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- Member of Hannah's Gap Baptist Church. Restored Sept 1905, Lettered May 1907.
He lived in Memphis. He was a Baptist preacher. The day George died his step-son said, "Why couldn't it have been my momma?" (Vida Sorrells)
He and Irene were living with his parents in the 1900 Lincoln Co., TN Census. 10th District. Surrounded by BARHAM families.
Obituary: George H. Freeman, Former Legislator Dies at Petersburg:
Lincoln Co., TN News 8 Dec 1949
Funeral services for George H. Freeman, 71, employee of the State Department of Agriculture and a former legislator, were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Freeman, a feed, seed and fertilizer inspector, was found dead at his home in Petersburg last Thursday morning. His death was attributed to a heart ailment.
His wife, Mrs. Cecie McDaniel Freeman, is ill at Lincoln County hospital at Fayetteville.
The funeral was conducted at the Petersburg Cumberland Presbyterian Church by the Rev. Vaughn Fults of Lewisburg, assisted by the Rev. Amos Burroughts, pastor, Burial was in Old Orchard Cemetery.
A son of the late Henderson and Nannie Reese Freeman, Mr. Freeman was a native of Lincoln County. He was an active member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and served as a Sunday School teacher.
Mr. Freeman served four terms in the state legislature, one in the senate and three in the House of Representatives.
Survivors also include a daughter, Mrs. Earl Ferrand, Lewisburg; five sisters, Mrs. Dick Davidson, Mrs. George l. Redd, Mrs. Nina Ellis and Mrs. Ethel Gilbert of Petersburg, and Mrs. Jimmy Bledsoe, Nashville; a step-son, R. L. Moffett, Detroit; and three grandchildren.