthplace: Missouri
Home in 1910: Bayou, Ozark, Missouri
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Anna E Sorrells
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Missouri
James M Sorrells 50
Anna E Sorrells 44
Belle Sorrells 11
From Missouri, The Center State, Page 293
James Marshall Sorrell
Each community, each town and city has its representative men, those who are leaders in the business life, upon which the upbuilding and prosperity of every district depends. Among this number in Bakerfield is James Marshall Sorrell, who has extensive landed possessions in his part of the state and is also prominetly engaged in raising fine stock. He was born in Maries County, MO, but was reared in Crwawford Co., his parents being Robert and Mary A. (Brown) Sorrel.
The father, who was a native of Fredericksburg, VA, came to MO when a youth of seventeen years, in company with his father, and settled in Maries Co. As time went on he engaged more and more activley in farming and dealing in stock. For an extended period he made his home in Maries Co and then removed to Crawford Co., where he engaged in dealing in livestock until his death. He died near Cuba, that county, at the age of seventy-one years. He was married November 27, 1848, to Mary A. Brown, who was born in Ownesville, Franklin Co., MO, October 1, 1829, and died at St. James, Phelps C., January 1, 1908. In their family were eight children: Reuben, who is now living retired in Cuba, MO; Edward, deceased; George, who makes his home in Gunnison Co., CO; Hannah, the wife of J. R. Mattock, of St. James, MO; James Marshall; Mary, deceased; Frank, living in Crawford Co.; and John, a resident of MT.
James M. Sorrell was but eight years of age when his parents removed from Maries County to Crawford Co., MO, where he attended the country schools until he reached the age of seventeen. When his textbooks were put aside he concentraded his energies upon assisting his father and was thus employed until his marriage. He then homesteaded land in Kansas and remained for five years in the state, after which he took up his abode in St. Louis, where he was employed at day labor. He lived most economically and as a result of his industry and careful expenditure he was able, after two years, to purchase a farm and invested in one hundred and twenty acres in Crawford Co., near his father's places. After carrying on farming there for a year he removed to Bakersfield, taking up his abode on a farm a mile and a half from the town. There he operated a mill for two years, after which he cultivated a rented a farm for two years. Later he took up his abode on the north fork of the White River, in Ozark County, where he rented a farm which he cultivated for three years. He afterward when to Bakersfield and bought one hundred and thirteen acres of land and a distllery, operating the latter until 1908.
In the meantime as his financial resources increased he kept adding to his property until he now has five hundred and fifty acres with two hundred acres under cultivation, making a specialty of the raising of wheat and hay. He is now engaged in the stock business, raising Herford cattle exclusively, and his business in this connection is extensive and important. He was one of the organizers of the Bakersfield State Bank and served as a director for a time but has now disposed of his interest in the institution.
On the 4th of November, 1883, Mr. Sorrell was united in marriage to Miss Annie E. Hancock, a native of Crawford Co, and a daughter of Frorest D. and Mary Spencer Hancock, natives of VA and MO respectively.
Mr. and Mrs. Sorrell became the parents of five children, but lost their first born, George Emmett, who died at the age of ten years, and Mary Ann, who died at the age of ten months. Howard, a merchant of Bekersfiled, is married and has one child, Claud A. Ruth died at the age of ten months. Cordelia Belle is in school.
In politics Mr. Sorrell is a democrat but has never been a politician in the sense of office seeking. His wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church and he has membership relations with the Masons and the Odd Fellows. The cause of education finds him a stalwart champion and he has served as director and clerk of the school board. He is a lover of outdoor sports, both fishing and hunting, and he is particularly fond of fine stock, always keeping high grades of hogs, cattle and horse upon his place.
On the 28th of March, 1910, he brought the first bloodhounds to Ozark Co., and they have been a great benefit to the district. Whatever success he has achieved is due entirely to his own efforts. Staring out in life emply-handed, he has not found all days equally bright but has encoutered difficulties and obstacles. These he has overcome and has thereby gradually worked his way upward. Today he has important agricultural and stock-raising interests and is numbered among the subtantial citizens of Ozark County.
1920 United States Federal Census
Name: James M Sorrel [James M Sovel]
Age: 59
Birth Year: abt 1861
Birthplace: Missouri
Home in 1920: Bayou, Ozark, Missouri
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Laura E Sorrel
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Missouri
Home Owned: Own
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
James M Sorrel 59
Laura E Sorrel 53 [52]