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- 1920 Gregg Co TX Census, Justice Prec. #3. Sup Dist. No. 3, ED No. 8, Sheet 1A. Line 5, Farm 2, Dwelling No. 2, Family No. 2:
SMITH, Samuel M., head, Owns free. Male, white, age 57 (1863), married. Can read and write. Born in TX. Parents born in TN. Farmer, general farming. EM Sch No. 2
Evelinne, wife, female, white, age 51 (1869), married. Can read and write. Born in TX. Parents born in AL.
Farm 3:
SMITH, John, son, male, white, age 17 (1903), single. Can read and write. Born in TX. Parents born in TX. Sch No. 3.
Farm 4:
SMITH, Hugh C., son, male, white, age 25 (1895), married. Can read and write. Born in TX. Parents born in TX. Farmer, general farming. EM Sch No. 4.
Marrayette, daughter in law, female, white, age 19 (1901). Can read and write. Born in TX. Parents born in TX.
DERRYBERRY, Polly, aunt, female, white, age 73 (1847), widowed. Can read and write. Born in US. Parents born in US.
Source Media Type: Census