Notes |
- Isaac Jonathan Newman
Birth May 1755
Guilford County, North Carolina, USA
Death 3 Jan 1832 (aged 76)
McMinn County, Tennessee, USA
Zion Hill Baptist Church Cemetery
Etowah, McMinn County, Tennessee, USA
Memorial ID 85813813
My 4th Great Grandfather, Isaac Newman, DAR Ancestor Number A082979, was one of the Heroes who fought at the Battle of King's Mountain.
For documentation, please refer to:
(1) Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution This book is based on Federal Pension Applications; State payments; Draper's Manuscripts; Heitman's List of Continental officers; Muster Rolls; and other primary resources. The entries are alphabetic by surnames and contain the following, if found: date and place of birth; name of wife; data and place of marriage. This is documented by: Bobby Gilmer Moss
Scotia-Hibernia, 1990 - Biography & Autobiography - 318 pages
******************************************************** 1832 ---- ISAAC NEWMAN WILL
I, Isaac Newman of County of McMinn and State of Tennessee, being in low state of health, but disposing mind and memory, and calling to mind the mortality of man, do make and ordain this my last will and testament.
First, I wish my body buried in a plain Christian burial at the discretion of my executors and after the funeral expenses is defrayed, I wish all of my goods, debts be disposed of in the following manner:
First the whiskey due me from Randolph Sasseon, I wish collected in a reasonable time and my son Samuel to get 40 gallons to pay him the trouble he has been at heretofore for me, and then the balance equally divided between my five sons, to wit: Joseph, Jared, Samuel, Isaac and Joshua and secondly, what cash debts I may die possessed of, I wish disposed of the following manner. First, I wish my son Jonathan to get fifty dollars, and the balance to be equally divided between my seven sons, Joseph, Jared, Samuel, Isaac, Joshua, Jonathan and Robert then thirdly I wish my son Robert to get my grey horse, my still, big kittle, barrow hogs and sheep and the balance of my property, tools, and effects to be equally divided between my five sons, Joseph, Jared, Samuel, Isaac and Joshua and as for my Negroes, I do emancipate them all after the following manner: All that is now over 25 years of age shall serve those they are now living with till the first day of February next, and those that is under 25 years shall be disposed of in the following manner, to wit: my Negro child, Peter, 4 years old shall serve my son Joseph till he is twenty five years old and be taught to read the English language correctly: my Negro man, Anthony, born the twenty eighth of August, 1811, shall serve my son Jared till he is twenty five years old: my Negro woman, Betsy, two children Daphney and Peter, shall serve my son Samuel till they are 25 years old and be taught to read the English language correctly: my Negro woman Fanny, 2 children Charles and Lewis shall serve my son Isaac till they are 25 years old and be taught to read the English language correctly: my Negro girl Priscilla shall serve my son Joshua till she is twenty five years old, being now 18 years old: my Negro man Cam born February 28th 1819, shall serve my son Robert till they are twenty five years of age: and my Negro girl Matilda born December thirtieth 1817, shall serve my granddaughter Elizabeth Cate till she is twenty five years of age and taught to read correctly. None of the above mentioned Negroes is to be transferred out of my own family or to be removed out of the counties of McMinn, Monroe or Jefferson: And if any of the females should have children before they are twenty five years old, their children shall be born free.
Joseph, Jared, Samuel, Isaac, Joshua and Robert I do constitute and appoint my six sons my lawful executors, to this my last will and testament, this third day of January in the year of our Lord 1832.