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- !CHILDREN: Bristol Parish Register lists; Susan 13 Nov 172(), Rbt 23 Oct 1722, Nash 19 Jun 1720.
He could be the Robert Gladwell born or baptized 1 Feb 1701 in England, son of William and Alice Briant Gladwell.
From the Virginia Register in the Bristol Parish Page 38 Robert Glidewell unable to work-cancer-court cared for him.
Bristol Parish Vestry Book, p. 38, entry dated 14 Apr 1728: "Robert Glidewell being afflicted with cancer in his face which hath made him unable to labour for his livelihood, it is ordered that the Church Warthen find him necessary clothin (sic) and likewise that John Browden find him necessary board, and he to be allowed 100 lbs of tob(acco?) - month."
Entry p 45, dated 3 Aug 1729: "Upon the petition of Elizabeth Glidewell that she is a poor widow and not able to take care of her children, desires that her son Robert Glidewell (III) be bound to Tho Clemmon as the law direscts 'tis granted."
From research by Diane Fitzsgibbons: (2003)
"The first documented and proven ancestor to my line is Robert Glidewell ( 1695 place unknown), who is first found listed in the Bristol Parish (VA) Vestry Book in the 1720-1730's, when his children's baptisms are being recorded. He was a tobacco planter. Right now, I presume his father to be a Robert, because there is a Robert "Glidswell" listed in Surry County Virginia tax lists of 1702 as an adult. Also concerning a Robert Glideswell is his name again mentioned in the book "Boddies Colonial Surry", shown living with William Coggins (not related) on his tobacco plantation, including 91 other taxable people (this includes whites and slaves). Perhaps this is where Robert learned his tobacco planting skills.
Although LDS files tie this VA Glidewell line to Aymes Gladwell, or others, it is not yet proven whether my Virginia Glidewells originated in England or Scotland, nor is Robert's parentage proven. One obituary from the 1800's claims northern England as our country of origin, while two other obits from the same era claim Scottish descent. The William Coggins who is mentioned above, was from Scotland. English church records prior to 1600 show several GLIDEWELL or GLIDWELLs in England, primarily in the Bedford and Kent areas, however, there has been no clear connection made to any of them yet. (See the pre-1600 list)
Robert (b.ca1695) Glidewell died in 1728, as recorded in the Vestry Book, of face cancer. His wife Elizabeth is found again at the time of her death, Sept.1765, in Chesterfield Co. VA (order book 3, part 2) as "...being so poor that no person will take administration of her estate orders that the Sherif do take and administer the same and under his account."
Now we have two Roberts, either of whom might have been our ancestor. (comments from: Jack Glidewell)
Some secondary sources report that Robert (b 1698) was the son of William Glidewell (b 1665 London) and Alice Briant (b unk m 1697 London). Diane Fitzgibbons has studied the LDS records, and has the primary sources.
On the other hand, in the Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol III, 1942, p 564. "GLIDEWELL, James Arthur, b Cooper, Tex, Nov. 6, 1889, and others, reported:
"11. Aymes Glidewell (b1619) from Eng. in the "Increase," 1835, settled at Boston, Mass.;
10. Robert (b 1640) of Bristol Parish, VA;
9. Daniel (1675-1727) of Bristol Parish.;
8. Robert (ca. 1700-1728) of Bristol Parish, m 1719 Elizabeth -- ;" The Compendium, as far as I can find, was complied by traveling genealogists who interviewed well-known people in community about their ancestors. None that I have found cite any sources other than the person who recounted his family history.
The second group of genealogists often (not always) place Robert in the line of descent as the son of Daniel who was the son of Aymes.
The first group places Robert as the son of William, b 1736, in Bexley, Kent, England, who migrated to the Virginia colony late in the 1600s. William’s father was Reinhold, b. between 1613 and 1618 in England.
I have been unable to find a report of the birth of Robert II, born 1700 (+ or - 5), to any parents in the Parish Vestry Book Birth Register. To my knowledge, limited as it is, this issue has not been settled as of now (28 June 2003).
Tentatively I accept the idea that one of the two Roberts (b 1700 + or - a year or two) was the father of Nash (b 1721) and Robert (b 1722). I keep hoping that new information about this family in VA will turn up.
Some additional complications are added by a message I received from George Jansen, Jr., & Virginia Carpenter Jansen, 126 Orchard Court, Richland, WA 99352. Phone 590-627-7385. e-mail
"I do not think that here is direct evidence for any of the question answers beyond what you have already indicated. Most of the evidence is indirect and non-confirmatory and is open to more than one interpretation. For example:
"The role of Daniel G. in VA may be interpreted as (1) and ancestor of Robert (2) the son an earlier Robert who married Thomas Gent's widow before 1700, or (3) ???"
"We don't know if Wm & Alice migrated to VA or not, but if they did, they probably went back to England.
"I think that Reuben Gladhill of Isle of Wight Co., VA has a brother, William, living in VA, but since these are Quakers, probably from Yourshire, they may not be related to Robert at all.
"The birth of Robert in London in 1701 seems consistent with the Robert who arrived in VA 171?, who was undoubtedly Elizabeth's husband. It appears to be the custom to send sons back to England for education? And then they show up as immigrants when they are transported again.
"Robert Glidewell (b 1722) lived in Granville Co., NC in the 1746 Petition and 1750 censuses and in 1755 got land there as a result of his service in [NC] militia. His land was very close to the VA line and although he sold it, he did not have to move far to be on Little Blue Wing Creek in Halifax Co., VA. Nash Glidewell became well established in Halifax Co., VA, but their geographic separation in the tax lists is great enough to tell their descendants apart in the lists until they were alphabetized.
"Robert [b 1722] was probably married by 1746 since a person usually did not farm land until marriage. We find only one Byrd, John Byrd in Granville Co., NC and he could be Robert's brother-in-law, although they did not live close to each other. Putting this together with William Byrd getting land in Bertie Co., NC within the Granville District, we have formed the hypothesis that Robert married in NC a daughter of Will & Jean (Bell?) Byrd, [Jean was] a sister of Sutton Byrd of NC & SC. According to the book by Earl Byrd of Mississippi, this Byrd family can be traced back through Chowan Co., NC through Surry Co, VA, and back to England."
"We have included this branch on our Web Page, a printout of which is attached. Currently, we are looking at counties that Wm Byrd lived in in NC & SC, trying to find evidence for a Glidewell. This has already explained the source of the Early Byrd land holdings in Laurens Co., SC where Robert Glidewell (b 1722] moved about 1780.
Sincerely, George Jansen, Jr., & Virginia Carpenter Jansen, cc to Diane Fitszgibbons 916 NE Bristol Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64086.