Notes |
- DAR Ancestor # A207658
1775: John Fincham purchased some things at estate sale of Henry Threldkill on 3 Nov. 1775. (abstracted in Dorothy T. Wulfeck's "Culpeper County, Virginia Will Books B & C, at page 17.)
1779: Robert Fincham/Flinchum is signing of a 12 May 1779 legislative petition, Culpeper Co., VA found at the Virginia state Archives, asking for a division of the county.
1779: Robert FLINCHAM June 1779 document in the Library of Virginia, Richmond where he signed a petition to Governor Thomas Jefferson to split Culpepper Co. VA.
1780: Robert also appears on the 1780 draft classes for Culpepper Co. for the Continental Army. His brother William Flincham served in the 8th. Virginia Regiment, Continental Army and was captured at Germantown or Brandywine battles.
1780 (circa) he married Mary Pinegar, daughter of Peter and Mary Pinegar of Culpeper, and afterwards followed the Pinegars to Stokes County
1781: Film #: 0030982: A List of Classes in Culpeper County for Jan 1781 for recruiting the State's quota of Troops to serve in the Continental Army. Gen. Soc. of Utah 18305. US/CAN 975.539 m 23g No. 62 John Flinchan 64 John Flinchan and Robert Flincham, Matthias PinnegarSherry Finchum's notes regarding Robert Finchum: Culpepper Co., VA Personal Tax lists:
I do not find Robert on the 1782 list-but is subdivided by district and I may have missed him. There is a John Finchum on this list.
Robert is present on the following:
1783: Virginia Tax Payers 1782-1787 by Genealogical Publishing Company(Baltimore) 1783:Fincham, Robert 1 pollWilliam 1 pollJohn 1 poll
Robert on:
Virginia Tax Payers 1782-1787 by Genealogical Publishing Company(Baltimore) 1783:Fincham, Robert 1 pollWilliam 1 poll (uncle to this William)John 1 pollThis shows that Robert, John, and William (Likely brothers) were all over age 21 in 1783, thus were born before 1762.
Cannot locate on 1785, but again-this one is not consistently in alphabetical order and again, each district is listed separately.
1787 Census of Virginia for Culpeper County.The Personal Property Tax Lists for the year 1787 for Culpeper County, Virginiaby: Netti Schreiner-Yantis and Florene Love. Gen. Books in Print, Springfield, Virginia 1787p. 695 List "A" 1 2 3 4 5 Dist. of Daniel Brown, Commissioner.Fincham, Robert self 0 0 0 1 1 (1 cow 1 horse)John self 0 0 0 2 5 (2 cows, 5 horses)William self 0 0 0 2 2 (2 cows, 2 horses) (likely the son of Robert above.)
This indicates that all of the Fincham males besides these 3 are under age 16., thus born after 1771.Col. 1 # of white male tithables above 16 and under 212 # of blacks above 163 # of blacks under 164 # of horses, mares, colts & mules5 # of cattle
1787: A grouping by date on which commissioner visited each shows probable neighbors03/30 Fincham, Robert03/30 Pinegar, Matthias03/30 Pinegar, Peter04/18 Fincham, John .... Many names found to marry Finchams are visited on same day or nearly.Dodson, Jenkins, Nicholson, Sisk, Weakley, Cave, Frazier, Woodard.Visited 28 families 0n 4/18; 14 on 4/19; 24 on 4/20 therefore families must be close together here.05/16 Fincham, William visited 4 families on 5/16; 5 on 5/17; 15 on 5/15; 5 0n 5/17.COMMENT: We may infer that these 3 Finchams were not real close neighbors since there is so much time between visits to them.
Robert found on the following:
Not found in 1792, 1793, 1794 (or any other Finchum listed at all-any spelling).
1795, however, there is on March 14-a John Flinchum & William Flinchum (same line-2 polls), and on April 2 for a separate William Finchum (1 poll) who show up again in Culpepper Co., VA. (This William is believed to be the son of John.)
1796: April 14 for John Fincham-2 polls and on May 23 for a William Fincham-1 poll)
1797: March 10: William Fincham-1 poll; April 1st- John Fincham-1 poll and William Fincham- 1 poll (I believe father and son)
1793: Stokes Co., NC Wills, Vol I-IV 1790-1864, Page 70, 4 Sep 1793. Will of Petter Pennigar, Farmer: March Term 1795. Wife Mary. Sons Matthias and William (Mentions where Wm's house now stands"). Three daughters, Christiana MOANEE, Mary FLINCHUM, Catherine FLINCHUM. Each child beotton on body of Mary PENNIGAR, my wife. Executor: John HALBERT. Witnesses: Nathan HALBERT, Samuel CLARK, Senr. and Samuel CLARK, Junr. Signed Peter PENNIGER.
The Pinnegars moved to Stokes County in the company of the Flinchums, Zimmermans, and Ziglars and these families continued to reside near one another and intermarry.
There can be no doubt that the Robert Flinchum of Culpeper and Stokes are the same, for his father-in-law Peter Penegar (grandfather of the one who became Robert's son-in-law) referred to himself as being of Stokes when he sold land in Culpeper in 1793 (Culpeper Deed Book R, p. 356: he had moved to then-Surry and soon to be Stokes in time for the 1779 tax list).
Peter & Mary Magdalena (Ziegler) Banninger /Pinegar had five (5) children:
William Pinegar , Sr., b.1755, Culpeper Co., VA; d. Nov 1813, Stokes Co., NC; m. 1780, Culpeper Co., VA to Elizabeth Zimmerman , daughter of John & Ursula (Blankenbaker) Zimmerman , Jr.
Matthias Pinegar, Sr. , b. 1755, Frederick Co., VA; d.1830, White Co., TN; m. to Margaret Unknown , b. 1773, Berlin, Brankenberg, German ; d. White Co., TN
Catharine Pinegar /Banninger , b. ca. 1759, Culpeper Co., VA; m to Mr. Flinchum , b. ca. 1764. She may have m. to John Flinchum (Robert) of Culpeper Co., VA.
Christiana Banninger , b. 1752; m. to Mr. Moanee , b. ca. 1765.
Mary Pinegar /Banninger , b. ca. 1760, Culpeper Co., VA; d. 1820’s; m. to Robert Flinchum .
Mary Pinegar Flinchum is still living in Jan 1820 when the deeds are recorded when land was sold from Robert's estate.
1800: The Virginia Genealogist January-March 1973 Vol. 17, Number 1 FHL US/CAN 975.5 B2 jg p. 29-30 Culpeper County, Virginia 1800 Tax List cont from V 16 p. 280 District of Daniel Brown: the first number after each name is that of the white male tithables, the second is the number of horses owned, and the third and fourth, if given, are the number of slaves aged over sixteen and the number aged between twelve and sixteen.Fincham, William 1-2 1 white male- 2 horses (likely brother to Robert)William, 1-1 1 white male- 1 horse (son of John-likely Robert's brother)John 1-3-1-0 1 white male-3 horses- 1 slave over age 16
Robert-not present as he is in Stokes Co., NCCOMMENT: Note that Daniel Brown is the same tax commissioner as in 1787
North Carolina:
History of North Carolina tax lists – definition of white and black “polls”. The poll tax was imposed on males and slaves in every household. It was started in 1715 by the General Assembly and applied to all males over the age of 16 “white poll” and all slaves, male and female, over the age of 12 “black poll”, were also taxed at this time. This tax was modified in 1777 and 1784 to include property owned. In 1784, the black poll was changed to include freeman and male servants over the age of 21 (with males over 45 being exempt after 1835) and male and female slaves between the ages of 12 and 50. In 1801, the poll tax was changed to exempt males over the age of 50 and in 1817, the age was dropped to 45. After the abolition of slavery in 1868, the tax was changed to all males between the ages of 21 and 50 until the poll tax was ended in 1970. Source: “North Carolina Research: Genealogy and Local History, 1996″, by Helen Leary, pages 231-232.
TAX LISTS: Lists of Taxables for Stokes Co., NC 1790-1815 1816-1837 1838-18631793 Captain Beasley's districtFlyntcham, Robert 100 acres 1 wh. poll
1793: Robert migrated down the Great Philadelphia Wagon Road to Stokes Co. N.C. and was first documented there as witness a land deed of Joseph Winston, founder of modern day Winston Salem, N.C. in 1793. Stokes Co., NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Vol II, 1793-1795: Transcribed-pg 15: Deed from Joseph Winston to William Pennagar was proven by Robert Finchuam & ordered to be registered. 6/pd.
1795: Robert was a farmer bef 1795 on Flatshoal Creek, Meadows District, Stokes Co., NC
1795 Mc Analley's List: Stokes Co., NC Tax List: Robert Flincham 100 acres, 1 white poll
1796 Capt. Banna's Dist: Stokes Co., NC Tax List: Robert Flinchum 21 1/2 acres, 1 white poll, 1 black poll
1796: Eason's Dist.: Stokes Co., NC Tax List: Robert Flincham 100 acres, 1 white poll1797 " Eason's " : Stokes Co., NC Tax List: Robert Flinchum 100 acres, 1 white poll" Blackburn's Dist.
1797: Stokes Co., NC Tax List: Robert Flynchum (Nothing listed)1798 Stokes Co., NC:" Welch's Dist
Flincham, Robert 200 11799 Stokes Co., NC: Welch's Dist
Fincham, Robert 200 11800 Stokes Co., NC: " Heath's Dist
Flincham, Robert 200 11801: Stokes County, NCF Book 4 p. 363 Robert Flinchum from John Smith 20 December 1801. Waters of Flat Shoal Creek. Beginning at a white Oak on the East side of said creek, running 160 poles, crossing the creek to a black jack thence South 100 poles to a white Oak thence East 160 poles crossing the said creek to a pole. thence North 100 poles to a station including 100 acres.
Robert Flinchum purchased land in 1801 and 1803 adjoining Flatshoal Creek in Meadows District. There is an article on Robert. I got it from a book at the state archives in Raleigh, NC
1803: Stokes County Land Records Book 4 p. 223 Robert Flinchum from James Coffey 10 March 1803 Both, sides of Flat Shoal Creek. Beginning on a pine in John Smith's line on thewest side of the creek. Running East 160 poles to a white Oak-North 100 poles to a pine-thence west 160 poles to a post, then south 100 poles to the beginning.1808: Stokes Co., NC Land Records: 3 Dec 1808 Book 5, p. 455 Robert Flinchum from William Pruitt 100 pounds Waters of Snow Creek: Beg. on Wm. Wilson's corner a Spanish Oak running 3 chains to a White Oak East to a stake a Constituted corner thence South with the said conConstitional? line to a Locust thence to a popular on a branch ..cherry? down said branch as it meanders to the old original line thence ??? to a white Oak thence North 39 chains and 50 links to a Chestnut then East 25 chains and 25 links to the final station. 140 acres. part of a survey of 250 acres originally Ebetias Music?? Oct 22 1779. John Whitlock..Wm. Pruitt.
1808: Stokes County, NC Land Records 3 December 1808 Book 5, p. 462 Robert Flinchum from William Pruitt On waters of Snow Creek Beginning at White Oak Electier?? Masidy's?? corner thence North with his line 75 poles to a pine tree then West with Jacob Nellson's line 62 poles to a Red Oak. Ballinger;s corner thence East with his line 100 poles to a gum thence North l75 poles to a stake then West to the beginning . 25 acres, Entry orignially made by Wm. Pruitt Dec. 4, 1800.
Taxables year 1801-1806 pages 1 - 317 Stokes Co.,NC Dept. of Archive andHistory; LIST OF TAXABLES1801 Capt. Heath's Dist. Flinchum, Robert 300 acres 1 wh. poll
1802 Capt. Heath's Dist. Flincham, Robert 200 11803 Capt. Heath's Dist. Flinchum, John --- 1 (born about 1783)Flinchum, Robert 200 1
1804 Meadows Dist. Flincham, John ---- 1Meadows Dist Flinchum, Robert 200 11805 Meadows Dist Flinchum, Robert 200 11805Meadows Dist Flinchum, John ---- 11806 Meadows Dist Flinchum, William ---- 1 ** (born about 1790)Meadows Dist Flinchum, Thomas 100 1 (born about 1790)Meadows Dist Flinchum, John ---- 1Meadows Dist Flinchum, Robert 200 11808 Meadows Dist Flinchum, Robert 200 xMeadows Dist Flinchum, John ---- 1Meadows Dist Flinchum, Thomas 100 1Meadows Dist Flinchum, Wm. --- 1 **
1809 Meadows Dist Flinchum, Thomas 100 11809 Snow Creek Dist.
Flinchum, Robert 165 1Flinchum, Wm. 40 1 **1810 Snow Creek Dist.
Flinchum, Robert 166 1Flinchum, William 40 1 **Meadows Dist.
Flinchum, Thomas 100 1" " Flinchum, John 120 11810 Stokes Co., NC Census: Robert Flinchum 1 male, 90 acres a few houses away from William Flinchum, 1 male, (b by 1789) 200 acres
1810 Stokes Co.,NC Census 504 Snow Creek DistrictRobert Flynchummales 10-16 2 (born 1793-1800)26-45 1 1765-178445 + 1 before 1765 (Robert)females 0-10 1 1800-181016-26 1 1793-178426-45 1 1765-1784 (wife Mary ?)
1810 Census SEARCH finds:John Flinchum Stokes Co. NC 106Robert " 093Thomas " 106Edward " Harford Co., MD 113
1811 " " Flinchum, Thomas --- 1" " Flinchum, John 120 1Snow Creek Dist Flynchum, William 40 1 **" " " Flynchum, Robt. 165 --1812 " " "
Flinchum, WIDOW 165 --" " " Flinchum, William 100 1 **Meadow " Flinchum, John 120 1" " Flinchum, Jacob --- 1 (b about 1796)" " Flinchum, Thomas 100 1
1812: March 10, 1812 Robert’s estate was administered
1813: Stokes Co., NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Vol I, 1813:, transcribed pg 11:
A deed from William Pruet to Robt Flynchum was proven by John Whitloc OR 6/pd
1813 Snow Creek "
Flenchum, Wm. 165 1 **" " " Flenchum, Thomas 100 1Meadows " Flynchum, Jacob --- 1" " Flynchum, Jn. 120 11814 Snow Creek "
Flinchum, Thomas 100 1Meadows " Flinchum, John 120 1" " Flinchum, Jacob --- 11815 " "
Flinchum, Jacob 100 100 1" " Flinchum, John --- --- 11816-1837 Stokes Lists of Taxables C.090 700041816-18301816 Meadows Dist.
Flinchum, Jacob 100 100 1" " Flinchum, John 150 333 1" " Flinchum, William 100 100 1" " Flinchum, Thomas 100 100 11817 " " Flincham, Thomas 50 150 1" " Flincham, William 100 200 1" " Flinchum,John 150 333 1" " Flinchum, Jacob 100 120 11818 Meadows
Flincham, Thomas 50 150 1" " Flincham, William 100 200 1" " Flincham, John 150 333 1" " Flincham, Jacob 100 150 11819 " "
Flincham, Tho. 100 300 1" " Flincham, William 100 200 1" " Flincham, John 100 500 1" " Flincham, Jacob 100 120 1
1820: On 2 January 1820, Mary Flinchum, widow, and John, William, Thomas, Jacob, Robert, Samuel, and Polly Flinchum, and Peter Pinegar and Thena Nelson, sold to Isaac Vernon two tracts, one on Snow Creek adjoining Musick's corner, Jacob Nelson, and Bullens, originally granted to William Prewit and since conveyed to Robert Flinchum; and the other adjoining William Nelson, consisting of Electius Musick's entry of 22 October 1779 (Stokes Co., N.C., Deed Bk. 11, pp. 286-287). These were the heirs of Robert Flinchum, including Peter Pinegar in his wife's right as one of the daughters. Mary, the widow, was a daughter of an earlier Peter Pinegar.
Stokes County Deeds, 1846-1852 c. 090.40009 Volume 17, pages 286-287
This Indenture made this 2nd day of January in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and twenty Between Mary Flinchum widow, John Flinchum, William Flinchum, Thomas Flinchum, Jacob Flinchum, Robert Flinchum, Samuel Flinchum, Peter Pinegar, Thena Nelson, and Mary Flinchum jointly of the one part and Isaac Varnum of the other part witness that for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds in hand paid hath bargained and sold by these present do give grant confirms of alien and confirm unto Isaac Vernum a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Stokes and state of North Carolina and on the waters of Swan Creek bounded as follows:
Beginning at a white oak Elections Musicks corner thence north with ... poles to points of thence west with Jacob Nelsons’ line sixty two poles to a red oak thence…fifty poles to a post oak Bullins corner thence east with his line one hundred poles to a gum thence north twenty five poles to a Stake Thence East to the beginning and to hold the aforesaid granted piece of land with the appurtenance thereunto belonging as fully as granted with all wood, water, mining, mineral rights there as to him the said Isacc Varnum and to said said Mary Flinchum widow and the joint heirs above named doth by these present covenant and agree with the said Isaac Varnum him, his heirs, and assignees shall forever have hold occupy and possess the aforesaid granted piece of land originally granted to William Priest and by a deed of conveyance convey to Robert Flinchum which will appear on record. And that the said Mary Flinchum with the joint heirs whom above named doth bind themselves their heirs Executors and administrators jointly and severally to warrant and defend the aforesaid piece of land with said Isaac Varnum heirs and assigns forever free from all other lawfull claim whatsoever. In witness where of we bind ourselves and heirs jointly and severally by setting our hands and seals the day and date first above written in presence of :
Smauel Wilark, Peter T. Smith, John Widah,
State of North Caroline, Stokes County, March Term 1850. The executions of the within deed and duly recorded in open court by the oath of Peter T. Smith & ordered to be registered. M. O Hille, CCC
Signed by all (his X mark): Mary Flinchum, John Flinchum, William Flinchum, Thomas, Flinchum, Leroy Nelson, Peter Pinegar, Robert Flinchum, Samuel Flinchum, Thomas Mayabe
This indenture made the 2 day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty between Mary Flinchum widow of Robert Flinchum, dec’d, John Flinchum, William Flinchum, Thomas Flinchum, Jacob Flinchum, Samuel Flinchum Robert Flinchum, and , Peter Pinegar, Thena Nelson, and Polly Flinchum of the one part and Isaac Varnum of the other part witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds lawful money in hand paid hath bargained and sold and y these present give grant bargain and sell alien en of cou unto Isaac Varnum or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Stokes and state of North Carolina. Bounded as follows: Beginning at William Nelson’s corner a Spanish oak turning north three chains to a white oak thence East to a Stake a canditinual corner thence South with said condition line to a locust thence west to a poplar on a branch thence down said branch with its meanders to the old original line thence west twenty five chains and twenty five links to the first station containing one hundred and forthy acres be the same more or less together with all its wood, waters, mines minerals and herditaments. It being and entry made by Elebious Musics bearing date Octover 22 1779 which will appear on record He and all the aforesaid piece of land as fully as bounded with all it appurtenances thereunto him the said Isaac Varnum heirs and assignees forever and the aforesaid Mary Flinchum with the above named joint heirs doth hereby bind themselves their heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend the aforesaid piece of land against all lawful claim of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof we bind ourselves our heirs, executors, and administrators to the true performance therefore by setting our hand and seal to day and year first above written signed and acknowledge in the presence: Test:
Samuel Welsh Sr, Peter T. Smith, John Welch
State of North Caroline, Stokes County, March Term 1850.
Signed by all (his/her X mark):
Samuel Flinchum Jacob & Mary Flinchum
Leroy Nelson William Flinchum
Thomas Mayabe John Flinchum
Thenia Nelson Peter Pinegar
Polly Flinchum
CENSUS: 1820 SEARCH Jacob Flinchum Stokes Co., NC 343 (son of Robert)John " " 343 Oldest son of Robert)Mary " " 344 (Robert's Widow)Thomas " " 343 (son of Robert)William " " 343 (son of Robert)Samuel " White Co., TN 360 (son of Robert?)
CENSUS: 1820 census of Stokes Co., N.C.Flinchum, Marymales 16-26 1 (born 1793-1804)females 16-26 245+ 1 (Mary, widow of Robert)(Note Robert died abt 1812)1820 Meadows
Flincham, Thomas 100 200 1" " Flincham, Wm. judgement by R. Zigler 1" " Flincham, Robert 50 150 1 (b about 1806)" " Flincham, John 100 400 1summoned by R. Zigler??" " Flincham, Jacob 100 15 11820 Stokes Co., NC Census: Mary Flinchum, Robert's widow
1821-1831 1821 Meadows
Flinchum, Thomas 100 300 1" " Flinchum, John 100 400 1" " Flinchum, William 100 400 1" " Flinchum, Jacob 100 400 1" " Flinchum, Robert 50 150 11822 " "
Flyncham, Thomas 100 300 2" " Flyncham, John 100 400 1" " Flyncham, William 100 400 1" " Flyncham, Robert 50 150 11823 " "
Flinchum, Robt 50 150 1" " Flinchum, Jno --- --- 1" " Flinchum, Thos 100 300 2" " Flinchum, Wm --- --- 1" " Flinchum, Jacob 100 200 11824 couldn't find it1825 Meadows
Flincham, Thomas --- --- 1John 140 400 -Robert 50 500 1William --- --- 1Thomas Jr 200 500 1 (born about 1804)Jacob 100 100 11826 Meadows
Flyncham, Thomas Sr 210 500 1Flyncham, Thomas Jr --- --- 1Flincham, William --- --- 1Flinchum, Jacob 100 100 1Robert 50 150 1John Sr 140 355 -1827 Meadows
Flincham, Jacob 100 100 1Robert 50 50 1Thomas 200 500 1John 140 250 -William Jr 140 150 1Thomas Jr 140 150 1
1828 Meadows
Flincham, Thomas Sr. 150 300 -Thomas Jr. 140 250 1William 45 50 1Robert 50 150 1Jacob 100 50 11829 Meadow Dist
Flincham, Thos Sr. 150 250 -William 50 50 1Robert 150 50 1Jacob 100 70 11830 Meadow Dist.
Flinchum, Thomas Sr.150 300 -Thomas Jr.140 355 1William 50 50 1Jacob 100 80 -Robert 50 50 1
1830 Census: Stokes Co., NC White Persons (under 20) White Persons (20 thru 49) Free Whites All Persons
Elisha Flinchum Stokes, NC s/o Jacob 2 1 3 3
Jacob Flinchum Stokes, NC s/o Robert 4 2 6 6
James Flinchum Stokes, NC s/o William 1 1 2 2
John Flinchum Stokes, NC s/o Robert 2 1 5 5
Robert Flinchum Stokes, NC s/o Robert 1 2 3 3
Thomas Flinchum Stokes, NC s/o Robert 5 2 7 7
Thomas Flinchum II Stokes, NC s/o John 1 2 3 3
William Flinchum Stokes, NC s/o John 1 2 3 3
CENSUS: 1830 census of Surry Co., NC p.51 FHL 975.665 x26Flinchum, Mary1831 Meadow Dist
Flinchum,Thomas Sr.150 300 -Thomas Jr.140 250 1Wm 50 50 1Robert 50 50 1Jacob 100 100 -1832 Meadow Dist
Flinchum,Thomas Sr 150 300 -Thomas Jr 140 250 1Wm 50 50 1Robert 50 50 1Jacob 100 75 -Elijah --- --- 1Martin --- --- 11833 Meadow Dist
Flinchum,Thomas Sr 150 300 -Thomas Jr 140 200 1Wm 50 50 1Jacob 150 150 -Martin 105 100 1Elisha --- --- 11834 Meadow Dist
Flinchum,Thomas Sr 210 400 1Thomas Jr 145 200 1William 50 50 1Martin 105 100 1Jacob 150 150 -James --- --- 11835 Meadow Dist
Flinchum, William 50 50 1James --- --- 1Tho Jr 140 200 1Tho Sr 150 300 -Martin 105 100 1Matthew --- --- 1
"Stokes County Heritage-North Carolina", Volume II, 1990; Flinchum Family 224, by Fred Eggleston
CORRESPONDENCE: Letter FROM Fred Eggleston May 5, 1989
Two deeds, dated 2 Jan 1820, found in Stokes County deed Book 17, at pages 286-287, in which Mary, widow of Robert Flinchum, and John Flinchum, William Flinchum, Thomas Flinchum, Jacob Flinchum, Robert Flinchum, Samuel Flinchum, Katharine Penegar, Thenia Nelson, and Mary Mabe sold two tracts formerly belonging to Robert Flinchum, deceased. Recorded March term of 1850.(The deeds or other records indicate that Katharine had married Peter Penegar, Thenia had married Leroy Nelson, and Mary had married Thomas Mabe.) Robert had died shortly before 10 March 1812, as shown by papers in his intestate file at the NC State Archives.
The names of the surviving children were identified in two 1820 deeds, in Stokes County Deed book 17 on pages 286-287, in which his wife and children (all then of age) disposed of the land held at his death.There can be no doubt that the Robert Flinchum of Culpeper and Stokes are the same, for his father-in-law Peter Penegar (grandfather of the one who became Robert's son-in-law) referred to himself as being of Stokes when he sold land in Culpeper in 1793 (Culpeper Deed Book R, p. 356: he had moved to then-Surry and soon to be Stokes in time for the 1779 tax list). Peter's will made 4 Sep 1793 and proved in Stokes in March 1795, names five children including Mary Flinchum and Catharine Flinchum (James Hunter Chapter, D.A. R. Stokes County Will Abstracts, Volumes I & II, 1790-1816, p. 11)The only other Fincham/Flinchum family in NC early, other than Robert's, was that of a Thomas Flinchum who appears in the 1810 census in Salem, Stokes (later Forsyth) County, and is presumably the same as the Thomas Flincham of Rowan County, NC in the census of 1830.
Research done by Fred & Barbara Eggleston; 11600 Stephen Road; Silver Springs Maryland 20904-2728
A Thomas Flinchum or Fincham, whose name appears early in Salem District and then in Rowan County , may have been a relative.
MILITARY: By Fred Eggleston: Civil war records: Sgt. Samuel, killed at Gettysburg. served in Co.H of 53rd Reg, NC Infantry Pvt John W.R. wounded and captured at Gettysburg; James's son Pvt John W; Matthew's son Pvt Matthew P.; and Jonathan's sons Pvt Robert W., wounded and captured at Winchester and captured again at Petersburg. and Sgt James H. Three of Martin Flinchum's sons joined Company B of the 2nd Battalion, NC Infantry, soon became ill, and just went home after a few weeks, in October, 1862. Gideon soon died, James E. was hospitalized before returning to serve briefly, and then leave again, and Jonathan E. was imprisoned for two years. James's son Pvt Jacob Flinchum, was captured near Jericho Mills, Va. in 1864 after two months' service in company M of the 22nd NC Infantry, and Matthew's son James T., whose estate was administered in 1864, may have been the Flinchum reported dead in this unit on June 30, 1864.