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- Information BELOW submitted by Deb (McEntire) Williams on 08-23-2013; last revised 08-17-2014:
Grover Cleveland McEntire was the 8th of 10 siblings born to D. Archibald 'Arch/Archie' McEntire (b NC) F.A.G. #64005878 AND Temperance 'Tempy' (Casey) (born Newton Co., AR) F.A.G. #53478888:
1. Rachel D. McEntire (b 1876 Marion Co., AR.; d 1881 Marion Co., AR.); F.A.G. # 125134859; no further info.
2. Marietta ‘Etta' McEntire (b 1878 Marion Co., AR; d 1955); F.A.G. # 80078317; never married.
3. William Champion McEntire (b 1879 Marion Co., AR); no further info or F.A.G.# 125134912; no further info.
4. George Lawson McEntire (b 1880 Bruno, Marion Co., AR; d 1960; F.A.G. # 79432310; George married Mary Elvira (Parker).
NOTE: Mary Louise (Parker) was a sister to Arizona ‘Cassie' Parker who married George's brother Joseph ‘Joe/J.S.' Stephens McEntire BELOW.
5. John Oliver McEntire (b 04-04-1883 Bruno, Marion Co, AR; d 12-12-1959); F.A.G. #39959465; John married Hernander/Hernanda Elizabeth (Smith).
6. Joseph ‘Joe/J.S.' Stephen McEntire (b 10-04-1884/85/86 Bruno, Marion Co, AR; d 1968); F.A.G. #44501148; ‘Joe' married Arizona ‘Cassie' (Parker).
NOTE: Arizona ‘Cassie' (Parker) was a sister to Mary Elvira (Parker) who married ‘Joe's older brother George ABOVE.
7. Melissa/Melissia/Melissie Jane ‘Lis/Lissie' (McEntire)((Smithee))((O'Daniel)) (b 1886 Bruno, Marion Co., AR; d 1971 Boone Co., AR); F.A.G. #57517126; ‘Lis' married #1 Andrew Jackson ‘A.J.' Smithee on 10-11-1923 (see note below w/sister Maude Agnes who married the same day); ‘Lis' married #2 Pleasant ‘Pleas' Columbus O'Daniel on 0-16-1938.
8. Grover Cleveland McEntire (b 1887 Marion Co, AR; d 1952); F.A.G. #80078456; never married.
9. Dr. D.L. ‘Lafayette/Fate' McEntire (b 1889 Bruno, Marion Co., AR; d 1963); F.A.G. # 18569062; married Virgie Mae/May Younger (Turney).
10. Maude Agnes (McEntire) ((Copeland)) (b 1894 Bruno, Marion Co., AR; d 1981); F.A.G. # 93745134; married Gordon Copeland on 10-11-1923. The couple were married the same day as Maude's older sister Melissa/Melissia/Melissie Jane 'Lis/Lisie' McEntire and her first husband, Andrew Jackson 'A.J.' Smithee; both marriages solemnized by Oscar McEntire, J.P. in Marion Co., AR.
END 10 children of D. Archibald 'Arch/Archie' McEntire AND Temperance 'Tempy' (Casey).