Notes |
- North Carolina, Marriage Index, 1741-2004
Name: Mary Jane Lancaster
Spouse: John McIntyre
Marriage Date: 15 Jan 1832
Marriage County: Wake
Marriage State: North Carolina
Source: County Court Records at Raleigh, NC & Family History
12 Jan 1841: Rutherfordton was incorporated, with about 40 inhabitants in the town. John McEntire was the first mayor.
1850 United States Federal Census
Name: John McEntire
Age: 12
Birth Year: abt 1838
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1850: Rutherfordton, Rutherford, North Carolina, USA
Gender: Male
Family Number: 1864
John McEntire 62
Jane McEntire 47
Martha McEntire 16
Thomas McEntire 14
John McEntire 12
Jane McEntire 9
Louisa McEntire 7
Name: Mary McEntire
Age: 56
Birth Year: abt 1804
Gender: Female
Birth Place: North Carolina
Home in 1860: Rutherfordton, Rutherford, North Carolina
Post Office: Rutherfordton
Family Number: 1634
Mary McEntire 56
John McEntire 22
Jane McEntire 20
Laura McEntire 18
Name: Mary J Mcentire
Age in 1870: 66
Birth Year: abt 1804
Birthplace: North Carolina
Home in 1870: Union, Rutherford, North Carolina
Race: White
Gender: Female
Post Office: Rutherfordton
Mary J Mcentire 66
Thomas W Mcentire 34
John G Mcentire 32
Mary E Mcentire 24
Leila Mcentire 1
Jane E Shotwell 23
John Shotwell 8
Will filed in Rutherford Co., NC.
Find A Grave:
Dr John McEntire
Birth: 1787
Death: Dec. 4, 1856
69 yrs.
Obituary transcribed and sent by: Sheron Smith-Savage
In Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1836-1922
Semi-Weekly Standard
Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USA
Date: Dec 17 1856
In Rutherfordton, on the 4th inst., at an advanced age, Dr. John McEntire. The resolutions in another column, adopted by his brother Masons, render it unnecessary for us to say more than that we know them to be just and true. The deceased was several times a member of our State Legislature, and through a long and active life he ever maintained the character of an upright, honest man. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn their loss.
—Published in Semi-Weekly Standard (Raleigh, North Carolina), December 17, 1856, p. 3.
Rutherfordton City Cemetery
Rutherford County
North Carolina, USA
Recd of Ransom Egerton Jany 13th 1816 Twenty Dollars in full for Medicine & attendance
Wow, I think this might make two whole receipts where we actually know what was purchased. You may recall a previous post that involved Ransom Egerton. I am not sure why this receipt would be in the hands of John Logan unless he paid this receipt on Ransom’s behalf (like he did in the other receipt involving Ransom). Ransom Egerton was married to John’s sister Jemima Logan. I am not sure if Ransom and Jemima ever had any kids. There was a child in their household in 1820 between 10-15. They were married in 1808 so they very well could have had an 11 or 12 year old at that time.
McEntire is most certainly Dr. John McEntire.
The following is from the 1892 book titled “The Eminent and Representative Men of the Carolinas of the Nineteenth Century” which can be found in its entirety on Google Books.
was born in Burke county, N. C., in 1791. He was the youngest son of James McEntire who came from Ireland to the United States at an early day. John McEntire spent his early days in Morgantown, N. C. He chose the medical profession for his life work and attended two terms of medical lectures at Charleston, S. C,, after which he completed his studies at Philadelphia.
His medical training being perfected, he located at Rutherfordton, and began the practice of his profession. In those early days his territory was extensive, reaching south as far as the South Carolina line. The result of his wide practice was the accumulation of a large fortune, but in 1830 failing health compelled him to retire from his laborious practice.
About this date he was elected to the legislature in which he served his state with great dignity and efficiency, and with great credit to himself. During his legislative career he made the acquaintance of Miss Mary Jane Lancaster, of Franklin county, daughter of Rev. William Lancaster, a prominent Baptist divine. The acquaintance ripened into an engagement, and Dr. McEntire and Miss Lancaster were married in 1832.
The young wife of that period still survives her husband at the ripe age of ninety-two years, with a mind fresh and unimpaired by the lapse of this unusual extension of her physical and intellectual faculties. She is still remarkable sprightly for a lady of her years and the charm and vivacity of her mind are in keeping with this physical healthfullness and strength.
She is the honored mother of two sons. William T., and John J., both of whom were gallant soldiers in the Confederate army, and both of whom bore marks of their valor in the shape of honorable wounds. The eldest son died of his wounds a sacrifice to his patriotism and chivalry.
Mrs. McEntire was also the mother of Mrs. Martha Ann Morris, who is still living in Rutherfordton; of Mrs. Jane Eliza Shotwell, whose heroic husband fell in the engagement around Richmond; and of Mrs. Laura Eugenia Hicks, wife of Dr. Hicks of Rutherfordton.
William Thomas McEntire left two daughters, who since his death have married. Dr. McEntire died in December, 1856. He was greatly beloved by all who knew him, and his days were spent in rendering himself useful to the community in which he lived. In all his acts he was charitable, and humane and the memory of his noble characteristics and of his exemplary life is a perpetual solace to his well preserved and lovable surviving widow.”