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- Her birthdate is based on the 1850 and 1860 Census records.
Sarah was born between 1832-1840 and I find no record of a marriage in Sevier Co. According to family legend Sarah was never married, but had 3 children. She is listed in the 1850, 1860 and 1880 Sevier Co., TN with her parents.
In 1850 Cocke Co., TN Census she is listed as age 11, b SC
1860 Sevier Co., TN Census she is listed as age 20, b NC
The family is in Sevier Co in 1860, District 9-Boyd's Creek Area, Taken on 14 Jul 1860 #82-363:
John 61 b TN listed as a farmer
Caroline 43 b NC
Jane 21
Sarah 20 listed as a weaver
William 19
James 19
Caroline 15
Rufus 11
John 7
Wesley 2 (Jane's son)
Mary 4/12 (Sarah's daughter)
In 1880 Sevier Co., TN, b SC, she is listed as 43 and living with her parents,
1880 United States Federal Census
Name: John Ingle
Home in 1880: Cusicks Cross Roads, Sevier, Tennessee
11th District
Age: 85
Estimated birth year: abt 1795
Birthplace: Tennessee
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's name: Celia
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Works On Farm
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
John Ingle 85
Celia Ingle 68
Sarah Ingle 43 (Where are her children?)
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Sarah Ingle
Age: 67
Birth Date: 1832
Birthplace: Tennessee
Home in 1900: Civil District 10, Sevier, Tennessee
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Aunt
Marital status: Single
Father's Birthplace: Tennessee
Mother's Birthplace: Tennessee
Cornelius Hedrick 30
Hannah Hedrick 16
Nancy Hedrick 9/12
Sarah Ingle 67
This is the mother of John Ingle. I have been unable to find conclusive dates. She is still living at age 67 according to the 1900 Sevier Co., TN Census and listed as unmarried. She is living with a niece, Hannah, and her husband Cornelius Hedrick. Hannah's father was William INGLE a brother to this Sarah. There are no other Sarah's in Sevier Co., TN at this time period, therefore I conclude that this is my Sarah, especially because she is still unmarried in 1900. The family history says that she lived to see her grandchildren. She gives her age as 67 and her birthdate as 1832, with no month recorded. Her brother is living next door and he gives his birthyear as 1835, age 65.
Sarah's nieces, daughters of William, Sallie and Celia, both married TEAGUE brothers as my John INGLE married their sister. These close connections add to the evidence that this is my Sarah.
Her death date is from the Bible of William INGLE, her brother.
It was recorded by Belle INGLE Sufferidge that she never married the HODGES that fathered her three children: Kate, Joe, and Rube and that Kate married a JUSTUS. This is not accurate, as Joe and Rube are children of Kate INGLE JUSTUS! Kate's older sister, Mary, was fathered by a McMott.
In the Sevier County Court Minutes [Pg569] On 02 Jul 1860 State of TN vs Henry McMott for Bastardy Bond regarding: Sarah INGLE, mother of a bastard child, named Mary, by Henry McMOTT (Wm. H. McMott) . He was ordered to pay support.
Henry McMOTT on 14 Oct 1861 was ordered to pay for the second years support of the child Mary. Sevier County Court Minutes [Pg727] This child is likely our Mary INGLE who married the Texan.