Notes |
- Name: John RANDLE 1
Sex: M
Birth: BET 1670 AND 1678 in England or Virginia
Event: Fact 1 Buried: Brunswick County, Virginia 1
Death: in King William County, Virginia
SOURCES for my information:
1) "The Randle Family, with Kissin' and Far-fetched Cousins, Etc, A Living Workbook", by Samuel and Dorothy Randle, Vols. I and II , 1979 [This book has been shown to have quite a few errors. It was a work in progress as noted by "living workbook" All information should be documented by researchers]
2) Research of Daniel Wilson Randle
3) Research of Kay Oatas
4) Research of Eleanor Colson
5) Numerous submittals from Randle ancestors on the Randle rootsweb mailing list and message boards
6) Various wills, deeds, marriage, cemetery records of Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, etc.
7) Census records
8) Manuscript of Rev. Charles L. Randle
9] Manuscript of Edythe Whitley
10] court records of Brunswick Co, VA
Please do not take the various letters as "gospel". Please don't relay this information as fact without documentation. Many wrong things are now being circulated on the net which will be hard to eliminate even with correct documentation. Even items on this file might be wrong. I encourage any corrections and submissions. If you use this file, please do not incorporate information into your files without crediting the sources especially when you copy the notes word for word. One of the things that upsets me the most is seeing my words, word for word without any acknowledgement. Please credit all sources!
Thank you,
Eleanor Colson
Pete Hamilton has John listed as John Randle III, son of John Randle II
Appears to be of St. John's Parish, King William County, formerly King & Queen County, Virginia
12 May 1702. Records of King William County, Virginia, Book 1, 1702-1707, page 10
Archives Division. Virginia State Library, Richamond, VA
Deed Hill to Walker 286 acres in the parish of St. John in King William County, formerly being King and Queen County. Adjoins land of Jno RANDALL's corner tree. Rec 20 Jun 1702
VA Quit rent rolls of 1704, King William County - John RANDALL found with 100 acres of land.
(******King William County, taken from King and Queen County in 1701. St. John's Parish was the only parish in the county in 1701. St. Margarett's Parish was established in 1721 and St. David's in 1744)
PAMUNKEY NECK - location of John RANDLE land of King William Co, VA
King William taken from King & Queen County in 1702.
A peninsula lying between the Mattaponi and the Pamunkey Rivers, formerly called Pamunkey Neck. Prospered in colonial days when tobacco was king and in ante-bellum era when plantations and slave labor were plentiful.
By middle of 17th century, a growing economy was fueled by tobacco plantations that line the shores of the two rivers. Barges loaded with cargo went up and down the rivers to and from the markets.
Genealogy of the RANDLE FAMILY as given by James RANDLE now living near Paris, Tenn, in the 75th year of his age this April 27, 1867 and written by Edwin H. RANDLE.
****************This is based on family stories which may or may not be factual. Information in this letter should be used with caution.************************
Previous to the war of 1776 about 30 or 40 years there moved from Virginia to Great Pedee (Yadkin R.), North Carolina and settled along the river three brothers, William, Peter and dumb John Randle or Randolph.
William married Lucy Simms had sons Peyton, Meritt, William, Henry and Wyatt in order of their ages. Peyton married Lucy Roper and emigrated from VA to NC a descendant of some branch of the Green family to which General Nathaniel Green belonged, thought to be the Generals niece. Peyton and Lucy Randles' children were Mary Peterson, Martha Johnson, Sarah, James Roper, Susan Simms and Tabitha. Mary P. married William Randle, son of Major John Randle. Martha J. married George W. Atkins. Both died in Arkansas near Pine Bluff. Sarah, who is now living near Caledonia, married Richard Manly. James R. married Sallie Hogan, both of whom are now living five miles east of Paris Tenn. Susan married George Davidson Randle (parents of writer Edwin H. Randle).
Tabitha first married Isaac Manly who left one daughter, the Hudson family of Paris. Second she married Col. James T. Williams, by him leaving two sons, Jas. T. and William Clinton. Merrit Randle, son of first William Randle married Nancy Crawford sister of old Tom Crawford, the latter the richest man in the county.
Merrit Randle settled in Carrol County Tenn and reared a large family, youngest child Willism, now about 45 years old has been deranged for many years, but not badly most of the time.
William Randle, son of the first William married Nancy Lyons, emigrated to Tennessee at an early day and settled on the Cumberland and then moved to Todd County Kentucky, and died leaving a large and well reared highly accomplished. Henry Randle, the 4th son married Annie Lilly, emigrated to Stuart County Tenn, became a Methodist Preacher and died in the pulpit, one of the best of men. Wyatt, 5th son, married Sallie Tomlinson, moved to Lounds Co Mississippi, did leaving a fortune and sons, Peyton, Henry, John, Douglass and three others.
Peter Randle, one of the three brothers from VA, had three sons and two daughters, John, Douglass, Frederic, Lucy and Polly, of these John married a Marshall and had one son now living near or at Aberdeen Miss. and is wealthy. Douglass died when young, Frederic is still living at Crawfordville, Miss having reared a family.
Lucy married a Lilly, and Polly married George Davidson, son of Col. Geo. Davidson of the old Revolution. Dumb John Randle the last of the three brothers became rich married and died with out issue.
With these three brothers first named there also came about the same time from VA to the Great Pedee and settled in the same neighborhood three other brothers, first cousins of these, namely Richard, Colby, and John Randle or Randolph. Richard had two sons and one daughter, James, Osborn, and Susan. All remained so far as known in North Carolina.
Colby Randle was said to be quite a dissipated man, had one son John who moved to Stuart County Tenn and died. Of the others nothing is known.
Major John Randle was said to have been quite a gallant officer in the War of 1776. Was a man of marked energy and vigor, married Molly Ware and had sons Wilson, Thomas, and William, and daughters Ann, Susan, Amy, and Frankie.
Wilson Randle (my grandfather) lost his eyesight in the meridian of life. His first marriage was to a daughter of Col. Geo. Davidson (who Col. of the war of 1776, and afterwards Congressman) left one son by her, Geo. D. Randle who married Susan Randle (see Peyton Randle) These were parents of Edwin H. Randle.
The above is an exact duplicate of the genealogy of the Randle family transmitted to me through correspondence with Edwin H. Randle, during the year 1867, and now in my possession.
J. P. Randle
Gonzales, Texas
Jan. 1911
From Mrs. Adelicia Wall Gilbert, of McKenzie, TN:
The RANDLES are of pure English ancestry. It was said by one fo the forefathers that two brothers named RANDOLPH came from England and settled on Roanoke River [ my note - flows through southern edge of Brunswick Co, VA], that they or their descendants married into the Rolf family one of whom married Pocahontas, that their progeny became ashamed of their Indian blood and changed their name to Randle, Randall, Randell, etc. [ My note - Pocahontas married John Rolfe and had only one child, Thomas Rolfe who had only one child, Jane Rolfe who married Col. Robert Bolling. Not very possible to be descended from Randolph or Randle]
RANDOLPH is an old English name, and the quick pronunciation of Americans which has corrupted so many names shortened it, for to this day all who preserve the original spelling are called Randle. But certain it is that three brothers settled in VA on the Roanoke and from there people of all the Randles of various ways of spelling th ename in the United States have sprung.
She believes that somehow they became connected with the blood of Pocahontas.
Tradition says that John RANDLE came over with his father and brothers about 1698 or 1699, the father probably dying on the way over since no record has been found of his arrival in the Colony.
VA Quit rent rolls of 1704, King William County - John RANDALL found with 100 acres of land.
(******King William County, taken from King and Queen County in 1701. St. John's Parish was the only parish in the county in 1701. St. Margarett's Parish was established in 1721 and St. David's in 1744)
Children are named in an old Bible and were communicated in 1904 by Mrs. Reeves of Newton, Iowa. The names of the parents of the children are not given in the Bible. Some researchers believe they may have been of the Stafford and Prince William Couny families. [Children of a William Randolph?] Most researchers believe they are the children of John and Mary. Jeconias RANDLE mentioned in the Bible is mentioned as of King William Co in two places. Entries are made as RANDOLPH but the family has always been syled both ways. They were properly RANDLE however.
From Kay:
She found a book with abstracts from the earliest court records of Brunswick Co, VA between 1730 and 1735. They show Peter RANDOLPH/RANDLE, Josias, John, James and Jeconias. She believes that John and/or Mary died sometime around 1730 and the boys inherited some money. Peter is not listed in the Bible records which named all the other children which most people have concluded are the children of John and Mary. Could Peter be Josias and Jane's child "in esse"?
Court Order Books for Brunswick Co, VA, abstracted by T.L.C. Genealogy, 1992:
6 Oct 1732. Peter RANDOLPH paid for services.
1 Feb 1732/3. Assault and batter, plt James Parish, deft. Peter RANDLE; plt declined to prosecute, dismissed.
5 Jul 1733. Josias RA_____.
2 Aug 1733. James, Josias and John RANDLE
15 Dec 1734. John RANDLE and Francis, his wife.
3 Apr 1735. Jeconias RANDLE
VIRGINIA VITAL RECORDS - From The Virginia Magazine of History and biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly. Indexed by Judith McGhan. Published by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore 1984
Page 726-728
"Randolph Bible Record
"The following copies from entries in an old Bible were communicated in 1904 by Mrs. W. E. Reeves, of Newton, Iowa. The names of the parents of the children born 1700 & c, are not given; but the name Osborne would indicate that they were of the family of the name in Stafford and Prince William. The name Isham was probably given as a compliment to Isham Randolph of 'Dungeness', for the persons named in this Bible record were certainly not descended from William of 'Turkey Island'. By deed in Prince William County, Oct. 20, 1750, John Randolph, of Prince Wm., and his wife Ann, one of the daughters & co-heirs of Thomas Osborne of Prince William, conveyed a tract of land to Cuthert Harrison who had married Osborne's widow. The will of John Randolph was dated Sept. 11, 1789, and proved in Prince William, Nov. 5, 1790, legatees, wife Anne, daughter Sarah, daughter Peggy, daughter Betsy, daughter Mary Ann, sons John and Thomas Osborn Randolph, son Wm., daughter Mildred Oliver, daughter Mary Tyler, daughter Frances. The will of Wm. Randolph dated August 2, 1792, was proved in Prince Wm. Sept. 2, 1792, legatees; wife Elinor, and children Robert, William, George and Mildred.
Apphia Randolph, born Mar. 16, 1700
Josiah Randolph, born Apr. 11, 1703
John Randolph, born Feb. 9, 1705
James Randolph, born Feb. 29, 1707
Jeconias Randolph, born Mar. 1, 1710
Alice Randolph, born Jan. 15, 1712
William Randolph, born Sept. 22, 1716
Mary Randolph, born July 19, 1718
"The third child, of the above family, was deaf and dumb and he was named for an uncle. The following is a list of children of Josiah Randolph and Jane, his wife.
Tabitha Randolph, born April 13, 1749
Richard Randolph, born Aug. 21, 1752
Edmund Randolph, born Jan. 4, 1756
Isham Randolph, born Mar. 23, 1758
Apphia Randolph, born Apr. 28, 1761
Frances Randolph, born June 8, 1764
Josiah Randolph, born Oct. 1, 1766
Osborn Randolph, born May 1, 1769
"These are authentic records, taken from family Bibles. "
To my knowledge, there is no proof that Peter Randle is a child of John and Mary (Johns) Randle. In chapter 4 of The Ledbetters of Virginia (authors Roy C. Ledbetter, William R. Ledbetter, Justus R. Moll, James D. Tillman, Jr.), "Descendants of Henry Ledbetter of Brunswick County, Virginia", James Tillman placed him with this family and I would like to correct that notion. According to the book, Frances Randle, daughter of Peter and Frances (Barrett) Randle, married Charles Ledbetter and Frances Randles' siblings were Peter Randle "Jr" (married Mary Sims), William Randle (married Lucy "Simmons", should be Sims). FRANCES (RANDLE) LEDBETTER AND BROTHERS WERE ALL CHILDREN OF JOHN RANDLE (C), James Tillman, further explains that Peter (Frances Barrett) was the son of John and Mary (Johns) Randle and that this John Randle's will was proven in 1753, Brunswick Co, naming wife Frances and children Josias, Susanna, John, William, Peter and Frances. THIS WILL WAS THAT OF JOHN RANDLE (C), SON OF JOHN RANDLE AND WIFE, MARY JOHNS.
In a letter to Edythe Whitley, J D Tillman mentions another Randall line (unidentified source) NOT PROVEN as follows:
William Randall, born 1647, died 11 Apr 1712, married Rebecca Fowler and had:
1. Jonathan Randall, died 10 Oct 1724, married Rithia Howard.
2. Joseph Randall, a shipwright, 1684 - 30 Mar 1760, married Amey Esten (1 Jun 1685 - 8 Feb 1764).
Amey Randall born 27 May 1717.
Joseph Randall born 25 Aug 1718.
Henry Randall born 2 Mar 1720.
Peter Randall born 12 Jun 1723. The same unidentified source thought he was the Peter who married Frances Barrett 15 Feb 1742.
3. Mary Randall married Zachariah Rhodes (5 Nov 1687 - 10 Jan 1740).
Father: RANDLE
Marriage 1 Mary JOHNS b: 07 MAR 1678 in King William County, Virginia
Married: ABT 1699 in King William County, Virginia
Apphia RANDLE b: 06 MAR 1700 in King William County, Virginia
Josias RANDLE b: 11 APR 1703 in King William County, Virginia
John RANDLE b: 09 FEB 1705 in King William County, Virginia
James RANDLE b: 28 FEB 1707 in King William County, Virginia
Jeconias RANDLE b: 01 MAR 1710 in King William County, Virginia
Alice RANDLE b: 15 JAN 1712 in King William County, Virginia
William RANDLE b: 22 SEP 1716 in King William County, Virginia
Mary RANDLE b: 19 JUL 1718 in King William County, Virginia