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- Mordecai Redd, Jr. was the son of Mordecai Redd, Sr. who married Agatha Minor. Mordecai Redd Sr.'s father was Thomas Redd, Jr. who married Elizabeth Barbee. Agatha Minor was the daughter of John Minor, I believe. Mordecai Redd, Jr. had six siblings: Elizabeth Redd, Lucy Redd, Alice M. Redd, Anne C. "Nancy" Redd, John Thomas Redd, Sr., Thomas Minor Redd. Spouse was Hannah Todd: Children of Mordecai Redd, Jr.:
Robert Todd Redd, Mordecai Redd III, Barbee Minor Redd, Elizabeth Anne Williams Redd, Owne Todd Redd, Isaac Hawes Redd, Mary Jane Redd, Barnett Williams Redd.
Life of Mordecai Redd written by his great-great-grandaughter, Agnes Irene Bullock
Posted 24 Aug 2009 by JudiHarris52
Mordecai Redd was almost certanly the son of Thomas Redd of Caroline County, Virginia, who died there in 1754. He spent much of his life in Spottsylvania, County Virginia, where he married Agatha Minor, daughter of Thomas Minor and Alice Thomas. He is mentioned in the will of his father-in-law, Thomas Minor in 1776. He spent several years in Fredrick County, Virginia, and came to what is now Woodford County, Kentucky before the formation of that county. He had a number of land grants in Jefferson Coounty, Kentucky, and one in Woodford County, Kentucky. William E Railey in his history of Woodford County, Kentucky states that he was a Revolutionary solider, but I can find no proof. His land warrents were treasury warrants, not military warrants. His brother-in-law John Major was a Revolutionary solider, as was his brother-in-law Thomas Minor, the latter being a Colonel. A further research might prove his service. Mordecai Redd'd will was filed in Woodford County, Kentucky, in 1807. His grandson Mordecai Redd Bullock was born there in 1807.
Typed by Agnes Irene Bullock and included in her family history papers c 1950-1960. Copied and entered to computer by Judith Henry Harris August 24, 2009.