Notes |
- "From the Hodges Family history (Thought to be from the family Bible records):
Charles Hodges, (Great-Grandfather) emigrated from VA to TN in an early day together with three sons as follows:
Welcome Hodges, located to Pleasant Hill MO in 1848, and his family was reared there.
Caloway Hodges and Charles Hodges settled in Jefferson County TN and many of them now live in and around Hodges in that county.
Of these three sons was our Grandfather Charles Hodges and his children were as follows:
William Hodges
Calvin Hodges
Preston Hodges
B. Marshall Hodges
Fannie Hodges
Nepolian Hodges
(No dates were recorded for the above children.)
Grandfather, Charles Hodges was born Feb 18, 1792 and Elizabeth (Thompson) Grandmother Hodges was born Jan 1797.
You will note Grandmother was a Thompson, she was a sister to William Thompson who was a life guard of Andrew Jackson and after the French and Indian war they had quite a correspondence, but Jackson letters were burnt up in the old Thompson home some years ago.
Grandfather died in Fl on Nov 7, 1837. Grandmother died at the old home Dec 5, 1849.
I compile this list, although it is far from being complete, hoping it may be of interest to some of our relatives now and at some future date,
Sincerely Yours, C. F. Hodges"
American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
Name Charles Hodges
Birth Date 1750-1759
Birth Place Virginia, USA
Volume 81
Page number 189
Reference Heads of Fams. At the First U.s. Census. Va. By U.s. Bureau of the Census. Washington, 1908. (189p.):94
North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S., Early Land Records, 1753-1931
Name Charles Hodges
Record Date 1 Nov 1786
Location Greene, North Carolina
Warrant Number 12
NC Land Grant, he purchased in 1786, Greene Co., TN on Bent Creek, 450 acres
Records of Jefferson County, TN Record Book No 1. (Court minutes) 1792-1798
Copied from the original in the TN State Library
McClung Collection East TN Historical Center, Knoxville, TN
Page 1: Charles Hodges and Alexander Outlaw were listed as bond securities for Robert McFarland, commissioned sheriff to perform his duty as sheriff. Bond was in the sum of 5,000.
Page 2: Charles Hodges commissioned Deputy Sheriff took the necessary oaths of office.
Page 10: Know all men by these presents that we Robert McFarland, Alexander Outlaw, & Chalres Hodges, are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency, William Blount, Governor of the Territory of the United States of America South of the river Ohio, in the sum of Five thoughasn pounds to be paid to his Excellency the Governor his Successors and assigns.
Page 13: Tuesday Court met according to adjourment. Robert McFarland by Charles Hodges his deputy protested against the jail of his county as being insufficient.
Page 17: A Deed from Alexander Outlaw to Charles Hodges was acknowledged in Court and recorded.
Also, Frederick Mayberry pltf vs James Thurman deft. Jury finds for the plantiff, one pound nineteen shillings and ten pence. Paid into office two shillings collected of Charles Hodges for profane swearing.
Page 32:
Page 33: Charles Hodges Pltf vs Garrett Fitzgerald-Deft (In Debt) Jury finds for the plantiff his Debt in the declaration mentioned amounting to one hundred and twenty three dollars and ninety cents. It was therefore considered by the Court that the plantiff recover against the Defendant the Debt aforesaid & his costs by him about his suit expended. Paid Barsdill Riddle the sum of Fifty shillings for his services as Constable.
Page 42: Charles Hodges-Pltf vs Phillip Halter-Def. (Appeal) Jury found for the Deft. Rule to shew cause why a new trial should be granted Ruled made absolute.
Page 47: Charles Hodges-Pltf vs Phillip Halter-Def. (Appeal) The same Jury found for the Defendant. It is therefore considered by the Court that the Plaintiff take nothing by his plaint but that he be in mercy & c.
Page 51: The Court appoint John Gore Overseer of the road from Bulls Gap to Charles Hodges and the same hands are to work thereon as formerly.
Page 65: Charles Hodges-Pltf. vs William Campbell-Deft: Jury finds for the plaintiff Seventeen dollars and thirty three cents besides his costs. It was therefore considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover against the Defendant his damages aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed and his costs by him about his suit expended.
Page 67: A Deed from Charles Hodges to Joseph Dameron. Also a Bill of sale from Abner Hodges to John Canady was proven in Court and recorded.
Page 85: Charles Hodges being solemnly called to come into Court and give testimony on behalf of Moses Yell against Forden Roach came not. It is therefore considered by the court that the said Charles do forfeit according to Act of Assembly.
Page 101: A Bill of sale from Charles Hodges to John Bullard for five negroes Viz; Toby, Sarah, Silvy, Minty and Benjamin was proven in Court and recorded.
Page 112: Thomas Kincaid is appointed Overseer of the road from where Charles Hodges lived to the Forks of the road.
Page 113: Daniel Welch vs Edmund Hodges (Appeal) Jury finds fro the Defendant. It was therefore considered by the Court that the Plaintiff take nothing by his plaint, but that he be in mercy & c.
Page 124: A Deed from Adam Meek to Charles Hodges was acknowledge in Court and recorded. A Deed from the heirs of Joseph Bullard Deceased to Charles Hodges was proven in Court and recorded. A Deed from the heirs of Joseph Bullard deceased to Charles Hodges was proven in Court and recorded.
Page 125: The Court appoing Charles Hodges Overseer of the road from the ford of Beaver Creek to the ford of Lost Creek.
U.S., Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820
Name Charles Hodges
Gender M (Male)
State Tennessee
Locality Territory South of Ohio River
County Jefferson County
Residence Year 1790
Household Remarks He was appointed, 29 Mar 1794, as a Captain in the Regiment for Jefferson County.
Roll 42, WD Book B, pg 11-12: Conveyance from Alexander Outlaw and Charles Hodges registered December 26, 1793
This indenture made the second Day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, between Alexander Outlaw of the County of Jefferson of the one part and Charles Hodges of the county aforesaid of the other part the said Alexander Outlaw for and in consideration of the sum of twenty-five pounds to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath Bargained Sold and granted, and by these presents doth bargain sell and grant give and confirm unto the said Charles Hodges a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the Jefferson County on a branch of Bent Creek including the plantation whereon Moses Baker now lives, beginning on a white oak near the road, running thence West one hundred and sixty poles to a hickory tree north forty-five Degrees West one hundred and ten poles to a stake, then north forty-five Degrees East two hundred and thirty poles to a walnut on the north side of a branch, thence South fifty East one hundred and twenty poles to a Red Oak in a hollow below the house thence to the beginning containing two hundred and fifty acres together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold to the said Charles Hodges his heirs and assigns, and the said Alexander Outlaw for himself and his heirs shall and will warrant and forever Defend the said tract or parcel of land with all the appurtenances to the aforesaid tract of land unto him the said Charles Hodges, his heirs and assigns, as an indefeasible right of inheritance in for simple, in testimony whereof, the said Alexander Outlaw hereunto set his hand seal the day & year above written signed sealed and delivered in the presents of
Wm Small Ack’d: Alex’d Outlaw (seal)
Obediah Chisum
Nathaniel Day
Roll 42, Book D, Pages 130-132 & Pages 132-133 (Also Roll 45, Book Q, In Back Pages 71-73):Deed from Ballard’s Heirs to Charles Hodge Registered December 8, 1797
This indenture made the twenty-fifth Day of April one thousand (seven hundred) and ninety-seven, between Martha Ballard, John Ballard, Isaac Ballard, and Christopher Ballard Heirs of Joseph Ballard and Charles Hodges of the county and State aforesaid. Witnessed that the said Martha Ballard, John Ballard, Isaac Ballard, and Christopher Ballard for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds to them in hand paid by Charles Hodge, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and themselves fully and entirely satisfied hath Bargained Sold and Aliened, enfeoffed, and confirmed Sold and granted, and by these presents doth bargain sell and grant give and confirm unto the said Charles Hodges his heirs and assigns forever. (a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the County of Jefferson on Beaver Creek it being part of a five hundred tract, granted to Joseph Ballard deceased by the State of North Carolina. Bearing date the 19th of Nov 1790 No 820. Beginning at a post oak corner to said five hundred acre tract, thence along said line due North fifty poles to a pine, thence along McGees line, North Seventy-six east thirty-three poles to the corner, thence due North sixty-five poles to a post oak, thence along North line due east Ninety eight poles to a stake on Fielding Leevieses line, thence along the same due South one hundred and twenty-two poles to a stake thence due West to the Beginning. Containing eighty-five acres more or less) together with all woods, waters, water causes, profits, causalities, hereditaments and appurtenances to said land Belonging or appertaining and the revision & revisions remainder and remainders, rents and issues thereof and all the estate right, title, interest, property claim and demand of them the said Martha Ballard, John Ballard, Isaac Ballard, and Christopher Ballard their heirs and assigns forever to the said tract of land and every part and parcel thereof either in law or equity to have and to hold to the said eighty-five acres of land with the appurtenances unto the said Charles Hodges his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claim and demand of them the said Martha, John, Isaac, and Christopher Ballard their heirs and assigns forever to the said tract of land and every part and parcel thereof either in law or equity to have and to hold the said eighty-five acres of land with the appurtenances unto the said Charles Hodge his heirs and assigns forever against the said Martha, John, Isaac, and Christopher Ballard and all and every person or persons Whatever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Martha Ballard, John Ballard, Isaac Ballard, and Christopher Ballard have hereunto set their hands and seals the day & year first above written.
Signed sealed and delivered Martha X Ballard (her mark) (seal)
In presence of us John X Ballard (seal)
Jos McCullan Jurat Isaac Ballard (seal)
Moses Yell Christopher Ballard (seal)
Roll 42, Book D, Pages 130-132 & Pages 132-133 (Also Roll 45, Book Q, In Back Pages 71-73):Deed from Ballard’s Heirs to Charles Hodge Registered December 8, 1797
This indenture made the twenty-fifth Day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, between Martha Ballard relict and administrator of Joseph Ballard deceased, John Ballard, Isaac Ballard, and Christopher Ballard Heirs of said Joseph Ballard of the State of Tennessee and county of Jefferson of the one part and Charles Hodges of the State and county aforesaid of the other part . Witnessed the said Martha, John, Isaac, and Christopher Ballard for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred pounds current money of the State of Virginia to them in hand paid at or before the sealing of these presents by Charles Hodge, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have Bargained Sold aliened, enfeoffed, conveyed & confirmed unto the said Charles Hodges his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Jefferson on both sides of Beaver Creek it being part of a tract of one thousand acres of land, granted to Joseph Ballard deceased by the State of North Carolina. Bearing date the 20th day of Sept. in the year of our Lord April one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven Beginning at a post oak on the West bank of the West bank of said creek, running thence South fifty-five degrees West, sixty-two poles to a stake between a black oak and post oak, thence due North two hundred and twelve poles to a post oak, thence due east, two hundred and eighty three and a half poles to a stake thence due South one hundred and eighty six poles to a persimmon corner to Moses Yell, thence along said Yells line south fifty-five West, one hundred and forty three poles to crossing Beaver Creek, thence down said creek on the West side as it meanders to the Beginning Containing four hundred acres be the same more or less together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto Belonging or in any wise appertaining and the remainder and remainders, rents and issues thereof and all the estate right, title, interest, property claim and demand of them the said Martha, John, Isaac, and Christopher Ballard her heirs & c of in and to said premises hereto granted and confirmed with every part and parcel thereof either in law or equity to have and to hold to the said four hundred acres of land with the appurtenances thereof unto the said Charles Hodges his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claim and demand of them the said Martha, John, Isaac, and Christopher Ballard and every other person or persons shall and will warrant shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Martha Ballard, John Ballard, Isaac Ballard, and Christopher Ballard have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the day & year first above written.
Signed sealed and delivered Martha X Ballard (her mark) (seal)
In presence of us John X Ballard (seal)
Jos McCullan Jurat Isaac Ballard (seal)
Moses Yell Christopher Ballard (seal)
Deed Book D, pg 136-137: (Also Roll 45, Book Q, In the Back, Pg. 76) Meeks Deed to Charles Hodge Registered December 19, 1797
This indenture made the sixteenth Day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, between Adam Meek of the one part and Charles Hodge both of Jefferson & State of Tennessee Witnessed that he the said Adam Meek for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars to him in hand paid by the said Charles Hodge, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and by these presents doth Bargain Sell and convey a tract or parcel of land containing six hundred acres lying and being in the Jefferson County on Beaver Creek to said Charles Hodge his heirs and assigns forever Beginning at a stake then west two hundred poles to a hickory near said Creek then south fifteen West ninety-two poles to a pine then south fifteen East forty-five poles, to a dogwood then twenty poles to a white oak then south eighty poles to a pine then south twenty-five East one hundred and twenty-four poles to a pine then East three hundred and forty poles to a pine then to the Beginning. Together with all woods, waters, mines, mine minerals, hereditaments and appurtenances to the said land Belonging or appertaining to have and to hold to the said Charles Hodges to his heirs and assigns forever and the said Adam Meek his heirs & & do covenant and agree to and with the Charles Hodge his heirs & I shall forever warrant defend the above mentioned promises from the said Adam Meek his heirs & unto the said Charles Hodges his heirs & In testimony whereof I have set my hand and affix my seal day & year first above written in presence of
William Roberson ack Adam Meek (seal)
Mosey Yell
Roll 42, Book D, Pages 271-273: (Also Roll 45, Book Q-In the back page 170) Bullard’s/Ballard Deed to Hodge Registered Jany 8th, 1799
This indenture made the eighteenth Day of June one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, between Christopher Bullard of the county of Green and State of Tennessee of the one part and Charles Hodge of the County of Jefferson & State aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that he the said Christopher Bullard for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and sixty pounds Virginia money to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and myself fully satisfied hath bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed unto the said Charles Hodge his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Jefferson on Beaver Creek Beginning at two black oaks and walnut and plumb tree thence south fifty-six degrees east thirty-four poles to a post oak said Bullard’s Line then along his line west two hundred poles to a pine then north one hundred and ten poles to an elm thence east two hundred and seventy poles to a stake thence direct line to the Beginning it being part of tract of land granted by the State of North Carolina to Joseph Bullard’s Deceased by the State of North Carolina bearing date the 19th day of Nov 1790 containing one hundred and fifty acres. Together with all singular the woods, water courses profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract of land Belonging or in any ways appertaining and the reversion reversions remainder remainders, rents, and Issues, thereof and all the Estate right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand off him, the said Christopher Bullard his heirs & of in and to the same and every part and parcel thereof either in law or equity to have and to hold the said one hundred and fifty acres of land with the appurtenances unto the said Charles Hodge his heirs and assigns forever against the Lawful claim and demand of all and every person or persons whatever shall warrant and forever defend by these presents In witness whereof the said Christopher Bullard set his hand and seal the day & year first above written.
Test Christopher Bullard (seal)
William Robertson
Moses Yell
Tennessee, Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895
Name: Charles Hodges
Year: 1800
Residence: Jefferson, Tennessee
Roll 43, Book E, page 247-248 (Same as Roll 45, Book Q, Page 404): Hodges Deed to Hodges Registered January 4th, 1802 Charles to James Hodges
**Roll 45, Book Q, page 404: Hodges Deed to Hodge Registered January 5th, 1802. Charles to James
This Indenture made this twentieth day of July one thousand eight hundred and one between Charles Hodges of the County of Jefferson and state of Tennessee of the one part and James Hodges of the county and State aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that he the said Charles Hodges for and in consideration of the sum of thirty dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and himself fully satisfied hath Bargained Sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed the said James Hodges him his heirs and assignees forever a certain tract of land or parcel lying and being in the County of Jefferson on a draft of Beaver Creek and being a part of a tract containing four hundred acres that the said Charles Hodges now lives on Granted to Joseph Bullard Deceased by the state of North Carolina Bearing date of 20th day of Sept 1787. Beginning at a Stake on said Hodges line on the draft that he the said James Hodges lives on running thence due East along the said line supposed to be seventy poles a stake said Charles Hodges corner thence along his south line opposite to the certain draft thence down the meanders of said draft to the stake on said line the Beginning containing twenty acres be the same more or less together with all and singular the woods, waters, water courses profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract of land Belonging or appertaining and the reversion Perversions remainder remainders, rents, and Issues, thereof and all the Estate right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand off him, the said Charles Hodges to his heirs either in law or equity to have the said tract of land with all the appurtenances unto the said James Hodges his heirs and assigns forever against the Lawful claim and Demand of all and every person or person, whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In witness whereof the said Charles hath hereunto set his hand seal the day & year above written in presence of
Ack’d: Charles Hodges (seal)
Richard Bailey
William Hodges
Page 248-250 Hodges Deed to Hodge Registered January 13th, 1802. Charles to James
This Indenture made this fifteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred between Charles Hodges of the Jefferson County and state of Tennessee of the one part and James Hodges of the county and State aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that he the said Charles Hodges for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby hath Bargained Sold aliened enfeoffed unto the said James Hodges him his heirs and assignees forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Jefferson on a draft of Beaver Creek and being a part of a tract containing five hundred acres Granted to Joseph Bullard Dated Nov 19th 1790 No 820. Beginning at a Stake in a conditional Line between the said Charles and James Hodges running North forty west to McGees line thence along the said line North seventy-six East eighteen poles to the corner thence due north sixty-five poles to a post oak thence along Bakers line East ninety-eight poles to a stake on John Turners line thence along the same due south one hundred and twenty two poles to a stake thence due West to the Beginning on the conditional line containing seventy acres be the same more or less with all and singular the woods, waters, water courses profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said tract of land Belonging as appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents, and Issues, thereof and all the Estate right, title, interest, property, claim, and demand off the said Charles Hodges his heirs & of in and to the same and every part and parcel thereof either in law or equity to have and to hold the said seventy acres of land with the appurtenances unto the said James Hodges his heirs and assigns forever against the Lawful claim and Demand of all and every person or person, whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In witness whereof the said Charles hath hereunto set his hand seal the day & year above written Ack’d: Charles Hodges (seal)
William Hodges
Drury X Hodges (his mark)
Roll 44, Book N, page 159-162: Charles Hodges Deed to James Lamarr for 76 acres of land Registered April 5, 1806
This Indenture made this 11th of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen between Charles Hodges of the County of Jefferson and state of Tennessee of the one part and James Lamarr of the County and state aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that the said Charles Hodges for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the payment of which is hereby acknowledged hath Bargained and Sold, conveyed, granted, enfeoff and confirmed unto the said James Lamarr a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Jefferson and state aforesaid on Beaver Creek it being part of the tract that Charles Hodges now lives on , containing seventy-six acres be the same more of less, beginning on a hickory on the bank of Beaver Creek thence North three degrees Eight-Eight poles to Leman H. Millery line thence due East, with ___ forty-six poles to a pine, thence North, forty-seven East twenty poles to a pine thence North sixty East thirty-four poles to the head of a ___ thence down said ___ south sixty East to a pine on the top of the ridge seventy-six poles, thence South forty-five west forty-two poles to a stake, thence south ___degrees West forty-___poles to a pine, thence south forty-five west, sixteen poles to a ___ thence south sixteen west, four poles to a white oak on the big road at the meadow thence south forty five west twenty seven poles to an Allum on the banks of the creek thence down the meanders of the creek to the beginning. With all and singular the woods, waters, water courses, profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances belonging to or in any way appertaining and the Reversion, and revision, Remainder, and Remainders, Rents, and issues thereof and all the Estate right, title, property, claim, and demand off , in and to the same and every part of parcel thereof either wise laws or equity unto these to have and to hold unto the said James Lemarr his heirs and assigns forever with appurtenances face and ___ from all incumbrancers or claims whatsoever I will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year above written. (the words, being and _____ be the same more or less and all Interested before signed) Charles X Hodges (his mark)(seal)
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents of
Wm Mills
Alexander Doug
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County March session 1816
Then was the above deed of conveyance duly proved in April Court and recorded Let it be Registered
Joseph Hamilton Clerk by his deputy Joseph Hamilton, Jr.
Deed Book H, pg 28-29: Lackey’s Deed to Charles Hodges Registered July 19, 1806
This Indenture made this 1st of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six between James W. Lackey of the County of Blount and state of Tennessee of the one part and Charles Hodges of the County of Jefferson of the other part Witnessed that the said James W. Lackey for and in consideration of the sum of seventeen dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and thereunto doth Bargain and Sell unto the said Charles Hodges him his heirs and assignees a tract or lot containing fifteen acres be the same more of less, being part of a grant granted to the said James W. Lackey by the State of North Carolina bearing Date the Eight of June 1797 No 813 ___ ___ had thereto will appear adjoining the place Charles Hodges now lives on Beginning at a stake James Hodges formerly Charles Hodges line then West with said line one hundred and eighty poles to a stake on his own line then with the line of the 150 acre tract to a post oak corner Corner to said tract then North five west eight poles to a Red oak McGhees corner, then North eighty five East Eighteen poles to a pine then North fifty four East twenty-six poles to a pine then South twenty-one East twenty six poles to a pine then South twenty one East six poles to a stake in a Draft a conditional line between Drury Hodges and Charles Hodges then with said Draft to a stake on James Hodges line South three East to the beginning. Including the sink agreeable to the ___ marked to have and to hold the said fifteen acres of Land with the appurtenances to the said Charles Hodges his heirs and assigns and all the right title Claim and Demand of him the said James W. Lackey his heirs and assigns of in or to any of the above mentioned premises with all and and singular the woods, waters, water courses hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever and the said James W. Lackey shall warrant and Defend from him and his heirs forever In testimony whereof I have set my namer and affixed my seal the Day and year first above written JW Lackey (seal)
In Presence of
Benj Murrall
Richard McGhee Jnr
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County
April Sessions 1806: Then was the written Deed proven in court and recorded. Let it be Registered
J Hamilton Clk
Roll 43, Book H, page 29-30: Hodges Deed to Hodges Registered July 19th, 1806 Charles to William
Know all men by these present that I Charles Hodges of Jefferson County of Jefferson and state of Tennessee have this twenty first day of January Anno Dommini 1805 given granted and bequeathed as a free gift unto my son William Hodges a certain piece or Tract of land joining where I now live and bounded as follows Beginning at a Notted Stone in Beaver Creek North and above the fence of the field called and known to be Williams and turning thence toward the North East by a conditional line made by my sell in the presence of Thomas Kalbraith James Hodges and Callaway Hodges to my out Line thence along the out Line till it Intersects with Line of the Land of William Mill and Lemarr then along the same to the Conditional Line between myself and Adam Meek ___ thence along said conditional line to the Creek thence up the creek by the meanders of the same to the Beginning containing in the whole one hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less together with all and singular woods, waters, profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said land Belonging and all the estate right title Introgth (sic) property claim of my self my heirs or assigns forever to the only proper eye and behoofe of him the said William and his heirs & assigns forever, to have and to hold the said land as above described with all the appurtenances and I Charles hath hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this twenty-fifth Day of January 1805. Charles Hodges (seal)
James Trimble
James Hodges
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County
April Session 1806
Then was the within deed acknowledged in open court and recorded. Let it be Registered Test J. Hamilton Clerk
Roll 43, Book H, page 174-176: Charles Hodges Deed to Drewry Hodges for 10 or 15 acres Registered May 12th, 1807
This Indenture made this twentieth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven between Charles Hodges of Jefferson County and state of Tennessee of the one part and Drewrey Hodges of the same place of the other part Witnessed that he the said Charles Hodges for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the said Drewrey Hodges, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged himself fully paid & satisfied hath Bargained Sold and conveyed and by these Presents doth bargain sell convey & confirm unto him the said Drewrey Hodges him his heirs and assignees forever a certain tract of land containing ten or fifteen acres be the same more or less being and lying and being in Jefferson County aforesaid on the draft of Beaver Creek. Beginning at a Stake and post Oak stump in said Drewrey’s field, running East Twelve poles to a stake, thence North sixty-five degrees East thirty poles to a stake on James Hodges line thence along his line North twenty-five degrees West forty-five poles to a post Oak on McGee’s line, thence along his line West twenty poles to a pine, thence South to the Beginning ~ together with every right title and emolument to the said land belonging or in anywise appertaining and he the said Charles Hodges doth bind himself his heirs, Executors & Administrators well & truly to warrant & forever defend the aforesaid premises with their appurtenances to him the said Drewrey Hodges his heirs & assigns forever, free & clear from all claims and incumbrancers whatsoever. In witness whereof he the said Charles hath here unto set his hand & affixed his seal the day & year above written. Charles Hodges (seal)
James Hodges
William Hodges
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County
April Session 1807
Then was the within deed acknowledged in open court. Let it be Registered Attest J. Hamilton Clerk
by D. Barton deputy
Roll 43, Book J, Page 56-57: Hodges, Charles Deed to Callaway Hodges 200 acres land Beaver Creek Registered Nov 25, 1809
This Indenture made this 30th of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine between Charles Hodges of Jefferson County and state of Tennessee of the one part and Callaway Hodges of the County and state aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that the said Charles Hodges for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged himself fully satisfied hath Bargained Sold and conveyed and by these Presents doth bargain sell convey & confirm unto him the said Callaway Hodges his heirs and assignees forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid and situate on the straight of little Beaver Creek it being the ___ family & owned by Richard McGee containing two hundred acres be the same more or less Beginning at a Post oak & turning thence North Seventy-six degrees East one hundred & twenty poles to a stake near a post oak thence due West twelve poles to a post oak John Palls Corner thence along said Palls line seventy poles due North to a black oak thence North seventy five degrees West Ninety-four poles to a stake thence South fifty-five degrees West one hundred & seventy-two poles ta a stake thence South fifty degrees East one hundred & fifty-eight poles to a stake thence a straight course to the Beginning. Together with every right title privilege Emoluments to the said land belonging or in anywise appertaining and he the said Charles Hodges doth hereby bind himself his heirs & well & truly to warrant & forever defend the aforesaid premises with all their appurtenances to him the said Callaway Hodges his heirs & assigns forever free & clear from all lawful claims and incumbrancers whatsoever in witness whereof he the said Charles hath here unto set his name & seal the date above written. Charles Hodges (seal)
James Hodges
Charles Hodges
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County
October Session 1809 Then was the within deed acknowledged in open court. Let it be Registered
Attest J. Hamilton Clerk
by his deputy D. Barton
Roll 43, Book J, Page 317-318: Charles Hodges Deed to Cal. Hodges 162 Acres Registered 29th July 1811
This Indenture made this 20th of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven between Charles Hodges of Jefferson County and state of Tennessee of the one part and Callaway Hodges of the County and state aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that the said Charles Hodges for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and by these presents doth bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Callaway Hodges a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred and sixty-two acres be the same more or less situate lying and being in the county aforesaid on Beaver Creek including the plantation where the said Calloway now lives. Beginning at a Post oak on the west bank of said creek running South fifty-five East sixty-two poles to a stake then west one hundred and eighty-eight poles to a stake in MCulion line then North twenty West eighty four poles to the State Road that heads to Knoxville then upon the several courses of said road and agreed line between the said Hodges and Joseph Calloway two hundred and ninety-two poles to a stake at the fork of beaver Creek then up the several courses of said creek leaving the first bend in the west side agreed line out and taking two bends on the East side to the Beginning. Together with all woods, waters, water courses, profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances unto the said Calloway Hodges, his heirs and assigns free and clear from all incumbrancers or claims whatsoever either in law or equity whereof I hath set my hand and affix my seal this date above written. Charles Hodges (seal)
Signed sealed & Delivered in person of us.
Jas. Calloway
Drury X Hodges (his mark)
State of Tennessee
July Term 1811
Second Circuit
Jefferson County
The within deed acknowledged in open court and ordered to be recorded. Let it be Registered.
Alex J. Quillan, Clerk
by his deputy D. Wyly Martin
U.S., War of 1812 Service Records, 1812-1815
Name Charles Hodges
Rank - Induction 1 LIEUTENANT
Rank - Discharge 1 LIEUTENANT
Roll Box 100
Microfilm Publication M602
Roll 45, Book Q, Page 1-2: (Also Roll 45, Book P, Page 358) Charles Hodges Deed to Welcome Hodges for 200 acres of land Registered January 1, 1821
This Indenture made this thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty between Charles Hodges, Sr. of State of Tennessee & the County of Jefferson and of the one part and Welcome Hodges Son and heir apparent of Charles Hodges of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Charles Hodges as well for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he the said Charles Hodges hath and beareth unto the Said Welcome Hodges as also for the better maintenance support, livelihood & preferment of him the said Welcome Hodges hath given granted aliened enfeoffed & confirmed and by these presents doth give grant alien enfeoff & confirm unto the said Welcome Hodges his heirs and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the State of Tennessee & Jefferson county on Beaver Dam Creek, containing by estimation two hundred acres be the same more of less being the same plantation whereon Said Charles Hodges now lives, Beginning near the mouth of a ditch on a Cherry on Charles Hodges, Junr corner, thence running with said fence eastwardly to the back line to the mountain, thence a Strait course to the Dandridge road, thence with said Welcome Hodges line to Drury Hodges line, thence with the Said Drury Hodges line to the Said Callaway Hodges line, thence with said Calaway Hodges line to James Semares line, thence with Said Lamares line to the Creek thence up the Said Beaver Creek running with James Dodds line to the ford of Said Creek, thence with said Callaway Hodges line to the Beginning. With all & Singular the woods, waters, water courses, profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances belonging to or in any wise appertaining & the Reversion, and revision, Remainder, and Remainders, Rents, and issues thereof, and all the Estate right, title, property claim, and demand in and to the same & every part or whole thereof, either in law or equity unto the Said Welcome Hodges his heirs and assigns forever, The Said Charles Hodges Senr & his wife to hold said plantation during life and at their decease to the said Welcome Hodges his heirs and assigns forever free & clear from all encumbrance or claim whatsoever In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year above written. Charles X Hodges (his mark) (Seal)
In presence of
James Hankins
John Hankins
Test Kinzy Smith
James Dodd
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County December Sessions 1820
Then was the within deed of conveyance duly proved in open Court and recorded. Let it be Registered Joseph Hamilton Clerk
By his Dept Jos Hamilton, Jr.
Knoxville Register (Knoxville, TN) Fri, Apr 22, 1825, Page 4
$50 Reward: Ranaway from the subscriber in Jefferson County, on Monday last a negro fellow named Harry Dickson, about 24 years of age, about six feet high very black, a very well formed, and fine looking fellow, has with him a blue home made coat and pantaloons and waistcoat, a pair of shoes that lace round his ancles, and white Stocking, a couple of ruffle shirts and perhaps a black silk waistcoat and a cloth bear skin coat, a fur hat and has in his P__ket a pinch back watch; he has also with him a number of other articles of cloathing. (sic)
There is little doubt he is trying to get to the state of Indiana and very likely has with him a free pass in whicj he is probably called Baker, or Bill Davis, or perhaps he will be called by the real name Harry Dickson.
I will give a reward of Fifty Dollars to any person who will take and secure __ that I get him again, the above negro follow and will pay all reasonable expenses for bring him home.
Charles Hodges, Sen'r May 6, 1825
Any person writing to me on the subject, will please address their letters to New Market, Jefferson County, TN.
The Editor of the Kentucky Gazette, Lexington, is requested to publish the above three times and forward the bill to the account as above, and the amount shall be prompty remitted. C. H.
Knoxville Register (Knoxville, TN) Fri, May 20, 1825, Page 3
Runaway Taken. Committed to the Jail of Campbell county, East Tennessee, on the 11th inst. a likely young Negro mand very black, rather small in size, who says that this name is Washington, that when he ran away his Mistress, a widow Burgess, of Jefferson County, was in the act of removing to Alabama, near Huntsville, that he was formerly owned by a Mr. Kirk, or West TN, that he ranawy in company with a fellow belong to mr. Chalres Hodges, lving near his Mistress's and that he now has some of the Cloathing of Hodges fewllow with him, and that he got lost from the other negro in Claibourned County, and knows nothing more of him. The owner is requested to prove the property, pay charges, and take him away. C. Maysey, Jailor
May 20, 1825 2t
Tennessee, U.S.,™ Stories and Events Index
Name Mr Charles Hodges
Residence Date 20 May 1825
Residence Place Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Newspaper Title Knoxville Register
Roll 46 Book R, Page 301:Charles Hodges, Sr. Deed to Calloway Hodges for the 160 acres of land Registered April 4, 1829
This Indenture made this sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight between Charles Hodges, Sr. of the County of Jefferson and state of Tennessee of the one part and Callaway Hodges of the County and state aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that the said Charles Hodges, Sr. for and in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and him fully satisfied hath Bargained and Sold, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Callaway Hodges a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid on the east side Beaver Dam Creek, being part of a four hundred acre tract granted by the State of North Carolina to Joseph Bullard, bearing date the twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven Beginning on a post oak at the bank of the creek on Callaway Hodges corner, thence down the center of said creek north twenty-four poles to a walnut, on the North east bank of said creek, thence north twenty-eight degrees east thirty poles to a forked red oak on the east bank of said creek, thence with the different meanders of said creek north to the upper end of a ditch, eighteen poles, thence north down said ditch to a Sycamore twelve poles thence north sixty-six degrees east eight poles to a cherry tree thence south sixty-six degrees east two hundred and forty eight poles to a persimmon corner in a hollow near an ash and dogwood, then south fifty-five degrees west one hundred and forty-three poles to the west bank of Beaver Creek crossing the same thence down the west bank of said creek following the different meanders of the same to the beginning, containing by estimation one hundred and sixty acres be the same more of less together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the remainder, and remainder ___ and issues thereof and the estate right title interest claim and demand of him the said Charles Hodges, Sr. his heirs of assigns administrator or executors of in and __ the said do hereby granted and conveyed tract of land with every part and parcel thereof either in law or equity to have and to hold the said one hundred and sixty acres of land be the same more or less with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Calloway Hodges his heirs and assignees forever against the lawful claim or title of all and every person whatsoever and by these presents do warrant and forever defend infer? simple. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year afore written. Charles X Hodges (his mark)
James Hamilton
Gideon S. Brown
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County March session 1829
Then was the above deed of conveyance duly proved in April Court and recorded Let it be Registered
Joseph Hamilton Clerk
1830 United States Federal Census
Name Charles Hdges Senior [Charles Hodges Senior] []
Home in 1830 (City, County, State) Jefferson, Tennessee
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29 1
Free White Persons - Males - 70 thru 79 1
Free White Persons - Females - 70 thru 79 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23 1
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54 1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49 1
Total Free White Persons 3
Total Slaves 3
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored) 6
Tennessee, U.S., Early Tax List Records, 1783-1895
Name Charles Hodges
Residence Date 1836
Residence Place Jefferson, Tennessee, USA
Roll 47 Book T, Page 460-461: Charles Hodges, Sr. Deed of Conveyance to Callaway Hodges Registered March 14th 1836
This Indenture made this 4 day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty- five. Between Charles Hodges of the County of Jefferson and state of Tennessee of the one part and Callaway Hodges of the County and state aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that the said Charles Hodges, Sr. for and in consideration of the Sum of five hundred Dollars to him in hand paid Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and by these presents doth Bargain Sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Callaway Hodges a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation one hundred and sixty two acres be the same more of less situate lying and being in the county aforesaid on Beaver Creek including the planation where the said Callaway Hodges now lives Beginning at a Post oak on the west bank of said Creek running South fifty-five West Sixty-four poles to a Stake thence South eighty-seven and a half West on hundred and ninety-nine and a half poles to a Stake near a bunch of white oaks, thence North twenty West eighty-four poles to the State road that leads to Knoxville then up the several courses of said Road an agreed line betwixt the said Hodges and Joseph Calloway two hundred and ninety-two poles to a Stake at the Ford of Beaver Creek then up the Several Courses of Said Creek leaving the first bend and the West Side agreed line out, and taking two lends? on the East Side to the Beginning Together with all woods, waters, water courses, profits commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances unto the said Calloway Hodges his heirs and assigns for ever of all incumbrancers or claims whatsoever either in Law or Equity In Testimony where of I have here unto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this date above written Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of James M. Hidelson . Charles X Hodges, Sr.
Att: Welcome Hodges
Att: Charles Hodges
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County
Personally appeared before me Joseph Hamilton, Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Jefferson County, James M. Nicholson and Welcome Hodges two of the subscribing witnesses to the same who being duly sworn depose and say they are personally acquainted with Charles Hodges, Sr. the bargainer and that they saw him make his mark to his signature and acknowledge the same to be his act and Deed for the purposed therein expressed witness my hand at office in Dandridge the 2nd day of March 1836: Joseph Hamilton Clerk of Jefferson County
Tennessee, Wills and Probate Records, 1779-2008
Charles Hodges
Will Date 2 May 1836
Probate Date 2 May 1836
Probate Place Jefferson, Tennessee, USA
Inferred Death Year 1836
Inferred Death Place Tennessee, USA
Item Description Will Books, 1792-1844
Transcription pg 303-305
Jefferson Co., TN Wills, Microfilm Roll 360, Vol # 3, pgs 415-417 (not indexed)
Inventory made on property of Charles Hodges made by: Joseph Hamilton, Welcome Hodges, Calloway Hodges on 2 May 1836. Allowances for Charles Hodges widow: bacon, coffee, sugar, wheat, salt, corn, etc. by Calloway Hodge and Welcome Hodge adminstrators of estate. Also stated a number of heirs: 5 children _ widow. Some reside in MS, AL, and Jefferson Co.
List of purchasers names: Fanny Hodges, Charles Hodges, Jos. Hodges, Joseph C. Hodges, C. B. Hodges, John Caldwell, James Trott, Wm Hodges, Wm Adcock, Abner Brown, John Mills, James Miller, John Dolin, Dan Meek, T. Hodges, Calloway Hodges, Welcome Hodges
County Court Minutes, Roll 26 A, Pg 173, Monday 5 Feb 1838:Samuel Evans David Enderly and Jacob P. Chase, esquires, commissioner appointed to settle with Calloway Hodge and Welcome Hodge administrators of Charles Hodge, Sen deceased returned their settlement which was recorded in open court and admitted to record.
Charles Hodges
Birth 1753 Halifax County, Virginia, USA
Death 13 Apr 1836 (aged 82–83) Strawberry Plains, Jefferson County, Tennessee, USA
Burial Hodges Cemetery Jefferson County, Tennessee, USA
Memorial ID 195284384
s/o William Welcome & Mary Hubbard Hodges
h/o Frances Callaway Hodges
Jefferson County, TN Will Books, 1826-1840 Entry 519, pg 392-393 (WPA Records on, Report of John Caldwell Admr. of Charles Hodges (Jr.) Dec'd:
State of Tennessee
Jefferson County
To the Worshipful County Court-
The undersigned the Admr. of all said Singular the goods and Chattles rights and credits which were of the estate of Charles Hodges Deceased-hereby report to Court under the provisions of the Act of Assembly passed in 1833 and 1838 - that according to his best information and belief the Assets which have come to his hands belonging to said estae are not sufficient to pay the debt due and owing to the estate. He therefore returns the same insolvent -
John Caldwell- Admr.