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- U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
Name: John Chastain
Gender: Male
Birth Place: VA
Birth Year: 1743
Spouse Name: Mary Robinson Robertson
Number Pages: 1
Rev John “Ten Shilling Bell” Chastain Sr.
Birth 1743
Manakin, Goochland County, Virginia, USA
Death 1805 (aged 61–62)
Pendleton, Anderson County, South Carolina, USA
Chastain Cemetery
Pumpkintown, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA
Memorial ID 155324205
Rev John “Ten Shilling Bell“ Chastain was born in 1743 in Goochland County (later Buckingham County), Virginia, USA.
In 1765, he married Irish immigrant, Mary O'BRYAN. While living in Virginia, they had eight children.
Around 1780, John and his wife Mary O’BRYAN migrated to North Carolina, where three more children were born. After that, they moved to the Pendleton District in northwest South Carolina.
John's wife died in 1797. The following year, he married Mary Robertson, a native of South Carolina. They had three children, all born in South Carolina.
John Chastain and his first wife Mary O’BRYAN had eleven children: Abner, John, Jr., Martha, Edward Brigand, Mary, Elijah, Elizabeth, Cleo (Chloe), Benjamin, Nancy and Joseph. Following Mary O’BRYAN Chastain’s death about 1797, he married, second, a widow, Mrs. Mary Robertson. Their children were Violet, William and Mary Lavinia.
Revolutionary Patriot
Rev. John Chastain is recognized by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) as a patriot. He signed an oath of allegiance in Powhatan county, Virginia during the Revolutionary War.
Chastain, John
Birth: VA Circa 1743
Service: VA
Rank: PS
Death: SC 31 Jul 1805
Patriot Pensioned: No
Widow Pensioned: No
Children Pensioned: No
Heirs Pensioned: No
Spouse: (1) Mary O'Bryan
Spouse: (2)Mrs Mary Robinson
Occupation: Baptist minister
John Chastain, Sr. was one of the founders and also the first minister of the Oolenoy Baptist Church in what is now Pickens County, South Carolina. His communion table and pulpit from the church still exist today. It is said that John's preaching voice was so loud and clear that he was given the nickname of "Ten Shilling Bell".
A brochure, "Experience Pickens County - Historic Churches of Pickens County," says the following: Oolenoy Baptist Church - The original church building was on the land near the presnt day church. It was built around 1795. The first minister was the Rev. John Chastain.
"Ten Shilling Bell" Nickname
Rev. John "Ten Shilling Bell" Chastain was known as an eloquent speaker with a clear and resonating voice that carried so well he could be heard for a distance of a mile or more carried on a clear night. The cost for a well-wrought bell, one that resounded clearly, was ten shillings. The nickname is a compliment to Rev. John Chastain’s ability as an orator and preacher.
Death: 1805 Pendleton District (now Pickens County), South Carolina
Rev John Chastain, Sr. is buried at Chastain Cemetery in Pumpkintown, Pickens County, South Carolina, USA.
In the name of God Amen
I John Chastain of the District of Pendleton and State of South Carolina Being in a low state of health but of perfect mind and Memory thanks be given unto God calling unto mind the Mortality of my body And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die do make and ordain this my last will and testament; that is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hand of almighty God that gave it, and my body to the earth to be buried in a Decent Christian burial at the Discresion of my Executors; Nothing Doubting but at the general resurrection I Shall receive the same Again; by the mighty power of God; and as touching such worldly wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, Devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form -- First I Request that all lawful Debts be Satisfied Item I Lend and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary half my land and half my mill and land together with all my Stock and housing furniture During her life or widowhood then to fall to my two youngest children Violet and William by name and a third Expected if they all live so Long as to enjoy them it shall be Divided between them So that my son William shall have the land and part of the mill as Mention'd above and the other two the Balance Equally Divided -- Item I give and bequeath to my beloved son Benjamin Chastain the other half of my land with one cow -- Item I give to my beloved son John Chastain half the mill and seat that is on my sd land with half of all the working tools -- Item I give to my beloved son Edward Chastain fifty acres of land adjoining where he now lives. Item I give to my beloved son Joseph Chastain one hundred & Sixty Eight acres of land a part the said tract that my son Edward gets his fifty acres off. Item I lend to my beloved Daughter Cloe what of my Effects she has in custody at present During her life then to fall to her Daughter Polly -- Item I give to my beloved Daughter Nancy one Iron pot that my son John has now in custody -- Item I allow the rest of my children to have no part nor parcel of my estate more than they have Recd. And I do utterly disallow revoke & dis-annul all & every other former testament and appointing my two sons Edward & John Chastain as my Executors do rectify and set to order this my above will and testament Agreeable to the tenor thereof as I my self Likewise affirm this to be my true and Last Will testament and Disposal of my effects in witness whereof I have here-unto set my hand and Seal this 15th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred & three -- His
John X Chastain
Signed, Sealed & Delivered to the Executors in the presents of us -- Nathl. Reese
Abel Anderson
A true and correct copy. (seal) Attest:
I. J. Bailey,
Probate Judge.
Pierre Chastain to John Chastain Lineage & web address
[PC-1] Pierre Chastain (baptized April 9, 1659, Charost, France; died 1728, Goochland County, Virginia) married Susanne Renaud (daughter of Pierre Renaud); married Anne Soblet (daughter of Abraham Soblet and Susanne Briant) around 1701; married Mrs. Magdalene Flournoy Trabue (daughter of Jacob Flournoy; widow of Antoine Trabue).
[PC-5] Pierre Chastain, Jr. (born around 1707, Henrico County, Virginia) married Mildred (Middy) Archer around 1734.
[PC-15] Rev. John (Ten Shilling Bell) Chastain (born around 1743, Goochland County, Virginia; died 1805, Pendleton District, South Carolina) married Mary O'Bryan around 1765 in Buckingham County, Virginia; married Mrs. Mary Robertson around 1798 in Pendleton District, South Carolina.