Notes |
- DAR Proven Patriot
I have seen a wife listed as Ann Holloway b 1755, Augusta Co., VA d, 1841 Wake Co., NC Also seen Susannah Ann Hollaway b 1725 in Cumberland Co., VA-but she also is listed as dying in VA-So not her!
A bit of information is located in this book, copyright 1993. The Motley, Willoughby, and Lynn Families of Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky, Page: 219 The book states that Edward was a French Huegenot and that the original spelling was Sauree. (I am very doubtful of this!-No citation)
Edward, b.1730s, is likely the son or grandson of an Edward, b. abt.1680 VA., marr'd bef. 10 June, 1703 Essex Co., Va, Alice Goodrich, widow of Benjamin (per Essex Co court records) Edward and Alice Sorrell owned land on Tignor Creek. Tignor Creek was probably named after Wm Tignor. John Duncombe appraised the estate of Wm Tignor. Edward Sorrell and wife Alice exec of Thomas Goodrich of Essex Co Va.
1672 Col Thomas Goodrich patent land on Tuckahoe Creek....John Sorrell 16/Dec/1729 to Sylvanus Margaret Pumfree 100a bounded by broad branch of Tuckahoe Creek....I am thinking this is how The Sorrell came from Tignor Creek down to Tuckahoe Creek since Edward and Alice Sorrells were the exec of Thomas Goodrich. They must have acquired some of his land patents. Just a guess or at least something to think about. Tuckahoe Creek is in present day Goochland Co Va. Flows into Henrico Co Va as well.
Much of the information related to this family is from the research of Rebecca L. Blackwell: "Edward Sorrell of Wake Co., NC and his Descendants", 1992 She lived in Germantown, MD 12916 Pickering Dr., 20874. Contributors to her research were: Bessie Richardson SORRELL, Frances Holloway Wynn, James O. Sorrell, and Christine J. Roe. In her research she indicates that Edward is likely a descendant of Robert Sorrell of Writtle, Essex, England and his wife, Mary, daughter of Thomas Everard of Waltham Magna, England. Robert J. married Rebecca Woodward of Essex in 1643. By April 10, 1651 he was in VA as he patented 800 acres in James City (Jamestown) on that date. Robert and Rebecca's only known child was John Sorrell who had a son Thomas.
Heads in Granville County (NC) came from Brunswick County,. Virginia, and prior to that from Charles City County. From Virginia Family Research Center.
Granville Co., NC Tax List 1758: Robert SORRIL listed under Nathanael Halley.
Granville Co., NC Unrecorded Wills, 1746-1771: Entry 54: Dec 1, 1768 proved in Jan court 1769-William Rose wills to daughter Winneyfred ROSE, a negro woman, 5 cattle now at Robert SORRIELS when she is 21 years old or married;...
North Carolina Census, 1790-1890
Name: Robert Sorril
State: NC
County: Granville County
Township: No Township Listed
Year: 1769
Database: NC Early Census Index
Robert Sorrell is listed on the North Carolina Taxpayers list in Granville in 1771.
*****In the years prior to 1758, The only mention of Sorrells in Essex County wills or deeds are:
Joseph as a creditor in the estate of Martha Newton in 1737;
Joseph as a creditor in the estate of Thomas Jones in 1739;
Joseph and John as creditors in the estate of Robert Jones in 1734;
And the Edward & Alice of James City County in 1696.
*****There is an Edward Sorrell, St. Ann's Parish, Essex Co., VA 1 Jul 1746 bought 100 Acres on Speerman's Swamp from John Daniel. A neighbor is listed as Capt. Mungo Roy. Edward sells this on 31 Mar 1758 to Charles Taylor and is listed with wife, Angelina. Researching the rest of the Essex Co., VA deeds does not show another Edward Sorrell!
The act creating Orange County contained these provisions: "That the upper part of Granville, Johnston, and Bladen Counties, be erected into a County and Parish by the Name of Orange County, the Parish of S. Matthew, and be divided by a line, beginning on the nearest Part of the Virginia Line to Hico Creek, thence a direct line to the Bent (bend) of Eno River, below the Occanechas (Indians), near to the Plantation where John Williams now dwelleth; thence down the South side of Eno River, to Neuse River; thence down Neuse River, to the Mouth of Horse Creek; thence a direct line to the Place where Earl (of) Granville's Line crosses Cape Fear River; thence along the said Line, to the Eastern Bounds of Anson County; thence along the dividing Line of Anson County to the End thereof; and that the upper Pars of the said Counties be divided and run accordingly, thy the Commissioners...1752
In Orange Co., NC records there is a Samuel SORRAL: Warrant 3 Nov 1753 for 300 acres on both sides S. Hico; includes mouth of Double Cr. , Entered 3 Dec 1751, survey for 422 acres, Deed 12 Nov 1756 listed in the "Abstracts of the loose papers from the Granville Proprietary and office for Orange County". There is also a Samuel Sorrell listed in the Bristish Claims after the Revolutionary War records as owing 36 pounds of silver: Captain John Motley of Wake says he knew Samuel Sorrell very well. About the commencement of the War, he removed from Wake to Saluda (Edgefield Co. then) in South Carolina, where he now resides. He was a very poor man. He had a small tract of land not worth the taxes that were paid for it. He was a careless, lazy man and now lives as poor upon Saluda as he lived in Wake. He was always insolvent since informant knew him, and it was folly to give him credit.
1757 Thomas and George Sorrell voted in Orange Co., NC to have Wake Co., NC formed. Wake was actually founded on 4 Jun 1771. Raleigh is the county seat.
Also Orange Co., NC Deed Book 3. page 592: 1 May 1771, James McMurry of Orange to John McMurry of same, two hundred pounds, 222 acres, on both sides Double Cr. of Hico, begin at a while oak, S 65 ch. to a white oak, W 65 ch. to a hicory, N 2 ch. 75 lk. to the line of Samuel Sorrl, N45E 86 ch. 50 lk., E 2 ch. 75 lk. to first station; Granville to Samuel Jarrat, Senr. 20 November 1756, Jarrett to Neil McCoy 13 Sep 1765; signed: James (m) McMurray; witness: Samuel McMurry, Elizabeth McMurry acknowledged July Term 1772. (Ed. note: This deed is not found in the surviving deeds from the Granville Land Office.) Also in Jun 1753: Entry 5-9 The following persons appointed Constables to wit: Samuel Sowel or Sorrel in the room of Hugh Dobbin.
Also: Entry 20-39: Samuel Sorrell records his mark. Two deeds from Earl of Granville. July 1754
In the First Tax List of Orange Co., NC 1755, I did not find a SORRELL listed in the transcribed list.
Tignal Jones is listed on numerous documents with our Edward SORRELL: so a search was conducted to determine from where Tignal Jones may have come before Orange and Wake Co., NC: from an ancestry entry: Tignal Jones: Birth: 1705 [1735] - Isle Of Wight, Virginia, USA
Death: 29 Aug 1807 - Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USA Marriage: 1755
William Barbee of Essex and Middlesex Counties, Virginia (1660 - 1720). Descendants moved to the Wake, Chatham, Orange Counties area of North Carolina
"A Study of the Barbee-Crowell families in NC"
1795-02-25 Orange Co NC Court Minutes
James Motley appointed Guardian of Orphans of Christopher Barby, deceased (to wit) Milly Barby, Patsy
Barby, Edy Barby -- in Bond with Thomas Hopson in the sum of 250 pounds each.
Benjamin Blake: The first of our Blakes to come to these shores was Thomas Blake who was born about 1640 in England. He died ca. 1707 in Isle of Wight Co., Virginia. His first patent for land was for 240 acres on June 8, 1664. He later received other grants totaling 800 acres. His wife was Alice (?Champion?). They had four known children.
1. Isodemias Christian Blake who married a Mr. Burgess.
2. Elizabeth Blake
3. William Blake was born ca. 1680 in Notoway Parish, Isle of Wight Co., VA and died March 12, 1746 in Southampton Co., VA. He married Mary Sessums, born ca. 1685 in Lawnes Creek Parish, Surry Co., VA and died after 1746. Mary was the daughter of Nicholas Sessums and Katherine -?-.
3a. Sessums Blake appears to have remained in Southampton Co., VA where he appears on the 1787 Census Tax List A.
3b. Benjamin Blake was born ca. 1713 and died May 1783 in Orange Co., NC. About 1752 he married Martha Jones, who was from Edgecombe Co., NC. Benjamin was a planter. Per the Wake County, NC Court Minutes, Benjamin Blake, Sr came into Court and prayed administration on the Estate of William Moore (as next of kin) which was granted. His brothers, Joseph and William were his securities. His will was dated April 2, 1783.
4. Judith W. Blake married Joshua Ambrose Smith
*******8 Oct 1761: Edward Sorrell: Grant 0145 In NC, 75 Acres in Dobb Co., Deed from Johnston Co., NC E Side of Bear Ck, Johnston Co., NC Deed
*******In Orange Co., NC court records:
August 1763, page 55: "Ordered that the following persons, to wit, be appointed Jurors to lay out a Road...from Johnsons Line near Edward Herring's spring to the Cape Fare Road, near the place where James Trice formerly lived...Edward Herring, Edward Sorrell, Benjamin Blake, Tignal Jones, Nathaniel Jones, Christopher Barbee, Henry Beasley, Benjamin Saxon, Samuel Saxon, Richard Hopson, Nathaniel Almond, Samuel Parks, John Booth, Dred Bennett, William Dorom or Durham, George Herndon, John Trice, James Acock, & Joseph Barbee & that Christopher Barbee be app. Overseer..."
There is also a case noted in the court of May 1765 of Edward Sorrell vs. James Trice a Case listed on page 394. Edmund SORREL agt. James TRICE: Case. And the Defendant by his Attorney comes and Defends the force and injury when and where and saith that he did not assume in manner and form as the Plaintiff against him hath declared and of this he puts himself upon the County and the Plaintiff Likewise. Therefore let a Jury come agreable to Act of Assembly to Recognize. (sic)
Orange Co., NC Register of Orange Co., NC deeds 13 Aug 1765 Grantor: John Burt to Grantee: Edward Sorrel Acreage: 640 Deed of Sale: Witnesses: Tignal Jones. (There is no record of this in the original deed books which are thought to have been destroyed. It is recorded in some of the reconstructed deed records, but is only listed verbatim as above. It is strongly thought that this is the same land that was was granted to John Burt on Crabtree on 9 Nov 1756 and surveyed on 1 Jul 1757. This was one of the Granville Grants. #226 by the state of NC. The description is: This plan represents a tract of land surveyed for John Burt on Stirrup Iron and Briar Creek beginning at a red oak, then running South cross a branch 85 chains to a pine, then East cross ye creek 75 chains 30 links to a red oak splin then North 85 chains to a pine, then West cross Briar and Stirrup Iron Creek to the first station containing six hundred & forty acres survey the first day of July 1757. Chain Carriers: Edward Hopson and John Pitts. Surveyed by W. Churton.
In Heads of Families from the First Census of the United States:
Edward Sorrell 1 male over 16, 5 females, listed in Fayette District, Cumberland Co., NC also in the same county: John Sorrell: 1 male over 16, 2 males under 16, and 6 females.
Index to Revolutionary War Service Records:
Elisha, srv as Pvt in 10th VA regt, also see 6th VA Regt
John, srv as Pvt in Lee's Legion of Cont Troops
John, srv as Pvt in 4th Regt of Light Dragoons in Cont Troops
Richard, srv as Pvt in 10th VA Regt (likely the line of Russell Sorrells and Thelma Prince)
Thomas, srv as Pvt in NC Troops, card #6420 roll #48
William, srv as Pvt in 10th VA Regt
Ben, srv as Pvt in 1st Regt of NC Mil
Edward, srv as Pvt in VA Troops, card #6423 roll #48: Abstract of Pension: (Dorcas) soldier married Dorcas Lewing 15 Dec 1814 in Lancaster or Northumberland Co., VA soldier application 14 Aug 1832 in Northumberland Co., VA aged 79 and soldier had lived there at enlistment, soldier died 7 Jul 1837 and his widow applied 21 Nov 1853 in Lancaster Co., VA but was a resident in Baltimore, MD, she applied for BLW 16 Apr 1855 at Baltimore, MD having move3d there in 1846 from Northumberland Co., VA.
Elisha, srv as Pvt in 6th VA Regt:Abstract for Pension: S37190, applied 17 Jun 1818 Bath Co., KY aged 64, in 1820 soldier was 66 with a wife aged 57 and 3 chilren at home; John of age, James & Phebe underage, soldier enlisted in Culpeper Co., VA.
James, srv as Gunners' Mate in the Navy
John, srv as Pvt in 1st SC Regt
John or as John Lonell, srv as Pvt in 2nd VA Regt
John, srv as Pvt in 4th VA Regt
John, srv as Cpl in 5th VA Regt
John or as John Sorrels, srv as Pvt in 6th SC Regt
John, srv as Pvt in 14th VA Regt
Thomas, srv as Pvt in Grayson's Regt of Cont Troops
Thomas, srv as Pvt in 1st VA Regt: Abstract of Reb. War Pension: S6137, applied 16 Apr 1818 Westmoreland Co., VA, solider lived in Northumberland Co., VA at enlistment in 1820 solider was aged 62 with a wife aged 45 and 1 daughter age 11 living at home (no names given.)
John, srv as Pvt in 6th SC Regt
John, NC Line, S3953, solider lived in Rutherford Co., NC at enlistment, applied 8 Oct 1832 Butler Co., KY.
Richard or as Richard Sorrel, srv as Pvt in 10th VA Regt
Elisha or as Elisha Sorrell, srv as Pvt in 6th VA Regt
William or as Willam Sorrel, srv as Pvt in 10th VA Regt
SORROLL, Thomas, srv as Pvt in VA Troops, card #6439 roll # 48
Wake County was established in 1771 from Cumberland, Johnston, and Orange counties. A few early court records are missing; reason unknown. Several deed books were destroyed in register’s office fire in 1832.
Most of the pertinent records in Wake County, NC were destroyed by fire in 1832.
Raleigh Register, assorted articles including:
February 28, 1823, "A Fire!"
September 27, 1832, "Unfortunate Raleigh!"
Edward Sorrell was the first of that surname to appear in Wake County, North Carolina. The county was formed in 1771 from parts of Cumberland County, Johnston County, and Orange County . It was named for Margaret Wake, wife of Governor William Tryon.
1771 Wake Co., NC County Court Minutes A-1, (3-3) Ordered that Edward Sorrell be continued an overseer over the same piece of Road he formally was & (other notes illegible) (This is very likely the road that was previously in Orange Co., NC)
2 March 1773, Wake Co., NC Ordered to lay off roade: Edward Sorrell, Senr
Edward SORRELL, Sr. is mentioned in the Wake Co., NC Record Books, 1777, as being involved in the laying of a road beginning on the county lines of Wake and Orange down the ridge between the Indian Branch and Middle Branch, across Crabb Tree Creek to the Hillsborough Road.
He had sons Edward, Jr., Thomas, and William. Thomas and William were adults in 1778 as they and Edward were involved in the laying of a road from the upper end of the Veneson Ham Road into the road leading from Tignal Jones's to Hillsborough.
Wake Co., NC Edward deeded land to Thomas in 1778. William deeded 640 acres of land on Edward SORRELL's line in December of the same year.
Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, NC Treasurers and Comptroller's Records: Revolutionary War 1775-1783 A total of 23 vouchers for Sorrells men are extant. Holes the size of pennies were punched in these vouchers when they were cashed in. This accounts for the missing words.
Edward-#279, Wake Co., NC 3 Apr 1781: Voucher 279 states: Wake County, {This may certify that as Commissioner for the County aforesaid I have purchased from Edward Sorrell Eighty three pounds & a half of Baron amounting to Thirteen Spanish Milled Dollars and Eleven twelfths SM dollar, who witness to bear in that the rate of (unclear) until paid, agreable to an act of the General Assembly in such case made. Given under my hand this 3rd day of April anno Dom. 1781. Thomas Wootten Comm. (Definition of Baron is "a piece of meat such as sirloin that has not been severed from the backbone.")
John-#338, and 472-Hillsborough: Voucher 338 states: By virtue of the Authority vested in us, by an Act of the General Assembly, passed at Newbern, January 1792, we hereby certify, that the State of N.C. is indebted to JOHN SORRELL .... soldier in the Continental Line of said State, the ... twenty pounds two sh. eight pence specie, with interest from the first day of August 1783, as appears by vouchers lodged in this Office. Hillsborough, lst May 1782. B. Sanders, J. Franklin, commissioners.
and Voucher 472 states: N.C. Agreeable to Act of Assembly, passed January 1792, the State aforesaid, is indebted to JOHN SORRELL of the late Continental Line, the sum of six pounds fourteen sh. & two pence specie, being one fourth of his pay and interest to first August 1783, for which he is entitled to prompt payment. Hillsborough, 1 .. May 1792. J.N. Binford, B. Sanders. [See John Sorrell Final Settlement this website] On back of this paper is signed, Wm. T. Lewis, also J. Sorrell.
Thomas-#183, #299, Hillsborough
1779 Qualified for Jury Duty: Edward SORRELL
Treasurer's and Comptroller's Papers Revolutionary War Pay Vouchers:State of North Carolina
Deed Book K: page 274 State of NC grant #774 to James Jones, Oct. 28, 1782, a tract of 500 acres lying on both sides of Lick Branch, Middle Branch, and the Indian Camp Branch adjoining his own line, Joseph Blake, Sorrel, Aron Johnston, Tignall Jones, and Thomas Phillips.
Deed Book G: page 282: Asa Blake of Wake Co. to Isaac Hunter of same, May 13, 1786, for 510 pds. NC currency a tract of 522 acres situated on both sides of Reedy Branch adjoining Wm. Brazier, Roberson Hendon, Wm. Duffell, and Wm. Morgan; also, another tract of 400 acres lying on both sides of Brier Creek adjoining Tingnal Jones, Jno. Bradford, John Jones, Edw'd Sorrell, and James Jones. Wit: Josiah Riddick, Reuben Sanders.
Wake County Taxes, 1793-Captain Barbee's District:
William Sorrell Land 504, with 1 White Poll and 2 Black Polls
Thomas Sorrell Land 320 with 2 White Poll and 4 Black Polls
Edward Sorrel Land 208 with 2 White Poll and 1 Black Poll (Edward, Jr. is still at home?)
Cumberland Co., NC Deed Book (E) Edward Sorrell Grant 3702 N C 50 acres Anderson's Creek, 17 Dec 1787
Cumberland Co., NC Deed Book (G) Edward Sorrell, Grant 3702 1 Mar, 1800
Wake Co., NC Deed Book Q: page 125, George Waldrope & James Waldrope of Wake Co., planters, to William Sorrel of same, April 19, 1799, for 80 dollars a tract of 100 acress lying on both sides of Brier Creek adjoining Edward Sorrel. Wit: John Medearis, Needham Sorrel.
Also: Deed Book Q, page 318: George Waldrope of Wake Co., To James Loe of same, Dec. 11, 1799 for 150 dollars a tract of 155 acres on the waters of Stirrup Iron Creek adjoining William Sorrel and Achills Mergass (?). Wit: W. D. Medeares, Demsey Woodard.
1790 Wake Co., NC Census, Hillsborough District :
In 1790 Thomas deeded to William, witnessed by Edward. He also deeded land to Edward, witnessed by William. This Edward was probably the son of Edward, Sr., and the brother of Thomas and William. (This seems to be the son's dividing their father's land.)
DORRIS BARBEE m in Wake 25 Aug 1835 Elizabeth Ann Sorrell
There is a deed in Wake Co., NC on Nov 1801 from Edward SORRELL to John LINN. (I wonder if this is when Edward, Jr. decided to leave and go to Surry Co., NC?)
Most of the Deeds from Wake Co., NC from the 1770s to 1832 were burned.
In Claims of British Merchants after the Revolutionary War, dated 14 Sept 1800 and arranged by Counties, abstracted by Ransom McBride (from: British Records Collection, Treasury Series, T79/83, Microfilm Box Z.5.149N, Also Public Record Office: Reference: T79 89 X/J 7416 #77.2513.31), and appearing in the NC Genealogical Society Journal February 1991, Volume XVII, No 1, pg 28, (noted page 31):Edward SORRELL, Sr. is mentioned as owing 38 pounds sterling. The report of William Duffy, Agent, states that "he called on Thomas SORRELL, eldest son of Edward SORRELL, deceased, and learned from him that his father died about the year 1790; that he made no will; and that no administration was had upon the Estate, the children agreeing to divide the property among themselves amicably and thinking their father very little in debt; that no receipts were found among the few papers of his father, nor remembers that he ever heard his father mention this debt; His father at all times was able to pay it, but no application was made by suit or otherwise; Mrs. SORRELL, wife of Thomas, says she remembers to have heard the old man say the HAMILTONs were indebted to him for a hogshead of tobacco (A tobacco hogshead was used in American colonial times to transport and store tobacco. It was a very large wooden barrel. A standardized hogshead measured 48 inches (1220 mm) long and 30 inches (760 mm) in diameter at the head (at least 550 L, depending on the width in the middle), Fully packed with tobacco, it weighed about 1000 pounds (450 kg).)
The children of Edward SORRELL, deceased, are Thomas and William, now living on Crab Tree in Wake and in very good circumstances. Edward (Jr.) removed to the Shallow Ford of the Yadkin in Rowan poor. Betsey intermarried with Francis Barby, since removed to King and Queen County, VA, and Susannah intermarried with Captain Dempsey Blake of Wake, a rich man."
Edward Sorrell
Birth Date: 1750
Birthplace: North Carolina
Volume: 161
Page Number: 122
Reference: Heads of fams. at the first U.S. census. NC. By U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, 1908. (292p.):40
Internet Information:
* BIRTH: ABT. 1740, Virginia
* EVENT: Was a French Hugenot 1750
* EVENT: Sauree was orignial name 1750
Susannah Sorrel b: ABT 1755 in Virginia
Thomas Sorrel b: ABT 1756 in Virginia
Elizabeth or Betsey Sorrel b: ABT 1758 in Virginia
William Sorrel b: ABT 1760 in Virginia
Edward or Ned Sorrel b: ABT 1762 in St Anns, Essex, VA
Martha or Patsey Sorrel b: ABT 1770 in Wake Co, North Carolina
I have seen his father listed as Robert of Westmoreland Co., VA (s/o) Robert and Margery Frank Sorrell. Of Course this Robert is listed as being born 1572 and dying the 5th Feb 1682 in Writtle, Essex, England. (So, this doesn't work!)
American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) (Not ours!)
Name: Edward Sorrell
Birth Date: 1740
Birthplace: Virginia
Volume: 161
Page Number: 122
Reference: Historical reg. Of Virginians in the Rev., soldiers, saliors and marines, 1775-1783. Ed. By John H. Gwathmey. Richmond, Va. 1938. (13, 872p.):728
Also: (Not ours either!-see below!)
Name: Edward Sorrell
Birth: 1762 - Essex, VA, USA
Death: 1824
Marriage: 13 Apr 1789 - Northumberland, VA, USA
Parents: Edward Sorrel
Spouse: Judith Kesterson
Edward Sorrell was seventy-nine years old when he applied for a Revolutionary War pension in Northumberland County court on 14 August 1832 [M804-2246, frame 0911]. He was a "free mulatto" head of a Northumberland County household of 10 "other free" in 1810 [VA:996]. His widow Dorcas moved to Baltimore about 1846 where she applied for and received a survivor's pension on 21 November 1853 [M804-2246, frame 0927]. Also: John PINN, born say 1750, a "Free" head of a Northumberland County, VA household of 3 "Blacks" in 1782 . His 9 July 1785 Northumberland County will, proved 9 July 1792 but not recorded, mentioned (his wife?) Ann Kesterson, who was to receive all his estate as long as she remained single or married a free person. However, if she married a slave, then the entire estate was to go to his sister, Sally Nickens. Ann Kesterson was probably the Nanny Pin who was head of a Lancaster County household of 3 "other free" in 1810 [VA:357]. She was probably the sister of Judith Kesterson who married Edward Sorrell, 13 April 1789 Northumberland Co bond.
From “Early American Series, Early NC Vol 1” (Library of Congress, Wash D. C.) is listed: SORREL, Samuel in Wilkes Co., NC Hardins District ST 1787
“Early American Series, Early NC, Volume 3:
SORRELL, Thomas in Bertie Co.NC, 1757
SORRIL, George in Surry Co., NC 1771
SORRILL, Thomas in Bertie Co., NC 1757
SORRILS, John in Rutherford Co., NC 1782
Add to Joseph Sorels (father of Joseph Judson Sarrels)
"Sorrells Family, Pioneers of Old Buncombe County, NC; Descendants of Joseph and Millie Sorrells From 1760 to 2002" by Marshall Styles (Library of Congress Wash, D. C.)
“NC Bastardy Bonds” Camin & Camin (Library of Congress, Wash D. C.): Bonds posted because of the birth or impending birth of a bastard child. These bonds were intended to protect the county or parish from the expense of raising the child. When the pregnancy of a woman or birth of a child was brought to the attention of the court, a warrant was issued and the woman brought into court. She was examined (questioned) under oath and asked to declare the name of the child’s father. The reputed father was then served a warrant and required to post bond. If the woman refused to name the father, she, her father or some other interested party would post the bond. In some cases it was found that the mother and reputed father together posted the bond. If the woman refused to post bond or declare the father, she was often sent to jail.
Cynthia Sorrell & James Lynn 23 Sept 1811 child had already been born (apparently they married later)
Elinor(Elenor) Sorrell & Anderson Chavis 19 Feb 1835 child already born
Elizabeth Smith & Alvis Sorrell 17 April 1837 child not born yet (by Aug 1837 the child had been born)
Elizabeth Smith & John Sorrell 18 August 1841 child already born
Elizabeth Smith & father not named 21 Feb 1844 Bond posted by Elizabeth Smith, Dempsey Sorrell and Sarah Pollard
Mary King & Alvis Sorrell 21 Sept 1841 child not born yet (Mary's father is named as John King Sr)
Sarah Smith & father not named 20 Aug 1829 Bond posted by: Sarah Smith, Dempsey Serrille & Stephen Law signed by Dempsey Sorrell
Sally Slaughter & father not named 14 Sept 1822 Bond Posted by: Sally Slaughter, John Sorrell & Thomas Petty
Not sure if this spelling was the same (I'm guessing not but...)
Susan Surles & Edward Burges 18 Nov 1819
Susannah Searles father not named 18 May 1824 Bond posted by: Susannah Searles, Edward Burgess & Thomas Pettey
Susannah Searles & father not named 21 Nov 1822 Bond posted by: Susannah Searles, Edward Burgess & Zachariah Wimberley
Frances Whitehead & Frank Searls/Francis Searls 18 April 1817
Rhoda Pollard & Berry Surls/Searles 24 March 1826
Find Matthew Sorrell & Thomas Sorrell helping post bond for other guys who were charged
Customer's of the William Hill General Merchansies Store Raleigh,NC (from ledger)
Feb 7, 1807 Micajah Sorrell
Feb 17, 1807 Eliajah Sorrell
SORRELY, William pg 48 in Caswell Co., 1780-1829 Bondsman for Mary Willson Jan 1783
SORREL, Dempsey 115, Wake Co., NC Bondsman for Sarah Smith 20 Aug 1829
John, 115 Wake Co., Bondsman for Salley Slawter 21 Nov 1822 and 14 Sep 1822,
SORRELL, Alvis 116, Wake Co., NC Bondsman for Elizabeth Smith 11 Sep 1837 & 24 Nov 1837 and SORRELL, Alvis, Wake Co., NC Bondsman for Mary King Apr 1844 (listed as daughter of Solomon KING) and Feb 1842 and pg 117 Mary King (2) Oct 1841
John, 116, Wake Co., NC Bondsman for Elizabeth Smith Mar 1846, pg 117 Aug 1841
Elenor, 116, Wake Co., NC Listed as mother: Bondsman Anderson Chavis and William Vick on 19 Feb 1835
Ezekiel, 13, Bertie Co., NC listed as Bondsman for Judy Harrell on May 1814 with Whiliam White, Jr. and Dempsey Boyce
Oliver 116, Wake Co., NC Bondsman for Mary KING Mar 1846
P. A., 118, Wake Co., NC Listed as the 3rd Bondsman for Elina KING on Sep 1869 with Jack Jones and Lenord House
Sintahy, 113, Wake Co., NC Listed as mother on 20 Feb 1812 Bondsman: James Lyon, Zach Smith, and Matthew Lynn
Synthia, 113, Wake Co., NC Listed as mother on 20 Sep 1811 Bondsman: James Lyon, Zach Smith and Matthew Lynn
SORRELS, L. F., 27, Buncombe Co., NC Bondsman for Sarah Wilson Jun 1879 with G. S. Whitaker, NA Penland, FM Sterms,
Margaret, 28, Burke Co., NC Listed as a mother of begotten children in Apr 1795 Session
The State Records of NC Volume 15 pg 399 Extract from Pay Roll of Capt. Elisha Rhodes’s Co of the 1st NC Regiment of Militia Commanded by Colo. Samuel Jarves. (Bureau of Pensions, Loose Roll):
Ben SORREL Rank: Private. Commencement of Pay June 5, 1780
The State Records of NC Volume 16, pg 1161: Roster of the Continental Line from NC 1783 Thomas SORREL, 10th Regiment: , SORREL,Thos., private, Blount’s Company Date of Enlistment: 20 Jul 1778 for period of 9 months service: Died 16 Sep 1778.
Volume 16, pg 1164 10th Regiment: SORRELL, Lewis, Private in Carter’s Co., Enlisted 12 Feb 1781, for 12 months: Omtd.before 1782.
District # 2 TAYLOR
Lenoir County - Vicinity of LaGrange and the Institute community.
Abstracts of Deed of Cumberland Co., NC, Volumne 2: 1770-1785: Book 6, Entry pg. 435: 26 Jan 1778 Matthias Liverman to John Sorrell, both planters of Cumberland, for (pound 10 N.C.) 436 a. below Lower Little River, patent to sd. Liverman 9 Apr 1770.
Cumberland Co., NC Absracts of Wills 1754-1863: Pg. 161: John Sorrel, Will Book A: 181: I. R. 1812/Sep 1812: Daugthers: Sarah, Elizabeth Mason, Rosannah Thompson, Susannah, Nancy McDougald, Sons: James, John, Thomas, Francis. Witnesses: Alex Morrison, Penelope Morrison. Exec. William L. Walker (friend) and son Francis Sorrel.
Page 3: John Sorril and Thos. Armstrong witnesses on George Armstrong's will: 22 Sep 1786/Jul 1794.
27 Sep 1779: Will record, Cumberland Co., NC listed as jurors on the hearing are: John Sorrel, and Francis Serrell.
Cumberland Co., NC Land Entries:
31 Jul 1793, borders on Sorret's survey on Cales Cr.
7 Jul 1794 100 acres of Mils Cr. between Sorrel and Cole
5 Jan 1792 on Dry Swamp; border: his own line and John Sorrel
4 Aug 1794 border his 65 ac tract and Jno Sorril.
Marriage Records, Cumberland Co., NC: Francis Sorrell to Flora McDuffie 9 Apr 1816
Thomas Sorrell to Betsy Ingram 15 May 1823
Ann Sorrell to Archibald McDugal 20 Mar 1804
Betsy Sorrell to Raiford Mason 5 Apr 1808
2 25 Robert Surls 40
2 33 William Surls 152
2 35 Edward Surls 1,589
1790 Census Index: Wake County, NORTH CAROLINA
1790 Wake Co., NC Census:
1790 Cumberland Co., NC Census:
Edward Sorrell 1-0-5--
John Sorrell 1-2-6--
Lewis Sorrell 1-