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- From:
Subject: John Clark, bc 1440 ENG; m. Tateshan > USA-VA, WV, KY part 3
Date: Sat, 8 May 2004 09:46:32 -0500
Generation No. 5
16. John C. (Christopher) Clark32, born July 18, 1665 in Kent, England;
died 1735 in King and Queen County, VA. He was the son of 32. John Clark
and 33. Mary Bird. He married 17. Elizabeth Lumpkin 1680 in King and Queen
County, VA.
17. Elizabeth Lumpkin32, born 1667 in Middlesex County, VA; died 1734 in
King and Queen County, VA. She was the daughter of 34. Captain John Jacob
Lumpkin and 35. Martha Unknown.
Notes for John C. (Christopher) Clark:
Our Families by Larry Shuck - page 439
James Clarke of Augusta County, Va was previously listed as a son of John
Clarke of King and Queen County, VA and a great grandson of John Clarke
from England, who settled in Virginia. This is now thought to be
incorrect...the John Clark from ENGLAND and John Clarke from King and Queen
County are most likely the same person.
There are some indications that Jonathan Clarke of King and Queen County was
related to James Clarke of Augusta Co Va and to Christopher Clarke of
Albermarle Co Va. One source suggest that John Clark who transported Peter
Massie of New Kent 7 Nov 1670 may have been the ancestor of Christopher
Clarke of Albermarle Co Va. There was a Christopher and Rebecca Clark who
lived near Jamestown 1679 and some believe they were the parents of John and
Christopher Clark of Albermarle Co, but this is not proven. William Hancock
Clark, of the Gen. William Clark line, said that George Rogers Clark was a
cousin of Elizabeth Anthony of the Christopher Clark line
It is also suggested that Jonathan Clark of King and Queen County may have
been the son of John Clark and a brother to Christopher Clark. It is also
said in the History of Rockbridge County that Ann DUNLAP daughter of James
Clark of Augusta County was a cousin of General George Rogers Clark. ( I
agree with this theory. There is a letter, written to Ann Clark Dunlap by
George Rogers Clark in which he addresses her as my Dear Cousin) This
connecting link may be John Clarke of King and Queen County. The following
connection between these Clarks is speculative, but some records do exist to
support this speculation
John Clark immigrated from ENGLAND to King and Queen County before 1725.
Christopher Clark and wife, Rebecca, lived near Jamestown in1679, poss.
transported 7 Nov 1670 Peter Massie of New Kent
One source says John C (Christopher?) Clark after arriving married a
red-headed Scoth girl, located in King and Queen County aft 1700 and that he
was the father of Jonathan Clark born 1698
Our Families by Larry Shuck - page 439
Children of John Clark 1651-1665 and wife poss Elizabeth, another source
says Rebecca. All children are NOT proven
1. Christopher 1680-1783 md Penelope_____. Lived Albermarle Co Virginia
adjoing land of John Clark s/o Jonathan Clark
2. Jonathan Clark 1698-1734 married Elizabeth Wilson born 1701 d/o William
Wilson and Lucy Rogers d/o Giles Rogers 1643-1730 and Rachel Eastham.
Jonathan deeded land to his sons, John and Benjamin
3. William Clark died 1754 Augusta Co md Elizabeth. Two sons John and
William named in will
4. Robert Clark died 1759 Augusta prob. married Margaret
5. James Clark born by 1710 died c 1778 Augusta married Elizabeth died 1781
Before Amanda by Thomas Nathan Clark - page 2
John Christopher Clark was born about 1662 died after 1735, married c 1695
Elizabeth Lumpkin, daughter of Capt John Lumpkin of the French and Indian
Wars. He was granted land in Drysdale Parish, King and Queen County 1691. He
was also granted land in Hanover and Caroline Counties. John and Elizabeth
(Lumpkin) Clark are thought to be the couple from whom Jonathan Clark
1698-1734, who married Elizabeth Wilson and received land grants in Caroline
and Albermarle Counties, descends. Jonathan Clark and Elizabeth Wilson Clark
were the grandparents of George Rogers Clark. They are also thought to be
the parents of James Clark 1704-1778, who married Elizabeth Summers and
settled in Augusta County, Va. They are the known pioneers of this book.
Begining with James Clark the line leaves family tradition and starts with
proven facts
More About John C. (Christopher) Clark:
Immigration: Bef. 1725, From England to King & Queen County, VA33
Notes for Elizabeth Lumpkin:
Elizabeth Lumpkin was a red-haired Scottish beauty.
More About John Clark and Elizabeth Lumpkin:
Marriage: 1680, King and Queen County, VA
Children of John Clark and Elizabeth Lumpkin are:
i. Christopher Clark33, born 1680 in King and Queen County, VA33; died
1753 in Albemarle County, VA; married Penelope Unknown; born Abt. 1890 in
Notes for Christopher Clark:
Our Families by Larry Shuck - page 440
John1 Christopher2
Children of Christopher Clark and Penelope
1. Bolling
2. Micajah poss. his daughter, Elizabeth Clark married Joseph Anthony
3. Agness Clark married Benjamin Johnson
ii. John Clark, born 1695 in ALBERMARLE County, VA; died 1757 in CAROLINA
County, VA.
iii. Jonathan Clark33, born 1698 in Albemarle County, VA33; died June 14,
1734 in King and Queen County, VA33; married Elizabeth Wilson 1724 in King
and Queen County, VA; born 1701 in King and Queen County, VA33; died
February 26, 1785 in King and Queen County, VA.
Notes for Jonathan Clark:
Our Families by Larry Shuck - page 440
John1 Jonathan 2
Children of Jonathan Clark 1698-1734 and Elizabeth Wilson
1. John Clark 20 Oct 1724 oldest son died 1799 Kentucky married Ann Rogers
(cousin) born 13 Feb 1781 died 1799 Ky d/o John Rogers (s/o Giles Rogers and
Rachel Eastham) and Mary Byrd. John moved from King and Queen County Va to
Albermarle Co, when son George Rogers Clark was an infant and then to KY
1796. John and Ann Clark lived near Louisville Ky
2. Benjam md Susannah
3. Ann
4. Elizabeth
More About Jonathan Clark and Elizabeth Wilson:
Marriage: 1724, King and Queen County, VA
iv. BENJAMIN Clark, born Abt. 1700.
v. William Clark33, born Abt. 1701 in King and Queen County, VA; died
March 20, 1754 in Augusta County, VA33; married Elizabeth Unknown; born Abt.
1703 in VA; died in Augusta County, VA.
vi. Robert Clark33, born Abt. 1704 in King and Queen County, VA; died 1759
in Augusta County, VA33; married Margaret Unknown; born Abt. 1708.
8 vii. James Clark, born 1704 in VA; died August 20, 1778 in Augusta
County, VA; married Elizabeth Summers 1725 in Augusta County, VA.
18. John Summers, born April 02, 1683 in Virginia. He married 19.
Elizabeth Thompson.
19. Elizabeth Thompson, born 1689 in Virginia. She was the daughter of
38. William Thompson and 39. Elearor Montague.
Child of John Summers and Elizabeth Thompson is:
9 i. Elizabeth Summers, born Abt. 1704 in King and Queen County, VA; died
1781 in Augusta County, VA; married James Clark 1725 in Augusta County, VA.
Generation No. 6
32. John Clark, born 1641 in Jamestown, VA; died 1683 in Jamestown, VA.
He was the son of 64. John Clark and 65. Hannah Wyatt. He married 33. Mary
33. Mary Bird, born 1644 in Jamestown, VA. She was the daughter of 66.
Thomas Bird.
Notes for John Clark:
See William and Mary Quarterly Vol I, III, XII. Inherited Middle Plantation
Estate from Uncle Sir John Clark.
Children of John Clark and Mary Bird are:
i. Thomas Clark, born 1662 in ENGLAND; married Elizabeth YORK; born Abt.
1664 in ENGLAND.
ii. Elizabeth Clark, born Abt. 1664 in KENT, ENGLAND.
16 iii. John C. (Christopher) Clark, born July 18, 1665 in Kent, England;
died 1735 in King and Queen County, VA; married Elizabeth Lumpkin 1680 in
King and Queen County, VA.
iv. William Clark, born 1668 in KENT, ENGLAND.
v. James Clark, born Abt. 1670 in KENT, ENGLAND.
34. Captain John Jacob Lumpkin34, born 1644 in Scotland; died September
14, 1708 in King and Queen County, VA. He was the son of 68. Thomas
Lumpkin. He married 35. Martha Unknown Abt. 1667 in VA.
35. Martha Unknown, born Abt. 1650 in VA.
Notes for Captain John Jacob Lumpkin:
Before Amanda by Thomas Nathan Clark - Page 2
Jacob Lumpkin was a Captain in the French and Indian Wars. He was granted
land in Drysdale Parish, King & Queen County 1691. He was also granted land
in Hanover and Caroline Counties.
More About Captain John Jacob Lumpkin:
Military service: French & Indian Wars34
More About John Lumpkin and Martha Unknown:
Marriage: Abt. 1667, VA
Children of John Lumpkin and Martha Unknown are:
17 i. Elizabeth Lumpkin, born 1667 in Middlesex County, VA; died 1734 in
King and Queen County, VA; married John C. (Christopher) Clark 1680 in King
and Queen County, VA.
ii. Thomas LUMPKIN, born Abt. 1670 in KING AND QUEEN County, VA.
iii. Mary LUMPKIN, born Abt. 1674 in KING AND QUEEN County, VA; married
George BRAXTON; born Abt. 1670 in Virginia.
iv. Robert LUMPKIN, born Abt. 1675 in KING AND QUEEN County, VA; died in
v. Jacob LUMPKIN, born Abt. 1683.
38. William Thompson, born Bef. 1630; died in Virginia. He married 39.
Elearor Montague.
39. Elearor Montague, born Abt. 1632; died in Virginia.
Child of William Thompson and Elearor Montague is:
19 i. Elizabeth Thompson, born 1689 in Virginia; married John Summers.
Generation No. 7
64. John Clark, born 1614 in Kent County, England; died 1644 in York
County, PA. He was the son of 128. Sir John Clark and 129. Elizabeth Steed.
He married 65. Hannah Wyatt 1640 in York County, VA.
65. Hannah Wyatt, born 1613 in England; died in Jamestown, VA. She was
the daughter of 130. Sir Dudley Wyatt.
Notes for John Clark:
The tradition of the Clark Family of Eastern Virginia is also the same as
that of the Ancestors of George Rogers Clark. Ref; The Compendium of
American Genealogy/First Families of America, Vol VI, Frederick Adam Virkus,
Pg 139
John Clark a Native of England, came to Jamestown, Virginia about 1635. He
married Hannah Wyatt Abt. 1640. Ref: The Original List of Persons of
Quality 1600-1700. It list John Clark age 19 Years, leaving London on
January 2, 1634 aboard the Bonadventure.
John Clark lived in York County, VA Ref; Registry of Virginia Heraldics
Page 75.
John Clark died without having any children. His brother, Sir William
Clark's, son. John Clark inherited his land. Source: Will Recorded in
James City, Virginia 25 April 1651.
Notes for Hannah Wyatt:
Described as a red haired beauty.
More About John Clark and Hannah Wyatt:
Marriage: 1640, York County, VA
Child of John Clark and Hannah Wyatt is:
32 i. John Clark, born 1641 in Jamestown, VA; died 1683 in Jamestown, VA;
married Mary Bird.
66. Thomas Bird, born Abt. 1620 in KENT, ENGLAND.
Child of Thomas Bird is:
33 i. Mary Bird, born 1644 in Jamestown, VA; married John Clark.
68. Thomas Lumpkin, born 1610.
Child of Thomas Lumpkin is:
34 i. Captain John Jacob Lumpkin, born 1644 in Scotland; died September 14,
1708 in King and Queen County, VA; married Martha Unknown Abt. 1667 in VA.
Generation No. 8
128. Sir John Clark, born 1585 in England; died in Oxfordshire, England.
He was the son of 256. William Clark and 257. Ann Cartwright. He married
129. Elizabeth Steed Abt. 1610 in England.
129. Elizabeth Steed, born 1587 in England.
Notes for Sir John Clark:
The name Clark means a learned person-that is one who could read and write.
More About Sir John Clark:
Knighted: July 15, 161935
More About John Clark and Elizabeth Steed:
Marriage: Abt. 1610, England
Children of John Clark and Elizabeth Steed are:
i. William Clark, born 1610 in England; died June 29, 1644 in Oxfordshire,
England; married Mary Culpepper; born 1612 in Kent, England.
Notes for William Clark:
Sir William Clark descended from a Baron of the exchange Temp. Henry VI
(Hasted PG239) and through his mother, who was a Stede (Steed) from John
Culpepper of Wigsell, was a true Kentish Sir Byng. (Rebellion IV, 594)
Records his death at Croredy Bridge on the Cherwell in Oxfordshire, June 29,
1644 age 36.
More About William Clark:
Knighted: August 08, 1642, York, England
ii. Celia Clark, born 1612.
64 iii. John Clark, born 1614 in Kent County, England; died 1644 in York
County, PA; married Hannah Wyatt 1640 in York County, VA.
130. Sir Dudley Wyatt, born Abt. 1595 in ENGLAND.
Child of Sir Dudley Wyatt is:
65 i. Hannah Wyatt, born 1613 in England; died in Jamestown, VA; married
John Clark 1640 in York County, VA.
Generation No. 9
256. William Clark, born Abt. 1550 in England. He was the son of 512.
George Clark and 513. Elizabeth Wilsforde. He married 257. Ann Cartwright.
257. Ann Cartwright, born Abt. 1550 in England. She was the daughter of
514. Edmund Cartwright.
Child of William Clark and Ann Cartwright is:
128 i. Sir John Clark, born 1585 in England; died in Oxfordshire, England;
married Elizabeth Steed Abt. 1610 in England.
Generation No. 10
512. George Clark, born Abt. 1525 in England. He was the son of 1024.
James Clark and 1025. Elizabeth Ferres. He married 513. Elizabeth
513. Elizabeth Wilsforde, born Abt. 1527 in England.
Child of George Clark and Elizabeth Wilsforde is:
256 i. William Clark, born Abt. 1550 in England; married Ann Cartwright.
514. Edmund Cartwright, born Abt. 1520 in ENGLAND.
Child of Edmund Cartwright is:
257 i. Ann Cartwright, born Abt. 1550 in England; married William Clark.