Notes |
- Married Gracie Jones she was born 27 Mar 1755 died Dec 12, 1834
Buried in Bethel Baptist Ch. Cem.Rutherford County NC
I have seen his father also listed as Stephen.
The following account, with some editing, is that of Tom Morgan . In it you will see why I believe Reverend Perminter Morgan may have been among the many Baptists in North Carolina who became a part of the Stone-Campbell Movement; in any case, his grand daughter Anney Morgan and her husband James Stroud are the firs t in the family that we know for certain were members of the Church of Christ.
"Perminter Morgan, our next generation father, signed a protest petition in 1771 against the dams being built on the Deep River. This was probably the first environmental protest in America.
The tax list of Randolph County N.C. for the year 1779 show Perminter Morgan owning 4 cattle, 3 horses, and 1 pound 12 shillings English money.
The back country Baptist religion found its greatest pre-revolution leadership in Shuble Sterns. In 1755 this dynamic preacher migrated from New England and founded the Sandy Creek Baptist Church. This seat of the Primitive Baptist faith became the mother of many back country churches and issued over 125 preachers to spread the teachings before 1800.
The Sandy Creek Church is 3 miles south of the James Morgan Home stead. The second church built (1802) stands today. Hand spli t Oak walls, wooden nails, windows to the west and door to the e ast. One student of this church was Perminter Morgan, the oldest son of James and Mary and our forefather. He followed passive primitive faith closely. He never took up arms in the war of revolution. He did however, harbor his brother from the English. He was also a Whig in politics and a protestor. This passi ve civil disobedience was consistent with his faith.
Perminter became a traveling self proclaimed preacher of dynamic stature. He was found on the Rutherford County tax rolls in 1 790. He found his first church in the far west of North Carolina. He then founded and was ordained in the Mountain Creek Church of Rutherford County in 1792.
From 1802 until 1810 Perminter was the most powerful preacher i n the western Carolinas. His style and personal stature matched his teacher, the Rev. Shuble Sterns. Deep blue eyes, tall lea n body, and strong confident words caused much emotion among his followers.
Perminter broke away from the primitive Baptist faith. He believed in missionary work, did not demand passive resistance in social change, but did demand active church work by his follower s and family. Many other differences could be listed by religious scholars for from 1700 to 1850 may divisions occurred within the Baptist faith and the exact changes of each are difficult to understand. [This is why I speculate that Perminter became a Stone-Campbelite.]
In all the written words concerning the Rev. Perminter Morgan an d the breakup of the early Baptist faith none have been found to say he was anything but a dynamic, deeply religious, God lovin g man; Honored by some and loved by many.
His final church was the Bethel Missionary at Montfords Cove N.C . He and wife Grace are buried there among many of his sons, daughters, and friends."
The following article was contributed by Lafayette Morgan of Ma ion, NC, who is a direct decendent of Perminter Morgan. This was found in an old Family Bible which had been handed down to him . This Perminter Morgan according to his statement, was the Father of Stephen, James and Jesse who settled in Buncome County.
"Perminter became a minister of the Gospel in early manhood and was a Whig in politics. Once he and his wife were halted by a band of Tories while on their way home from church. He soo n convinced them that he was a minister of the Gospel and the Captain of the ban believing him to be a good man let them go on their way home.
Believed to the organizer of Mountain Creek Baptist Church, and served as its first pastor. Also the pastor of Bills Creek Baptist Church, Bethel Baptist Church in McDowell County.
In appearance he was medium height, erect, active and inclined t o be a little overweight, weighing abt 175. He had penetrating , deep blue eyes and was a man of great endurance and untiring energy. He was a man of great piety and was considered a speaker of great force.
He help organize the Broad River Baptist Assoiciation in 1800 an d was a messenger to both the Bethel and Charleston Association prior to 1800.
When at last over come by a malignant diseased, he was forced to lay down his work and go hence to met death like the Christian he had lived.
A last statement from Perminter Morgan to his children., wherein he calls his children by name:
"To my eight sons and two daughters:
I know my time here is not long. I would feign drop a few word s as a farewell.
Death is certain and wisdom is desirable; then the fear of the L ord is the beginning of wisdom, and when we set out on any busin ess certainly we would like to have a friend. Christ is a frien d that sticketh closer than a brother.
If God be for us who can be against us? God did not create us for the devil. Christ bore his image, and although we are fallen in Adam, our federal head, yet in the second Adam we can come without money or price. All is yours if you will come to Christ, and if you do not come when the offer is made, "Woe be to the Gospel Slighter?", sin will sink him where mercy cannot be vented.
Who of you will meet me at the right hand of Jesus? Will Stephen; will Martha; will James and Elijah; Will John; will Polly, will my namesake Perminter; where is Jesse, if he is lost it wil l be with his eyes open. Oh! Abner and Johnathan is not Heaven and Eternal Life worth seeking for?"
Perminter's children and grandchildren were also ministers, founding churches
themselves. ... Many of these preachers rode a circuit, ministering to flocks
in several churches in many widespread, outlying communities . I don't know
if you are familiar with the Appalachian landscape, but before the advent of
mass transit it was a rugged terrain that left the mountaineers very isolated
from the rest of the world.
Find A Grave:
Rev Perminter Morgan
Birth: Aug. 29, 1755
Death: Apr. 28, 1824
McDowell County
North Carolina, USA
Rev. Perminter Morgan (spelled Permenter in his day) was a Pioneer Baptist Minister throughout the region. He was the grandson of Permenter Morgan of Wales. He was born in St. George Parish, Harford Co., Maryland, and was the oldest son of James Morgan Sr. and Mary Davis, who were married July 18, 1754. The family of James Morgan and Mary Davis came to North Carolina in 1764 and first settled in old Rowan Co, NC (now Guilford and Randolph Counties) along the Uwharrie River. Perminter married Gracie Jones about 1775 (probably in Guilford or Randolph Co). Their first 2 children (Rev. Stephen Morgan, and Martha Morgan Owenby) were born in Randolph County, and they then the family moved to old Tryon County (now Rutherford County), where Permenter served as a circuit riding Baptist preacher to spread the Baptist doctrine. The rest of their children (James, John, Jesse, Jonathan, Abner, Permenter Jr, Mary Jane "Polly", and Elijah), were all born in Rutherford County.
Rev. Perminter Morgan was the first pastor of Mountain Creek Baptist Church, organized about 1780 in Rutherfordton. He was also the first pastor of Bill's Creek Baptist Church in Lake Lure. Sometime later he moved his family to the Sugar Hill area of McDowell County. There, he was the first pastor of Bethel Baptist Church when organized in 1801. He continued as pastor of Bethel Baptist Church until his death in 1824.
* Bethel Baptist Church (by Autumn)
Some may have already noticed or will take notice that I have contributed many memorial pages to Findagrave as of those that were buried at this Bethel Baptist Church's Cemetery, Bethel Church Rd. and in doing so, some may have wondered perhaps why...if you will read the added information underneath the old Bethel Church building photo showing on this memorial page...then you will understand more.. as to the reason..why? ..Thanks! `Autumn-
Family links:
Gracie Jones Morgan (1755 - 1834)*
Stephen Morgan (1776 - 1859)*
Martha Ann Morgan Owenby (1778 - 1853)*
Martha Morgan Owenby (1778 - 1863)*
James Squire Morgan (1780 - 1854)*
Jessie Morgan (1785 - 1859)*
Jonathan Morgan (1788 - 1862)*
Abner Morgan (1790 - 1857)*
Permenter Morgan (1793 - 1859)*
Mary Jane Morgan Wilkerson (1795 - 1858)*
Elijah Morgan (1798 - 1869)*
Pioneer Baptist Preacher
Erected 1937 By Their Descendants
Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery
McDowell County
North Carolina, USA
The following alternative genealogy is from a website
The Morgans started in Wales, moved to Pennsylvania, then to Rutherford and Rowan Counties, North Carolina. Susanna's father, James Morgan was the brother of the Rev. Perminter Morgan, a famous Baptist preacher. The Morgan family tree is as follows:
Perminter Morgan of Wales had a son;
Stephen Morgan Stephen lived in Virginia and had at least two sons;
Rev. Perminter Morgan born in Virginia in 29 Aug. 1755 and died 28 Ap. 1824 at Sugar Hill in Rutherford County, North Carolina . His wife was Gracie Jones born 27 Mar. 1755
and died 14 Dec. 1834. They were both buried at the Bethel Church in McDowell County, North Carolina. They were the parents of 10 children;
Gilbert Town: It's Place in North Carolina and Revolutionary War History
Nancy Ellen Ferguson
Rutherford County, North Carolina, Historian
Rutherford, North Carolina, was formed April 14, 1779, from a part of old Tryon County. (Lincoln County was formed from the remaining part.)
Among the cases at this time were local men accused of treason for being Tories. James Withrow and Robert Porter were appointed Commissioners of Confiscated Property, property seized from co nvicted Tories. Later some of the wives were able to reclaim the ir husbands' property after the men took the oath of allegiance.
Not all the cases during the war were about allegiance. Reverend Perminter Morgan, pastor of Mountain Creek Baptist Church, bro ught the Reverend Daniel Asbury of the Methodist Church before j ustice of the peace Jonathon Hampton at the courthouse. Morgan c omplained that Asbury did not have a license to preach. Hampto n asked Morgan if what Asbury preached hurt the people in any wa y. Morgan answered that it did not. Hampton then said to let Asb ury go and preach, as it did not harm the people - It might hel p them.
# I checked an online index of Morgans buried in Western NC. The great majority are in Baptist cemeteries. There were no African American Morgans, so they evidently did not hold slaves. Text:
# Text: at
Rutherford Co. Census
Date SNDX L Name F Name NARS StR Pg# Famil y Grp.
1790 M625 MORGAN Elias M-637 007 116 01 01 0 5 00 00
1790 M625 MORGAN Eliza M-637 007 118 00 01 0 2 00 00
1790 M625 MORGAN George M-637 007 119 01 03 0 1 00 00
1790 M625 MORGAN Perminter M-637 007 116 02 06 0 3 00 00
1800 M625 MORGAN John M-32 033 127 10100-0 0100-00
1800 M625 MORGAN Martha M-32 033 129 00100-0 0001-00
1800 M625 MORGAN Morgan M-32 033 128 01120-3 1010-00
1810 M625 MORGAN Edward M-252 042 156 NdRcd
1810 M625 MORGAN Frederick M-252 042 156 NdRcd
1810 M625 MORGAN James M-252 042 120 NdRcd
1810 M625 MORGAN John M-252 042 118 NdRcd
1810 M625 MORGAN John M-252 042 121 NdRcd
1810 M625 MORGAN Perminter M-252 042 120 NdRcd
1820 M625 MORGAN Abraham M-33 080 368 NdRcd
1820 M625 MORGAN Elijah M-33 080 369 NdRcd
1820 M625 MORGAN Jesse M-33 080 368 NdRcd
1820 M625 MORGAN John M-33 080 369 NdRcd
1820 M625 MORGAN Jonathan M-33 080 368 NdRcd
1820 M625 MORGAN Permit Jr. M-33 080 368 NdRcd
1820 M625 MORGAN Permit Sr. M-33 080 368 NdRcd
1830 M625 MORGAN Charles M-19 124 477 2nd Reg iment
1830 M625 MORGAN Elijah M-19 124 458 1st Reg iment
1830 M625 MORGAN Jesse M-19 124 458 1st Reg iment
1830 M625 MORGAN John M-19 124 458 1st Reg iment
1830 M625 MORGAN Jonathan M-19 124 458 1st Reg iment
1830 M625 MORGAN Perminter M-19 124 458 1st Reg iment
In 1809 the act of 1807 annexing part of Burke to Rutherford was amended to read as follows:
..... That a line shall extend from the White Oak mentioned in the above recited act, on the old east and west line, to a stake ; thence crossing Little Rock
Creek, to the south side of the tract whereon Widow Smith lives; thence crossing Big Rock Creek, to the north side of Moses Black's buildings: thence to a
place called the Dye-Stone; thence to the north side of Levi Trout's buildings; thence between the Plantations of Perminter Morgan and Henry Carter,
From an online site about the Sugar Hill Baptist Cemetary:
By W. D. Floyd
This cemetery is south of Marion, NC. You can get to it by going south on US221 from Marion or I-40. Turn west on Mudcut Road and you should find signs to the church and cemetery. I a m just don't know the area that well. I was there October 31, 1997 and I started the audit in the southwest corner of the cemetery.
These are just a few of the earliest Morgans:
Morgan, J. B. Co. F 58 NC Inf. CSA
Morgan, Christian April 30, 1835 March 15, 1876 w/o PBM
Morgan, Posey H. September 24, 1816 January 9, 1891
Morgan, Mira 25 years October 16, 1845
Morgan, Mary November 30, 1795 July 24, 1880 w/o Perminter
Morgan, Perminter, Jr. August 24, 1793 October 4, 1859 s/o Rev . P. Morgan
Morgan, Stephen May 2, 1826 July 4, 1856 s/o Elijah
Morgan, John P. September 22, 1828 August 12, 1841 s/o Elijah
Morgan, Perminter R. August 30, 1821 July 8, 1845 s/o Elijah
Morgan, M. S. August 30, 1874 January 6, 1917
Morgan, J. F. September 19, 1844 March 24, 1925
Morgan, Polly L. February 2, 1851 September 15, 1894
Morgan, Gracy A. January 2, 1870 February 11, 1892
Morgan, M. W. c1820 c1910
From the same website:
Morgan, Albert T. gs/o Koon, George 1859 Rutherford
Morgan, Althey d/o Wilkerson, Jethro 1853 Rutherford
Morgan, Betsey Elizabeth w/o Morgan, Davis 1864 Rutherford
Morgan, Craton s/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, Damaris (dead) d/o Koon, George 1859 Rutherford
Morgan, Davis wit/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, Elijah wit/o Morgan, E. P. 1863 Rutherford
Morgan, Gracy w/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, Grayson s/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, Humphrey P. gs/o Koon, George 1859 Rutherford
Morgan, J. W. extr/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, James s/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, James wit/o Ledbetter, Walton 1809 Rutherford
Morgan, Jethro s/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, John s/o Morgan, Elias 1791 Rutherford
Morgan, John P. s/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, M. W. wit/o Morgan, E. P. 1863 Rutherford
Morgan, Margaret d/o Anderson, John 1811 Rutherford
Morgan, Martha w/o Morgan, John 1797 Rutherford
Morgan, Nancy gd/o Koon, George 1859 Rutherford
Morgan, Perminter H. s/o Morgan, E. P. 1863 Rutherford
Morgan, Polly w/o Morgan, E. P. 1863 Rutherford
Morgan, Polly d/o Morgan, Stephen 1858 Rutherford
Morgan, Sarah d/o Bradley, John 1778 Tryon
Morgan, William s/o Morgan, Elias 1791 Rutherford
Morgan, Boyce M 8822 Mount Delano Dr, El Paso, TX 79904-2232
Phone: (915)755-0764 Has researched Abner's line Permin ter Morgan, our next generation father, signed a protest petition in 1771 against the dams being built on the Deep River. Thi s was probably the
first environmental protest in America.
James Morgan Sr. was participant in the Revolutionary War. Hi s service as
an officer or enlisted soldier has not been documented. However, his
appearance at the "The Battle of Alamance", designation as a Wig in politics,
receipt of bounty for supplies, and records of his neighbors and son leave
little doubt he fought in the war of revolution.
The tax list of Randolph County N.C. for the year 1779 show Jame s Morgan
owning 66 acres of improved land, 590 acres other land, 14 cattle, 6 horses,
and 80 pounds English money. Perminter Morgan was listed in the same tax
district owning 4 cattle, 3 horses, and 1 pound 12 shillings English money.
The back country Baptist religion found its greatest pre-revolution
leadership in Shuble Sterns. In 1755 this dynamic preacher migrated from
New England and founded the Sandy Creek Baptist Church. This seat of the
Primitive Baptist faith became the mother of many back country churches and
issued over 125 preachers to spread the teachings before 1800.
The Sandy Creek Church is 3 miles south of the James Morgan Homestead. The
second church built (1802) stands today. Hand split Oak walls , wooden nails,
windows to the west and door to the east. One student of this church was
Perminter Morgan, the oldest son of James and Mary and our forefather. He
followed passive primitive faith closely. He never took up arms in the war
of revolution. He did however, harbor his brother form the English. He was
also a Whig in politics and a protestor. This passive civil disobedience was
consistent with his faith.
Perminter became a traveling self proclaimed preacher of dynamic stature.
He found his first church in the far west of North Carolina. He then
founded and was ordained in the Mountain Creek Church of Rutherford County in
Form 1802 until 1810 Perminter was the most powerful preacher in the western
Carolinas. His style and personal stature matched his teacher, the Rev.
Shurble Sterns. Deep blue eyes, tall lean body, and strong confident words
caused much emotion among his followers.
Perminter broke away from the primitive Baptist faith. He believed in
missionary work, did not demand passive resistance in social change, but did
demand active church work by his followers and family. Many other
differences could be listed by religious scholars for; from 1700 to 1850 may
divisions occurred within the Baptist faith and the exact changes of each are
difficult to understand.
In all the written words concerning the Rev. Perminter Morgan and the
breakup of the early Baptist faith none have been found to say he was
anything but a dynamic, deeply religious, God loving man; Honored by some and
loved by many.
His final church was the Bethel Missionary at Montfords Cove N.C . He and
wife Grace are buried there among many of his sons, daughters, and friends.
Tom Morgan
From Charmaine Ernst:
In answer to your question, the Morgan's and Wilkerson's, etc, for the most
part, stayed in the mountains of North Carolina for generations . Many of
their descendents still reside in the area. He was a minister a nd founder
of several Baptist Churches. From what little I know, he appears have been
very charismatic and respected as a minister. For a while he r sided in
Gulliford Co., NC where he met and married Gracie Jones. The next location
they lived in was Lincoln County, NC.
From Lincoln County, several of the families that marry into the
Morgan line, along with the Morgans, move to Rutherford County . I don't think
they were in Rutherford for a long period (this may be due to the fact that
the counties were splitting and forming new ones rapidly during the early
1800's). From Rutherford they move to McDowell County where they settled in
( so to speak). Perminter founded Bethel Baptist Church, which still stands
today, and he and Gracie are buried in the cemetary there. (As are
generations of their descendents!)
You say you found a concentration of Strouds in Marion, NC. I think you
found the fount. Marion is the county seat of McDowell County , NC. The area
that Perminter and Gracie Jones Morgan's settled in now has a M rion address.
At that time it was called Sugar Hill Twp. It is really in the middle of
nowhere, half way between Old Fort and Marion, and a short hop from
Rutherford County, NC. I spent many a childhood vacation being bored
As you will see, when I send the information, many of the descen dants had
large families. In some there were 10 to 15 children!!!!! A ve ry commom
occurance in rural families up until WWII. You will also find t hat many of
Perminter's children and grandchildren were also ministers, foun ding churches
themselves. ... Many of these preachers rode a circuit, ministe ring to flocks
in several churches in many widespread, outlying communities . I don't know
if you are familiar with the Appalachian landscape, but before the advent of
mass transit it was a rugged terrain that left the mountaineers very isolated
from the rest of the world.
From the same source's website:
Part 2- Rebekah Sellars and Moses Wilkersons children who married Morgans:
Elizabeth "Lina" Wilkerson b. 1792 Burke Co., NC; d. September 11, 1840
Rutherford Co., NC
m. 1811 to Abner Morgan (7th child of Permenter and Gracie Jone s Morgan)
b. August 18, 1790 Rutherford Co., NC
d. April 14, 1857 Van Buren Co., AR (buried at Old
Springs Cem)
Abner went with some of his children to Arkansas about 1842, after the death
of his wife Elizabeth Wilkerson Morgan.
Moses Morgan b. 1812 Rutherford Co., NC; d. abt. 1903 Van Buren Co., AR
Liberty Springs Cem.)
m. Martha Ledbetter September 26, 1836 Rutherford Co., NC
(d/o Johnathan and Nancy Wells Ledbetter)
Martha Jane Morgan b. 1813 d. 1813 Rutherford Co., NC
Rebecca Morgan b. May 12, 1815 Ruterford Co., NC; d. June 1890
m. Daniel David Koon March 26, 1836 Rutherford Co., NC
Perminter Morgan b. June 19, 1818; d. November 6, 1891 Bloomfi eld, AR.
(Blagg Cem.)
m. 1852 Margaret Thomas
Jesse Morgan b. 1819 Rutherford Co., NC (no further information )
Aney Morgan b. 1820; d. Date unknown In AR.
m. James Stroud February 20, 1840 Rutherford Co., NC
(s/o William and Delilah ? Stroud)
Tempie Morgan b. 1822 Rutherford Co., NC; d. April 20, 1898
m. Drury Mashburn January 10, 1898 Rutherford Co., NC
Capt. Abner Morgan b. 1824 Rutherford Co., NC; d. Unknown
m. Mary Jane Aiken in 1846
John H. Morgan b. March 16, 1826; d. May 14, 1911 Chico, CA (B uried Chico
m. Nancy Jane Mills 1853 in AR
Elizabeth Morgan b. 1828 Rutherford Co.; d. August 21, 1888
m. Marion Koon (s/o Peter and Susannah Owenby Koon)
Porter Owenby "P.O." Morgan b. June 6, 1830 Rutherford Co., NC
d. KIA Ft. Delaware, N.J. 1865
(buried at Round Hill Baptist
Cem., Ruthrford Co.,NC)
m. Alziria Nanney (d/o Thomas and Mary "Polly" C. Flack Nanney)
Lucinda Morgan b. June 7, 1833 Rutherford Co., NC; d. Unknown
m. 1) C.W. Mills; 2) Elijah Hall
Mary Jane Morgan b. May 15, 1835 Rutherford Co., NC; d. June 8 , 1918 Van
Buren Co., AR. (Old Liberty Springs Cem.)
m. William M. McCaslin
Many descendents of this line moved on into Texas.
Re: Rebekah Sellars and Moses Wilkerson, Burke Co., NC
Part 3- Rebekah Sellars and Moses Wilkerson's children who marr ied Morgans
. Elijah Morgan was the 10th and last child)
Rebecca Wilkerson and Johnathan Morgan
Rebecca Wilkerson b. June 28, 1792 Burke Co., NC
d. February 20, 1859 McDowell Co., NC
(buried Bethel Baptist Church Cem.,
Co., NC
Headstone inscribed "Rebecca, Loving
Consort of Johnathan
m. Johnathan Morgan (6th child of Permenter and Gracie Jones Mor gan)
on Febraury 18, 1811 Burke Co., NC
b. January 9, 1788 Rutherford Co., NC
d. 1862 McDowell Co., NC (buried Bethel Baptist Church Cem. ne xt to
Rebecca, headstone is
Elysabeth Morgan b. March 18, 1812 Rutherford Co., NC; (no fu rther
Martha Morgan b. October 10, 1813 Rutherford Co., NC; (no fur ther
Wilson Morgan b. December 15, 1815 Rutherford Co., NC; d. Augus t 20, 1860
McDowell Co., NC
m. Rebecca Morgan (1st cousin, d/o Permenter, Jr and Mary "Polly " Wilkerson
Morgan) on September 26, 1836
Jethro Morgan b. March 20, 1816 Rutherford Co., NC; d. Septembe r 20, 1863
in the Civil War- 58th NC Infantry CSA- Co.F)
m. 1) Elizabeth "Lizzie" White 1842; 2) Mary Jamison 1854; 3) Na ncy Isabel
Israel May 22, 1863
Rebecca Morgan b. June 18, 1818 Rutherford Co., NC; d. May 17 , 1888
Co., NC
m. 1) Jones H. Morgan (s/o James "Squire" and Margaret "Peggy" G rant
note: James is the 3rd child of Permenter and Gracie Morgan) Jan uary 5,
2) Judson Enoch Morgan (s/o Jesse Morgan and Mary "Polly" Grant
note: Jesse 5th child of Permenter and Gracie Morgan) on Novemeb er 12, 1855
Buncombe Co., NC
Grace Morgan b. February 2, 1821 Rutherford Co., NC; d. Januar y 11, 1919
Buncombe Co., NC
m. Lewis R. Morgan (s/o James "Squire" and Margaret "Peggy" Gra nt Morgan)
January 5, 1836
Pauline Morgan b. December 14, 1822; d. December 4, 1823 Ruther ford Co.,
Johnathan Morgan, Jr b. October 5, 1824 Rutherford Co., NC; d . March 13,
McDowell Co., NC
m. Elizabeth Harris (d/o Abel and Elizabeth Mashburn Harris) o n October 8,
Moses J. Morgan b. September 6, 1826 Rutherford Co., NC; (no fur ther
Micajah "Cage" Morgan b. October 21, 1828 Rutherford Co., NC; J uly 31,
McDowell Co., NC
m. 1) Martha Koon; 2) Susannah Tipton
Mary Morgan b. 1831 Rutherford Co., NC; d. Unknown
m. Stephen A. Morgan (s/o James "Squire" and Margaret "Peggy" Gr ant Morgan)
Alfred Webb Morgan b. July 11, 1833 Randolph Co., NC; d. Octobe r 5, 1909
McDowell Co., NC (Montford's Cove)
m. Mary Salina Nanney (d/o Thomas and Mary "Polly" C. Flack Nann ey) on May
17, 1860
Permenter W. Morgan b. September 17, 1835; d. September 20, 1863 (KIA in
the Civil War) (no further informtion)
7.6: Porter Owenby, born 1774 in Amherst County, Virginia. He ma rried Martha Morgan, daughter of the Rev.
Perminter Morgan, who was a pioneer Baptist Minister (See articl e #479, Vol. I, Heritage of Old Buncombe
County, NC which indicates that eventually Porter and Martha moved to Union County, Georgia, where they
# died. Their descendants would probably have to be traced from that area. Text:
# Text: I removed quite a few African Americans from the Stroud cemetary list. The Morgan list, although longer, has no African Americans.
# Text:
# Text:
# Text: