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- Maj Robert Asa Butler Jr.
Birth 1728
Maryland, USA
Death 6 Apr 1802 (aged 73–74)
Sampson County, North Carolina, USA
Burial Unknown, Specifically: Believed to be on his Plantation, that no longer exist.
Memorial ID 130504228
Proof of service: Service, Pay voucher information.
Birth: (CIRCA) 1728 MARYLAND.
There is also proof that for fighting he was granted 200 acres of land that grew.
Roberts Last Will and Testament:
Will of Major Robert Butler, 1802
In the name of God amen, I Robert Butler of the county of Sampson and state of North Carolina, being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory. Thanks be given to God, do hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament as followeth.
First of all-I give and bequeath in witness, to my beloved son John Butler, a certain piece if land on the west side of the Great Coharie, taking the peafield beginning at the mouth of the Spring Branch, thence to a stake at corner
on the great run of Coharie, opposite William Clinton, thence up said run half way to the Beaverdam Swamp and comers, thence to the west side of Holder's Mill and up the big swamp to a corner, thence to the other branch and down to the beginning for 200 acres.
I also give to my beloved son Travis Butler, 200 acres of land, beginning at the mouth of Gum Branch and up the same near to the head corner at upper and crosses to a corner, thence to the said Mill Swamp into a stake, thence to the beginning---200 more on head line joining Crumpler's line on both sides.
I also give to my daughters, Sally Butler, Patience Butler, Betsey Butler, and Cherriwine Butler to each a colt, cow, and calves, and a Negro girl Airey, with her increase, to the above said Betsey, and a Negro girl named Susanna, with her increase, to the above said Cherriwine. And my daughter Lucy Brown, Suffier (Sophia) Royals, and Disa Culbreth, deceased, having received the legacies. I further give to the said Lucy, 5 sterling, to the said Sophia 5 sterling, to the heirs of said Disa, 5 sterling.
And I also give to my beloved Delilah, a Negro woman named Jean without any reserve-And a Negro boy named Henry, after my wife as before mentioned, I also give the my wife's son Reddick Rhodes, seventy acres of land in the county of Sampson. Beginning at the run of Beaverdam Swamp runs near a north corner to a post oak below the mouth of William Newman's branch, thence to the corner formerly Byrds, now Gabriel Holmes, thence to the pine in the Beaverdam Swamp, thence to the beginning. And a colt and the cattle that is now called Reddick's, and a bed and furniture.
I also give to my beloved son Gabriel Butler the tract of land where he now lives. Beginning in the fork of Newman's Mill Swamp below the Coharie Swamp to the mouth of the long branch and with the same to the head, thence a straight line by the flax hole and gum pond to my back line and down and down the same to Boykin's Branch to the corner, thence a strait course to the head of the Spring Branch, and down the same to the beginning. Also the services of the bound boy named John William, his servitude and a feather bed and furniture and two cows and calves and a boy mare colt.
I also give to my beloved son Robert Butler the land and plantation where I now live. Beginning at the great run of Coharie at the corner of the aforesaid and up said run to the mouth of the Beaverdam Swamp and up to the mouth of my ___ Mill branch and up the same to and across to a small __ corner. Thence to Crumpler's line to a post against a forked sealy bank. Thence along by Crumpler's fence to a hollow post oak and past to my line, and with same to a hickory, my corner and Crumpler's, thence a blazed line of trees. Divides between my land and Crumpler below the pea pond, thence with blazed trees by the gum pond to my old line, and with the same to the land first mentioned to John Butler and with the same to the great run of the Coharie, which land and plantation I leave in possession of my beloved wife Delilah during her life or widowhood and afterward to my son Robert as aforesaid. And I desire that my executor sell my stud horse to defray necessary expenses, and the money left to be divided between my wife Delilah and the legatees now with her as they come of age. And it is my intent that all the legatees that I have given to the within legatees are to them their heirs and assigns.
And my plantation where I now live as before mentioned I lend with my stocks of every kind, household goods all within and out of doors, I leave in the hands of my wife during her life or widowhood, to raise the children upon and dispose to the legatees as above mentioned.
And I, the said Robert Butler, acknowledge this to be my last will and testament, and leave my said wife Executrix to the same.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
March 26th day 1802 /s/ Robert Butler
Test: /S/ Fleet Cooper
William X Butler
Robert X Butler
Robert Butler died 6 April 1802
Delilah Royal Rhodes Butler died 1 June 1826
3 May 1802 Sampson CM:
BUTLER ESTATE: Mrs. Delilah Butler, widow and executrix of Robert Butler, dec'd, produced to the court the last will and testament of her dec'd husband for probate, which was proved by Fleet Cooper and Robert Butler.
Then she took the necessary oaths that authorized her to act. Then it was ordered she sell the perishable property agreeable to law.
The above will in state archives is no longer readable.