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Picture of
Added by Debra
James Fielden
BIRTH 10 Jan 1829
DEATH 1 Feb 1911 (aged 82)
Cass County, Illinois, USA
Chandlerville Cemetery
Chandlerville, Cass County, Illinois, USA
MEMORIAL ID 60233365 ยท View Source
Illinois: History of Cass County, Illinois, ed. William
Henry Perrin. O. L. Baskin & Co. Historical Publishers,
Chicago, 1882. Cass County.
JAMES FIELDEN, farmer; P.O. Chandlerville; was born in
Roachdale, England, Jan. 10, 1829, to James and Betty
(Bellfield) Fielden; he, born in England about the year
1800, and died in this county, in 1858; he was a son of
John Fielden; she was born in England in 1800, and died in
Cass County in 1861.
They were the parents of eight children, of whom James, the subject of this sketch, was
the youngest. He came to America with his father angrandfather in 1842, and remained with his parents to the
age of twenty-five years.
He learned the trade of shoe-making, but subsequently began farming. He commenced life, as he says, -"worse than poor," and by his industry and economy has succeeded in accumulating 286 acres of the best land in Cass County.
His farm is under a high state of cultivation, and has all the modern improvements in the way of a fine residence, barns, etc. Mr. Fielden was married in Cass County on the fourth day of February, 1857, to Miss Elizabeth Briar. Mrs. Fielden was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in November, 1828. Mr. and Mrs. Fielden have been blessed with seven children, of whom four are now living: Mary, Emma, Lincoln and Lannes. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and she of the Cumberland Presbyterian.
Politically, Mr. Fielden, like his father and grandfather,
was a Whig, but now unites with the Republican party.