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- Mt. Hebron Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Norris Creek, Lincoln Co., Tennessee:
Sorrells, Penina Experience Oct. 13, 1841 Sprinkling
Sorrels, Isham Experience Sept. 26, 1843 Pouring
Tennessee State Marriages, 1780-2002
Name: Isham Sowels
Spouse: Penina Pylant
Marriage Date: 8 Aug 1843
Marriage County: Lincoln
1850 United States Federal Census
Name: Isaam Sowels (Sorrells)
Age: 35
Birth Year: abt 1815
Birthplace: Georgia
Home in 1850: District 9, Lincoln, Tennessee
Gender: Male
Family Number: 159
William Dildine 29
Needham Sowels 72
Mary Sowels 52
Isaam Sowels 35
Hannina Sowels 25
Gray Pilant 22
hereas by descent from John Cole deceased are Elizabeth Epps, F. M. Cole, Wm. B. Cole, Joseph Cole, John W. Cole, Emaline Wisdom, Anderson Cole....
Goes on to mention "plantation that John Cole and Nancy Cole lived on at the time of their decease...." (John Cole died in 1844. Nancy, his wife, was still living in LCT 1850.)
Mentions neighbors: Pinkney Pilant, Isham Sorrells, James Renfro, David Armstrong, John W. Armstrong and Sarah Armstrong, G. W. Ledbetter.
This is a document in which Anderson Cole sells his part of their parents' land to brother Joseph Cole (one seventh part). Lincoln County, Tennessee, District # 9, April 1, 1871.
1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Isham Sorrells
Age in 1860: 48
Birth Year: abt 1812
Birthplace: Tennessee
Home in 1860: District 9, Lincoln, Tennessee
Gender: Male
Post Office: Norris Creek
Isham Sorrells 48
Penina Sorrells 30
Sarah Martin 8
J R L Brown 22
1860 March, Bedford Co., TN County Court Records, page 554: Isham Sorrells, guardian &c. presented the following paper &c. State of Tennessee, Lincoln County. At County Court at Lincoln County, Tennessee in Town of Fayetteville on 1st Monday in September 1858, it being the 6th day of the month, Robert Farquaharson, chairman and presiding Justice Benjamin F. Clark and F. Motlow. "Copy of appointment of guardianship Isham Sorrels appeared and moved the Court to grant him guardianship of Margaret P., Nancy C., Needham J., Ephraim M.., Isham S., Henry C., and Newton A. Sorrels, minors. Thomas M. Harkings, T.R.W. Crane and J. W. Barham securities."
Fayetteville Observer, 30 Jan 1868: List of registered voters of Lincoln Co., TN: 9th District Isham Sorrels
1870 Lincoln Co,. TN Census: #298
Isham SORRELLS Self M Male W 65 ALA Farmer NC NC
Pennina SORRELLS Wife M Female W 54 TENN Keeping House NC NC
Frank KING Other S Male B 15 TENN Farm Laborer TENN TENN
Cate CUMMINGHAM Other S Female B 17 TENN Domestic Servant TENN TENN
Fayetteville Observer, issue 31 Oct 1872: Annoucement of a Stud Board: "Imported Boar! I have at my farm, about midway between Petersburg and Oak Hill, the fine Thorough-bred Berkshire Boar, Sir Harry, imported from England in June, 1870. He will serve sows at $2 each, or for a fine pig. I have a certicate from Edward G. Bedford, or Kentucky, proving that he was imported as above. He is black, about 42 months old, and weighs about 400 pounds. Isham Sorrells"
Fayetteville Observer, Nov 8, 1877: Isham Sorrels and wife to F. G. G. Pylant, 90 1/2 acres in 6th dis, $100.
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Isham Sorrells
Age: 65
Birth Year: abt 1815
Birthplace: Alabama
Home in 1880: District 5 and 6, Lincoln, Tennessee
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Pennina Sorrells
Father's Birthplace: North Carolina
Mother's Birthplace: North Carolina
Occupation: Farmer
Isham Sorrells 65
Pennina Sorrells 54
Frank King 15
Cate Cummingham 17
Buried right beside William in the Cemetery!
Isham is buried at Harkins Cem., FAG# 45004968, at Petersburg, LCT.
There is a note in the Annotated 1850 Lincoln Co., TN Census that Col. Isham Sorrels, age Abt 65 died near Petersburg on 28 May 1881.